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The October FOTM Contest Poll is open! Fish of the Month
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  1. Derekshatch

    Stocking Fluval Edge 6 Gallon

    No it isnt. If there is an inch per gallon and i have a 6 gallon and 6 tetras that works fine. My tetras do not looked stressed at all and their colors are very vibrant in the tank, they swim back and forth and dont even nip at each other. And when you tell me that the tank is too small, i am...
  2. Derekshatch

    Stocking Fluval Edge 6 Gallon

    Try amano shrimp they are bigger and i have 2 male bettas with shrimp and they dont bother them at all. I have neon tetras in my 5 gallon you could try that. In my opinion pygmy corys are too big for a 6 gallon considering that you need atleast 3 of them.
  3. Derekshatch

    Ich problem

    Yes i change the water twice a week and suck the tank really good. I took out charcoal from the filter and all levels are normal.
  4. Derekshatch

    I need some Stocking Input.

    I made my 5 gallon an amazon tank with an amazon sword, shrimp, neon tetras and it looks amazing and there are tannins in the water so it actually looks like the amazon.
  5. Derekshatch

    Mollie Fry

    I got 40 fry from my platy and i have nothing to do with them i did not know that they five birth to that many and it took like 7 weeks for her to give birth which is how i knew that there would be alot. Good to know that you can give them to petco because i have one near me. They are the...
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  7. Derekshatch

    Ich problem

    I bought neon tetras at petsmart and put them in my 40 gallon. My tetras had ich about a week later. I bought super ich cure and it didnt work and all my tetras died. Then i bought ich x on amazon and used it. Then in two days of using that my gouramis started to act like they had ich but not...
  8. Derekshatch

    How long until this Platy gives birth?

    I have put mine in a breeder box but i like seperating the females to another tank because the females dont usually eat all of their babies or atleast mine dident.
  9. Derekshatch

    Bacterial Bloom???

    Did you rinse the filters usually after gravel vacumming my tank it gets cloudy but it settles it just might take a while because you have a big tank.
  10. Derekshatch

    How long until this Platy gives birth?

    Very soon like in a couple of days. Does she hide alot during the day.
  11. Derekshatch

    Danio baby

    I know all of that already.
  12. Derekshatch

    Is my tank overstocked

    I know about ammonia which is why i do a weekly water change but my pleco is a bristlenose so it doesent get that big.
  13. Derekshatch

    Is my tank overstocked

    I have a 30 gallon high with 5 leopard longfin danios, 5 bloodfin tetras, 3 cory catfish, 4 platys, 1 gourami, 1 pleco. The corys and pleco are juveniles so are not that big yet. All the fish have been doing fine for a month but i was just wondering if it is overstocked. Also i vacuum the gravel...
  14. Derekshatch

    Danio baby

  15. Derekshatch

    VOTE NOW!...January 2020 Pet of the Month Contest

    This is my alligator snapping turtle he doesnt have a name but is friendly and is very cool to watch eating. I got him 2 years ago and i got him at the size of a quarter. He is very determined to catch every single goldfish that i put in his tank and he sometimes gets too impatient and chases...
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  17. Derekshatch

    Danio baby

    I use the tetra flakes.
  18. Derekshatch

    Danio baby

    There is algae in my tank. I feed them just flakes.
  19. Derekshatch

    Danio baby

    Amano shrimp are cool mine paddle to the top and they bear hug the flakes and eat them it is funny.
  20. Derekshatch

    Danio baby

    Ya I read that about amano shrimp too. They need brakish water. I left a male and female in a tank for one xay and they laid eggs but i dident see any so I thought that they dident. Guess that i dident look hard enough. They look so cool as babies they are clear. What kind of danios do you have...
  21. Derekshatch

    Danio baby

    Also can amano shrimp lay eggs in freshwater because mine looks pregnant?
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  23. Derekshatch

    Danio baby

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  25. Derekshatch

    Danio baby

    I also bred them in hard water which is shocking.
  26. Derekshatch

    Danio baby

    I let my danios breed in a seperate tank and i did not think that they spawned but i took them out anyways. I ended up putting platy fry in their and i just found one danio baby i do not know how he survived i dident feed him. I am surprised that i did not suck hum up during a water change and...
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  28. Derekshatch

    Platy fry

    I do both of those already i was just wondering if their was an alternative but thanks for the feedback.
  29. Derekshatch

    Pregnant guppies & one platy

    I dont reccomend putting them in a breeder box, but once the fish seems safe and comfortable she will give birth. The fry will hide in the plants.
  30. Derekshatch

    Betta Imbellis (Peaceful Betta)

    Female bettas are usually less agressive than males in a community tank and can be a great addition to a community tank.
  31. Derekshatch

    Platy fry

    I have 30 platy fry in a 5 gallon aquarium and they are with a snail. I was wondering if their some kind of fish or crustacean that could eat the flakes that fall to the bottom. But i want it to be peacefull and not eat the fry. I was thinking amani shrimp but they might eat the fry. Any...
  32. Derekshatch

    Sudden Cory cat death

    Petsmart fish always die. Also fish some times get too stressed when in a new tank and they die.
  33. Derekshatch

    What is this

    White thing.
  34. Derekshatch

    Serpae Tetra close to dying

    I have tetras and danios in a 30 gallon and they still fin nip a little it so a 10 gallon is way too small. When i first got my tetras they din nipped one small danio and he quickly healed because he was in a bigger tank and could hide until he was better A quarantine tank is your best option.
  35. Derekshatch

    Serpae Tetra close to dying

    Ya you need a way bigger tank. How many tetras are in the tank?
  36. Derekshatch

    Needing help !? Gouramis !

    It takes time you have to have patients.
  37. Derekshatch

    Does my guppy look to be squaring off?

    Looks like she is pregnant and squaring off. She looks like she is going to give birth very soon. How long since she had her last batch of fry?
  38. Derekshatch

    Needing help !? Gouramis !

    Just wqit till the male makes the bubble nest and them the female will put her eggs in it.
  39. Derekshatch

    Needing help !? Gouramis !

    Gouramis have bubble nests so the male and female need to be together.
  40. Derekshatch

    The Joys of planted tanks

    Ya i have plastic and live planted tanks they both have their positives and negatives.