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The October FOTM Contest Poll is open! Fish of the Month
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  1. JxsPxxle

    Where do I buy a tank cheap in the UK?

    I want to keep increasing the amounts of tanks I have but it’s just so costly! I bought a 5 gallon tank last year which cost me £80, and i’ve heard something about a £ per gallon, which sounds great. Can anyone give me some advice on where to shop?
  2. JxsPxxle

    DIY Hiding Places for Corys

    You could use something such as a shot glass (make sure it’s been boiled first to remove anything harmful) and bury it in the gravel/sand to make a little cave, your corys should be able to access it and use it to get away from the other fish.
  3. JxsPxxle

    Tetras and Blue Ram only eating the "sinking wafers" meant for my Corydoras

    It will be fine but make sure to stop feeding flake so there is no excess food, and feed enough sinking wafers for all your fish.
  4. JxsPxxle

    Dwarf Puffers

    I have a 60l tank with four juvenile dwarf puffers. I have read that they are appropriate to keep with otocinclis and I have a decent amount of algae so this would not be an issue. However, I was curious if anyone has any experience with other fish/ invertebrates. They already co-exist with...
  5. JxsPxxle

    Snail infestation. Are chain loaches the answer.

    I concur, i’ve seen bristlenoses grow to 6 inches before, and they require at least 30 gallons of water.
  6. JxsPxxle

    Couple of questions from a beginner

    Personally I would leave the light. If you experience any issues in the future then consider changing it. You could easily keep a group of 10 neons in a tank this size. A group of about 6 pygmy cory catfish would also be sufficient. As for snails I would recommend some sort of nerite, however...
  7. JxsPxxle

    Snail infestation. Are chain loaches the answer.

    This pleco will grow far too large to live in a tank of this size. I hope you have another place to move it to and this is only temporary.
  8. JxsPxxle

    Bacteria on sponge

    It should take about 6 weeks.
  9. JxsPxxle

    Need help with water quality.

    Did you clean the gravel before adding it to your tank? This will make your water cloudy but after numerous water changes it should settle down.
  10. JxsPxxle

    Mystery Snail!

    Looks to me like a bladder snail.
  11. JxsPxxle

    100% water change on 1gallon shrimp tank possible?

    Just a suggestion but you could try to find an extremely small mesh and run it through the water like a net to try remove them? But i don’t know how big they are so it may not work.
  12. JxsPxxle

    How many fish can I keep in my 138 liter tank?

    This should be a sufficient amount of space for the tetras, although i’m not too sure about hatchet fish but I do know they don’t move much. As for the cories I would encourage you to get a large group of probably 6-8 instead of just the 4.
  13. JxsPxxle

    My new shrimp tank :)

    Here in the UK you can pick about 4 up for £25.
  14. JxsPxxle

    Can anyone identify this aquarium plant?

    I think you are correct about the Bacopa from google searches this one looks the closest to the plant I have.
  15. JxsPxxle

    My new shrimp tank :)

    Sounds good. I’ve always wanted a blue velvet shrimp tank.
  16. JxsPxxle

    Can anyone identify this aquarium plant?

    I purchased it a few weeks ago and threw away the tag with the species name accidentally.
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  19. JxsPxxle

    My new shrimp tank :)

    Looks great! What type of shrimp do you plan to keep in here?
  20. JxsPxxle

    Found these on the glass of both my aquariums - action/no action needed?

    Believe it or not I actually want pond snails to feed to my puffers as I only have a breeding colony of malaysian trumpets.
  21. JxsPxxle

    Still new...think my molly is pregnant too?!

    Yes, they are pregnant. It’s not too easy to tell exactly when they will give birth so just keep an eye on them.
  22. JxsPxxle

    I need some Stocking Input.

    African dwarf frogs could do well in a tank this size.
  23. JxsPxxle

    Is this fin rot or fin loss??

    What are your water parameters?
  24. JxsPxxle

    Show me your aqua babies (betta photos)!

    I have one male betta, I only purchased it yesterday, any name ideas?
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  26. JxsPxxle

    Bent baby guppy

    It may be inbred. I have had guppies accidentally inbreed and they come out with some strange looking fish.
  27. JxsPxxle

    Marine Copepods

    I just purchased some live copepods as live food for my dwarf puffers and betta fish. I did not realise they were marine until after I had got home. Does anyone know if these are fine to feed to freshwater fish?
  28. JxsPxxle

    Too many fish too soon??

    I would suggest you go with just one type of fish to start with and leave to a couple of weeks at least before you add another type.
  29. JxsPxxle

    No filter tank

    Yep! That’s him.
  30. JxsPxxle

    No filter tank

    Great! Thanks for the advice. Currently on my way to my lfs to try this out I will keep updating on how it goes.
  31. JxsPxxle

    No filter tank

    I have been watching this youtuber who creates self sustaining tanks which require no CO2, no filter, no ferts or anything but a heater. He adds live plants then he had drilled two holes in the clear lid and put sweet potatoes in them. They had grown out and the roots into the water. I have a...
  32. JxsPxxle

    New Tank Cycle

    The best way to do this would be to purchase a filter (sized to fit your 60litre) and add this to your already cycled aquarium, leave it there for about 6 weeks then remove and add it to the 60litre tank and this will instantly cycle it after being added. Alternatively, if you have anything...
  33. JxsPxxle

    Red Tailed Dwarf Puffer

    Thank you for providing a link.
  34. JxsPxxle

    How many Cory's in a 36gal

    I think 6-8 would be a good number for a tank this size. As long as you do weekly water changes of at least 50% it should be fine.
  35. JxsPxxle

    Red Tailed Dwarf Puffer

    Does anyone know anything about this species? Tank size? Could I keep them with regular dwarf puffers? Do they require salt in the water? How large do they grow?
  36. JxsPxxle

    Tank seeding using sponge filters

    It would be better to use the old sponge as it will immediately be cycled, as it contains lots of beneficial bacteria. However, squeezing out the sponge into the other one could speed up the cycling process but it would not be an instant cycle, make sure you have a testing kit.
  37. JxsPxxle

    Birthday/Puffer Tank

    Looking awesome! I can’t wait for my puffers to breed.
  38. JxsPxxle

    Hello from Huddersfield

    What size is your tank? Ammonia? Nitrate? GH?