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The October FOTM Contest Poll is open! Fish of the Month
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  1. M

    What Fish Do You Regret Buying?

    Biggest regret - Red Tail Catfish Got one when I first started, LFS told me it might get a couple feet (pre-internet). I had a plan to build a pond in my basement which, knowing what I know now, still would not have been sufficient. He was an awesome fish, practically a dog. Years later I got...
  2. M

    What fish with cories?

    Re-read my original post, the only claim made is that I've had good luck with a gourami. I suggested Apsitos might be an option. I cautioned that some dwarf cichlids could have issues. I say these things because about 6 months ago I was also looking for a centerpiece fish for my 55 gallon...
  3. M

    What fish with cories?

    I get it, you don't like the way I answer questions. Here's the thing, I don't care. If I have information I think is helpful to a topic I will offer it in a way that I feel is appropriate. If you have additional information to add please do. Maybe your commentary above is helpful to the...
  4. M

    What fish with cories?

    First, I wasn't trying to pick the fish for them. Apistos make good centerpiece fish and are a direction they can look into if they choose. My point was there are types of nannacara dwarf cichlids which have developed the natural instinct to attack corydoras on sight because the catfish steal...
  5. M

    What fish with cories?

    I’ve had good luck with corys and a powder blue dwarf gourami. Another option could be apistos, but be careful, there are some dwarf cichlids which will attack corys on sight.
  6. M

    Possible tankmates?

    Yup, I'm not exact on the dates but I've been married for 28 years. I got the synos before and the raph just after. All are still in good health
  7. M

    Possible tankmates?

    I am upgrading to a 135 gallon tank (60"x18"x24"). I have 2 synodontis catfish (~30 years old, 10"), 1 striped raphael catfish (~25 years old, 8") and 1 clown pleco (~10 years old,4"). All have lived together in a 120 gallon tank. I would like to add more fish to the tank but I am concerned...
  8. M

    Bristlenose female or male?

    The bristles look small for the size of the pleco, I would guess female too
  9. M

    Hydrogen Peroxide and Bristlenose

    So, a few weeks back I lost an albino BN pleco I had just added to my tank. Initially I was concerned my Bolivian Ram killed it (more here), but he has been super docile with the remaining fish (cory cats). No aggression, it even seems like he likes to eat with them. I recently read...
  10. M

    Two dead Bettas...

    Sorry for the later reply, I was concerned about to possibility of Chlorine in the water. I've kept bettas in hard water, didn't have issues but that could also be tied to where they were raised
  11. M

    Two dead Bettas...

    Just another thought, are you using city water? Is there chorine in the water?
  12. M

    Strange Panda Corydoras behaviour

    I have read that corys do better in a group of 6 of the same type or more. I started with 3 pandas and 3 juliis and they were very skittish. They became much more outgoing when I went to 6 of each.
  13. M

    Anybody Know How Long Raphael Catfish Live?

    Mine is over 20 years
  14. M

    Can anyone identify this synodontis?

    I've got two that look just like that that I've had for over 25 years. Bought them as upside-down catfish, but they out grew that. Mine are about 10" (250 mm) long and are very nocturnal. Hide in driftwood all day. Awesome catfish!
  15. M

    Bolivian Ram Question

    Hi all, I recently re-engaged with the hobby and set up a 55 gallon tank. However I've had some problems: I set the tank up using filter media from an existing tank. Added a bottle of API Quickstart for good measure. Tank contains large drift wood, plants, rocks, sand on most of the bottom...