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The October FOTM Contest Poll is open! Fish of the Month
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    Honey Gourami

    I believe you are mistaken paradise fish are part of the gourami family. Paradise fish (Macropodus opercularis) are a freshwater species belonging to the Osphronemidae family. They are a type of gourami so they are also known as paradise gourami. ... Here you can find them in most bodies of...
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    Honey Gourami

    What type of plants do you have in your tank. Guamese will definitely eat soft air plants for example water Sprite water wisteria and anacharis they will definitely eat.
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    Honey Gourami

    I would get the red flame gourami instead of a honey gourami. Their temperaments almost the same and size but in my opinion they are a more beautiful fish with more vibrant orange red color honey and I feel they are a bit more active fish to observe in your aquarium. 1. Dwarf Red flame gourami...
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    55 gallon community planted lace Rock aquarium.

    You my friend are very opinionated but it's all good. Chinese Algae Eaters are large fish, growing to lengths of 11 inches (28 cm) in the wild, though captive specimens are usually much smaller. They are mature at about 4 1/2 inches (12 cm) and seldom exceed 5 1/4 inches (13 cm) in the...
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    55 gallon community planted lace Rock aquarium.

    I respectfully disagree with you sir. the minimum tank size that is recommended for Chinese algae eaters is a 30 gallon but the tank housing this fish should be larger. with your thinking I would only have two variations of tetras and koi cats equal 18 fish of my 24 bioload that I have right...
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    55 gallon community planted lace Rock aquarium.

    my father always told me agree to disagree and there is no right way of doing things only a wrong way. And that thinking my tanks would only have Tetris and Cory cats plus a few other other fish until I hit my bio load threshold. My red eye serpae tetras school together as well as a good...
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    Green hair algae should I keep or remove from my established tank.

    You are thinking too much. This tank has been set up for 14 years since 2006. Back in 2014 the tank was converted into a African cichlid tank at that time over the cost of 6 years I lost 90% of my plants due to the nature of African cichlids and the fact I was keeping the water at a higher pH...
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    Cloudy water need help!

    The easiest way to put water into a tank I find is using my psiphon but in reverse. I use a folding ladder with the latter being higher than my waterline place my 5 gallon bucket of new water and siphon it into the tank using the bowl method if it's a new tank if not just use keep the the ladder...
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    55 gallon community planted lace Rock aquarium.

    I forgot to mention I'm trying to do a little hydroponics coming out of my filters
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    55 gallon community planted lace Rock aquarium.

    24 fish 4 Rams 2 German 2 gold 2 angelfish 1 gold 1 marble 4 dwarf gouramis 2 flame red 2 powder blue 4 Tetris 2 red eye 2 serpae 4 fancy tail guppies (all males) 2 Panda Cory cats 2 synodontis petricola cats 1 Chinese algae eater -hybrid golden standard 1 King tiger pleco 8 plants Kleiner...
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  29. T

    Dwarf cichlid numbers - 55 gallon

    I just need to say my two cents. Yes certain fish species have certain characteristics but these characteristics can vary from individual fish. Currently I have for Rams in my tank to German blues into gold. The German blue Rams are definitely both males. And the golden Rams one is too juvenile...
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    Is there a difference between electric blue Rams and blue Frost Rams?

    1. German blue ram 2. Gold Rams 3. Bolivia Rams 4. Electric blue Rams Now I've seen some articles on black Rams and what they're called blue Frost Rams. but I can't tell the difference between an electric blue ram versus a blue Frost ram are they the same color variation just using different...
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    Green hair algae should I keep or remove from my established tank.

    I actually like the look of the hair algae as long as I keep it in check and only on that elevated rock formation. I think he gives the tank a more natural look. Remember to greed to disagree there is no right way to do things only a wrong way if you understand that
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    Green hair algae should I keep or remove from my established tank.

    I don't understand what you're trying to say with You have a small imbalance with Flourish+8 more fish. I have ab180 gallons per hour filtration system in this tank for 55 gallons. I don't need more filtration for sure. I do a 20% water change every 7 to 10 days religiously and I only add new...
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    Green hair algae should I keep or remove from my established tank.

    It's definitely long hair algae not Moss but only on that one elevated Rock
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    Green hair algae should I keep or remove from my established tank.

    Like I said this was a established tank for 7 years with only my java fern because it was a African cichlid tank and I kept the water a high pH with salt in it not very good for plants plus my cichlid ripped up most of the plans I had originally. The algae has always been there but I think it's...
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    Help with my kleiner bar sword propagation?

    I purchased a kleiner bar sword plant a few weeks ago. It is an awesome plant. The leaves turn a brownish-red color and the shape of the leaves are quite different than Amazon swords. I now have this long stem shooting upward which I believe are three new baby plants shoots. Question is how do I...
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