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  1. C

    Kulh Loach

    They don't ship well. So acclimatize them slowly and provide them with plenty of color. Once established they are hardy, but make sure the temp doesn't go over 80F for too long or you will lose some.
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    crazy gouramis

    To make a nest you need a quite sheltered space, and a ripe female in the tank doesn't jurt either.
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    Females are very hard to find. You may have to order them offline. Otherwise you will have to get very lucky to find female dwarves.
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    Zebra Danio Question

    I just can't see a zebra danio reaching 6 inches, I think you're looking at the gaint danio which does indeed get to 6 inches.
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    peacock gudgeons

    Badis badis, I have found, to be a seasonal fish, meaning it is only imported at certain times in the year. Try looking for it in the spring and summer monthes.
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    I'm seeing RED!!!!

    Add more carbon it sounds like the old carbon is used up, or give it another day and if it hasn't gone away by then definately add more carbon.
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    Dwarf Gourami

    You can add dwarf gouramis, but you should add one male and two females, and not a pair. They really do look great.
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    what happened to my male swordfish

    After you can move the ropefish back to the store and find a home for the bala shark and the loach, I would suggest some tetras and barbs. Not tiger barbs, but say black ruby barbs, or cherry barbs, or any kind of rasbora is usually good. Tetras that stay about 2 in are almost always nice. You...
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    He may feel as if it will be impossible for him to defend the nest from three hungry females. Try removing all the females except the one you plan to breed.
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    1200 gallon tank

    (jaw drops) Man I wish I had the space, time, and the money for a tank like that. :D
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    Life span of fish??

    Sorry but there is no way a dwarf or honey gourami is going to have an average lifespan of 4 years. They live for 1 year max in the wild, and in the aquarium I have never been able to keep them past 2 years. After about a year they get weak unbreedable, and eventually succumb to a disease. Oh...
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    what happened to my male swordfish

    Hi, I'm really glad you are interested in fish. I am quite pleased to hear that your fish are doing well except for the sword, but... I have to warn you your tank is far too small to house either a clown loach or a bala shark. Balas get to a foot easy, need a lot of room and like to school...
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    Mr. Nice Guy

    You may have gotten lucky and it sounds like you did. As you found out fish do have different personalities. I would watch him and make sure he doesn't suddenly change into a monster but he sounds alright to me.
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    brine shrimp

    It's hard and fairly pointless to raise brineshrimp to adulthood. When they become adults they tend to have almost no nutrional value, like chips. Therefore most people just hatch them and feed them right away to fry. If you buy aquarium salt on the side they give the amount needed to raise them.
  15. C

    Do fish drink?

    As fish exercise more they may lose water but then water will be absorbed faster because osmosis will happen faster. Fish do pee, but it contiuoslyinstead of like us. They don't need to hold it in so they just release it as it is produced.
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    What is the differance

    It's just a mutation in the genes that allow the crowntail tail to grow like that. The bottom one is the wild time, and they will interbreed, as stated above, because they are the same fish. It's just like skin color in people. A person can have a different skin color but they are exactly the...
  17. C

    what fish

    That tank looks stocked. The loaches get from 6 -12 inches a piece, and the shark gets to about 6 inches, the gouramis are another 7 1/2 inches, and let's say the cat will get to 4-6 inches. I would watch the shark as they can get aggressive. GL ;)
  18. C

    Different colour dwarfs interbreeding.

    Different strains of the dwarf can easily interbreed there is more to breeding than just color, smell, behavior, and in the end the gametes all play an important roll. Females are a plain silver males have all the color. The pic diffinately shows a female.
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    Opaline Gourami

    I would say yes, but would suggest heavily no. I ket and am keeing blues in 29-gal and I don't think it suits them at all. I really think a minimum for them is a 55-gal. Go with more dwarves, more specfically females.
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    Suddenly Agressive Pearl Gourami

    I would suggest two or three more Pearls in the comany of others you're rogue may calm down, or he may ust be a rogue. However of all the gourami I have found pearls to be the least aggressive.
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    Golden Gouramis

