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The October FOTM Contest Poll is open! Fish of the Month
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  1. Derekshatch

    Vaccum gravel

    My gravel vac is pretty big and cant realley get inbetween the plants. Should I use some thin tubing instead.
  2. Derekshatch

    Vaccum gravel

    What is the best way to vacuum gravel the bottom of my aquarium that is heavily planted without uprooting plants?
  3. Derekshatch

    plant question

    The plant can grow pretty much out of water anyway.
  4. Derekshatch

    plant question

    Well nothing beats hygrophila polysperma which is why it is invasive. I have to trim my polysperma twice a weak. But im sure if you have enough lighting araguaia would grow great because it is pretty easy to grow also.
  5. Derekshatch

    plant question

    Also you can try other species of hygrophila.
  6. Derekshatch

    plant question

    Look up your regulations for your state because I know that it is legal to have in texas and it might be were you live too.
  7. Derekshatch

    plant question

    Just found out that it is illegal to sell it because it is on the invasive species list but some places sell it illegally. Its a shame it is such a beautifull plant. I collected it myself from a river which is technically not illegal. Ebay sells it though. Mine is even turning red at the top.
  8. Derekshatch

    How to setup a quarantine tank?

    I have never used a quarantine tank so I dont know for sure but you might need to get one because your water is different from the fish store. Plecos are pretty hardy and in my opinion do not get as stressed like other fish but it is up to you.
  9. Derekshatch

    corydora fry questions

    I moved the corydora fry to the 10 gallon early and none died and they are doing very well and they love the sand. So far I have only lost 2 from natural causes which is pretty good in my opinion. Also the corydoras are breeding again they breed once a week which is crazy because I read that...
  10. Derekshatch

    Treatment for Sunken belly and fin clamp in CPD

    Arent they very skiddish maybe they are stressed from not enough cover.
  11. Derekshatch

    Is he (pleco) okay?

    My pleco eats whenever I put anything into the tank and if I bump into the tank or get o close to the tank she swims away. And yes mine does sometimes sit in one spot like yours does right in her cave. Can you get a better picture.
  12. Derekshatch

    corydora fry questions

  13. Derekshatch

    corydora fry questions

    I can get any of it because all stores are open. I will try and get microworms. But I have daphnia and cyclops.
  14. Derekshatch

    corydora fry questions

    What else should I feed them? right now I have been feeding them hikari first bites and they are alot more active and eating like crazy. I want to make sure that all of them get some food.
  15. Derekshatch

    corydora fry questions

    I looked at all of the fry and only one out of like 20 is albino so I guess that bronze is the dominant gene.
  16. Derekshatch

    corydora fry questions

    Can I use play sand.
  17. Derekshatch

    corydora fry questions

    How would I add sand to the little container with them in it? I will probably wait like 2 weeks then put one into the new setup and if he survives the transfer I will do all of them.
  18. Derekshatch

    Water issues

    Does the water from the hose go through the softner because mine doesent. Im pretty sure that water softners are bad for fish.
  19. Derekshatch

    corydora fry questions

    Right now I have my corydoras in a little container that is inside another tank. Picture below: They are about 3 days old and I have been doing 2 water changes daily and I have fed them a little bit and I think they are eating. I do not want to move them into the tank that they are inside of...
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  22. Derekshatch

    guppies and platies

    I recently went to a pond place near my house and they had mostly pond plants but they had alot of anacharis that was very healthy and like 2 or 3 feet long and it was super cheap. If you find a pond place near you I would see if they have it.
  23. Derekshatch

    8 male guppies in a 15 gal planted tank? With cory cats?

    They are active but not like tetras which zoom around the tank very fast. But hey you guys do you.
  24. Derekshatch

    8 male guppies in a 15 gal planted tank? With cory cats?

    Danios could be in a 15 gallon. I have seen people with them in 10 gallons.
  25. Derekshatch

    Pooping Black Molly

    Make sure that you have enough females for the mollies and guppies so that the males do not pick on just one female. It can cause alot of stress on them.
  26. Derekshatch

    8 male guppies in a 15 gal planted tank? With cory cats?

    I would recommend danios especially the leopard danios. I like how they swim all around the tank instead of just sitting still.
  27. Derekshatch

    Normal Tetra Behavior?

    My tetra were kind of scared when I first got them. They like shade so if you dont have any big plants that make shade I would recommend getting some because my tetras feel safer with it.
  28. Derekshatch

    Update on ich

    I had ich a while back and used methyline blue and raised the temp slowly and my corys dident die only the tetras but I caught it to late. So it is not the heat that killed your corys.
  29. Derekshatch

    Corydora fry questions

    Could I put either a ghost shrimp or an amano shrimp in the fry conatiner to help keep it clean? Any tips for getting the gunk out of the container? I use a turkey baster and get some of it but in the process I suck up some of the fry because they cover the bottom. I know that stresses them out...
  30. Derekshatch

    Help! White particles on top of water, cycling new tank

    It could be from the hardwater.
  31. Derekshatch

    Help! White particles on top of water, cycling new tank

    They are bubbles in my tank and they are only there because proteins in the water make it so that the bubbles dont pop. Are you sure they dont pop when you touch them? If they are not bubbles it is probably just debri from the food but keep an eye just in case it gets worse.
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  33. Derekshatch

    Help! White particles on top of water, cycling new tank

    It might be from the flakes.
  34. Derekshatch

    Steps to keep corydora fry alive?

    I have albino fry in a small container that is inside a 10 gallon aquarium. I just did a 50% water change to remove some of the ich x. What is the next step because last time some of the fry died in the container and some I released to early into a new tank? The water that they have been in and...
  35. Derekshatch

    tank decorating

    I use hygrophila polysperma to fill in the back of my 30 gallon because it grows quick and gets realley tall.
  36. Derekshatch

    White bubbles on surface

    I never had them with plastic plants in the tank but im guessing that the live plants have more proteins so when the decompose the bubble wont pop because they are held together with proteins. The bubbles are gone now.
  37. Derekshatch

    White bubbles on surface

    I checked the ammonia and it at zero so were good. Thanks for the help.
  38. Derekshatch

    White bubbles on surface

    No labyrinth fish.
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