Search results

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    Tiny Organisms in Shrimp Tank

    I had detritus worms everywhere in my shrimp tank. Yes I was overfeeding but most of them seem to be gone now. Since that happaned I started observing the tank more closely and I noticed tiny white jumpy organisms. Its impossible to take a good photo of them cause the camera wont focus and...
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    Amano shrimp turning milky?

    I have around 15 amano shrimp and I had them for over half a year now (could be almost a year) Around a week or two ago I noticed that one shrimp turned milky. What is it and what should I do? Water parameters have not changed during this time. Dont remember the exact numbers but everyting is...
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    How should I set up my shrimp tank?

    So thats the tank set up but the sponge filters are removed. The dennerle filter is super quiet you can't hear a thing at least for now. On one of the photos you can see how many things it had caught in 4 days. They stay on the baby shrimp attachment so I guess baby shrimp should be fine? The...
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    Fish Dissapearing

    The first 3 dies shortly after I got them I know it wasnt the shops fault if they have been starved but the breeders as the shop actually takes care of their fish. Many times when I went to the shop they were feeding them or cleaning the tanks they also have a quarantine room where all the fish...
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    Fish Dissapearing

    There is algae forming in the tank cause there is always loads behing the heater where they cant reach so I think they eat all the algae that forms on glass. I do have driftwood and I do give them algae wafers however I never saw them eating it. Maybe the other ones didnt have enough food and...
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    Fish Dissapearing

    All the parameters are fine and I didnt have any other deaths in months just the otos. Could they die because they ate too much or not enough? I got them to get rid of my from the glass and since I have them the glass is spotless I think thats because of them. So is it possible its too much...
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    Fish Dissapearing

    So I have 90l tank. i have a Betta, 15 tetras and around 15 amano shrimp I also had 6 otos and thats where I have a problem I got them before xmad not sure exactly when. One has died around January but before that 2 of them dissapeared. After that I was left with 3. Today while cleaning the...
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    How should I set up my shrimp tank?

    I came across it when I was looking for a tank and I found the dennerle nano cube and they have starter kits for shrimp so you get a tank soil light some other products and also this filter. I just got the tank on its own as I already had a light and few other things so getting the full kit...
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    How should I set up my shrimp tank?

    I don't think the filter itself is super safe for baby shrimp but you can get the babyprotect attachment and it should be fine I guess Like it looks like it just has a sponge inside so it could be working just like a sponge filter. And I have noticed that this company has many shrimp products...
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    How should I set up my shrimp tank?

    I got seachem flourite black sand as a substrate - I got some soil before but it annoyed me so I just dumped it all out and might use it for some other tank it was just too messy and I feared that it will mess up the water with each clean. I have the seachem flourite black gravel in my main tank...
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    How should I set up my shrimp tank?

    I bought Dennerle Nano Cube 30l The dimensions are 30x30x35xm I am planning to make it into a shrimp tank. I have nothing ready for it I just have the tank and I'm looking for ideas for it. I know it has to be cycled and stuff but that will come after everything is set up. I have a heater and...
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    Nano Shrimp Aquarium

    I did not know that its not fully submersible o_O should have read the instructions properly :book: Im glad it doesnt fit properly to my tank so it was never fully submersed. I might order the tank next week so in a month or so it should be ready to put the shrimp in. Update : Found the...
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    Nano Shrimp Aquarium

    I am planning to buy Dennerle NanoCube for my shrimp - Different grades of red cherry. It is 30x30x35 cm and the one I have now is 20x20x20cm And I have few questions: 1. Will there be easier to maintain the bigger tank? (when cleaning the one now I take out half of the water before the gravel...
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    Shrimp Dying

    I would never think that keeping shrimp is so complicated. I was planning to go to a fish store to get the water so I might go somethime next week. Im also looking for a bigger tank around 20L so its gonna be easier to keep. This one is way too small and almost impossible to clean the gravel...
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    Shrimp Dying

    So I tested the waters and the drinking tap water is too hard So I decided to mix both of them when changing the water. I only tested with test strips as for some reason the liquid doesnt work. I used JBL test strips and the range is between <3 and >21 So the normal tap water shows to be <3...
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    Shrimp Dying

    The deaths were random there was no water change or anything. So far I have no more deaths. I will try to do water changes with the other water and see how it goes. It is a small tank so I will do water changes more gradually. I will update after a water change and testing
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    Shrimp Dying

    Im not sure exactly but we put salt in it so it could be the one youre talking about and we do have a second tap for drinking water. Ill test it against the other water tomorrow and see what happens.
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    Shrimp Dying

    Hi So I have a 10l aquarium and I started out with 18 shrimp 6 Red Cherrry 6 Bloody Mary 6 Fire Red Sakura pH is around 7 Temperature between 22-25°C Ammonia, Nitrite, Nitrate 0 KH 8 GH - unknown might be too low So I had the tank cycled for about a month before adding the shrimp. I had...
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    Am I overstocking?

    I have a calm male betta in 20 gallon (90L) with 5 cardinal tetras 8 rummynose tetas and 2 scissor tail rasboras and around 15 amano shrimp It depends how calm is your betta but 10 gallon might be too small also it depends on what kind of filtration you have. Not only betta might attack the...
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    March 2019 Tank of the Month Contest Starting Now!

    Thats my 20 Gallon (90L) Tank. As you can see its impossible to take a good photo of the fish only betta photographs well. The aquarium is positioned beside a glass railing as I have a high ceiling so you can see the aquarium both from leaving room downstairs and the office upstairs. Water is a...
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