    I think she maybe a female trying to establish herself in the hierarchy. I would suggest that the sot is from a rubbed off scale. Nothing much make sure it doesn't get infected. Also you may want to move the other gourami for it's own safety. I didn't think it was a US site, I thought it was...
  22. C

    Little Honey Gouramis

    I think six in a 35-gal are fine AS LONG AS only two are male. Get rid of the other gourami, they can pick on the honeys, and cherry barbs are some of the most docile barbs in the world. They wouldn't bother a neon tetra. Also if you want to see some cool behavior from them set up two clumps of...
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    did... Crumple have a sex change?

    I had a "female" that turned out to be a male. However all the while I kept him in a 29-gal with another male. They didn't fight just chased each other when one got too close to the other's side!
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    check this gourami out

    There are two kinds of gaint gourami, one which is 4in and another which is the picture well over 2 feet. You really can't keep them unless you have a huge tank.
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    Why do fish eat their young?

    The answers above are good. On top of that fish that don't protect their young usually spawn in huge numbers. Therefore when they eat eggs they are almost certainly eating a rivals eggs, INCREASING the chance that their genes will pass on because they have fewer competitors with their fry.
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    How to.

    Go to and look at their bio for dwarf gouramis. Good luck!
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    Asian Biotope

    I would say remove the clown loaches and add six Zebra loaches. Also what kind of gouramis are we talking about? I would suggest three pearl gouramis. Finally I think the shark would have issues with the tiger barbs(personal experience) and other bottom dwellers. Switch him out for another loach...
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    blue Gouramis

    Hey guppy that's a female dwarf gourami, or possibly a colivated male, not a blue gourami.
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    New Gourami's

    You can probably add four or five pearl's to a 60 and probably 3 or 4 more golds. That should mitigate the aggression.
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    my new dwarf gourami died

    Do you change your water often? If not metals could build up and fish can die from them.
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    Chocolate Gourami

    Tropical Fish Hobbyist just ran an article on them, you should pick up a copy. Also chocolates are VERY AGGRESSIVE. Yes, aggressive not peaceful. To other fish they are fin, but they act like male bettas to each other. Often times they die because another chocolate kills them. You should pick...
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    Settin up a fry tank

    In such a small tank don't forget to change about 100 percent of the water everyday. Not all at once and make sure the water level stays the same, but for fast fry growth nothing works like water changes.
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    Has anyone ever raised a squid?

    Public aquariums keep them, BUT they are cannaballistic, aggressive, smart, and very fast. Plus the excellent water conditions needed and the amount of food and money so no not in a home aquarium have they been kept.
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    how many clownfish do i need?

    You can add another clown if you add it at the same time.
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    Croaking Gourami?

    There are three types of croaking gourami. There is are two tiny 2-3cm ones, and one 5-6cm one. The males and females can croak. They need caves, they like warm water, they are timid, but can take care of themselves, and they are bubble nest builders. If you can pick this fish up. By the way the...
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    kissing gourmi

    Don't wait, the loser won't change his attitude. It has lost in is now in the territory of the dominant fish, it has no chance of cheering up, you will need to move it or give it away, sorry :sad:
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    Those are fins the pelvic actually, and they have tastebuds all over them so that the gouamri can taste things before they go in their mouths.
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    I hate flowerhorns. There just are not enough fish in the sea to please people so they make their own. On top of that if that thing interbreeds with it's parent species what then, a lot of weak hybrids that's what. Please encourage people against buying, or selling of these monsters. :angry:
  39. C

    my mystery fish

    Hi glubglub, I think you are absolutely right they are gouramis. Not servums. Don't go by the color of the fish but fin and body shape and if you look closley they don't have the head or the body of a servum. Second they are probably not kissing gouramis either. This is because kissing...
  40. C

    What do you think of this for a 29-gal???

    I have seen that site before and I really liked it. However the Badis in that is a different species from the Badis I now have. Those I can't breed because they don't import females into the states :angry: . Oh well I have the larger and very stunning Badis badis. You really need to keep this...