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The October FOTM Contest Poll is open! Fish of the Month
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  1. Guppy10

    Word Association Game

  2. Guppy10

    Rosy Cloud Rocks...Thoughts?

    Looks like the Rock is quartz based so will be ok. I've seen it for sale as aquarium rock before.
  3. Guppy10

    High Flow Rate

    Looks like a wave maker to me and not a filter. I suggest you try it and see.
  4. Guppy10

    Some questions about my tank

    I would stop feeding altogether until that ammonia goes down to zero and nitrate rises as it appears to me, the tank is not cycled. Just my opinion of course.
  5. Guppy10

    Top 5 fish you've kept???

    Oh dear, not my favourite fish at all but here goes with my limited experience. Green barbs, the bully boys fighting above their weight , active n I love them. Angels, so graceful and sleek but sly buggers, so be careful. Gouramis, peaceful and very graceful for me anyway. Corys, so entertaining...
  6. Guppy10

    New to this...but this seems VERY wrong

    When I said beyond belief I wasn't joking. Can they grow that large in that tank ? Something not right here so think we've been duped.
  7. Guppy10

    Great substrate

    Hi all, Betta aquarist substrate in my cory shrimp tank is pretty awesome. Not to belittle play sand at all but this Somoa sand is the dogs. 0.5-1.2 mm. Not gravel, nor sand. Open to air n not compacting. Im Very impressed and not expensive from my local fish dealer. Recommend. I'll get more...
  8. Guppy10

    Our first tank

    I agree with all the above. Just can't wait to get out of this lockdown and progress my hobby. I desperately need more cory in my main tank. My albino used to swim around n around n a loop continuously ,,,,until I got others,,, then he settled down n was sociable. They were bad fish as all died...
  9. Guppy10

    New to this...but this seems VERY wrong

    Beyond belief,,,,, I'm outraged by this. Meet with the owner n punch them on the nose, then tell them the error,,, as in all good films .
  10. Guppy10

    snail takeover!!

    Firstly, they are not pests, they are close to the bottom of the food chain. Second, they must be thriving due to abundance of food so cut that down. Third, if you really want to eradicate them add a copper chemical tho I would go with option 2. They do a good job. Hope this helps.
  11. Guppy10

    Our first tank

    Sorry for any confusion, all my fish like the wafers and I agree it shouldn't be their only diet, as mine forage for flakes at feeding time , plus anything else they can find. My point being at least if your worried they are getting something, although I don't think you need to worry. I gathered...
  12. Guppy10

    Our first tank

    Try to get the water round about that of the tank so as not to give a thermal shock. I run both hot and cold taps open fully until bucket is nearly full then add dechlorinator, throw in a digital thermometer and adjust with hot or cold to get it just right. Leave for a few mins , check , then...
  13. Guppy10

    Our first tank

    Ps. Yes a lovely looking tank.
  14. Guppy10

    Our first tank

    Hi, the simple solution to making sure the corys eat is to drop in an algae wafer. The Corey's love them and are oblivious to others at feeding time and surprisingly no one pushes them about whereas the other fish like gouramis and Angels try to dominate the food, yet leave Corey's alone.
  15. Guppy10

    Stocking proposal for 125 litre (27g UK) – thoughts welcome!

    Hi, very good read and very informative. On a side note on snails I got given 5 Mts and it wasn't long before I was seeing lots of baby snailets, they give birth to snails so no eggs. Bought some rams horns and was " gifted" pond snails via plant purchase. They only really come out at night...
  16. Guppy10

    Betta and shrimps

    Thanks, I'm not going to risk it then, it will be a peaceful tank and yes I'll get more cory when or if lfs opens after the lockdown.
  17. Guppy10

    Betta and shrimps

    Bit of a dilemma then. I'll get bloody Mary's at least, but wanted a nice fish as a focal point . Now contains 20 nerites( to grow ) and 4 small bronze cory. Tank is planted with internal power filter full of sponges sat on a mesh bag of mature ceramic rings. It's been an ongoing tank for 2 +...
  18. Guppy10

    Betta and shrimps

    Hi, is a betta compatible with shrimps ? It would be nice to have one but not at the sake of the shrimps.
  19. Guppy10

    Missed my baby birthday, gutted

    Thankyou for the tips , hopefully next time will be different.
  20. Guppy10

    Missed my baby birthday, gutted

    Yer, the trouble is I was going to put her into another tank the night before n thought better of it I've stress needlessly so didn't do it . Boo
  21. Guppy10

    Clean up crew

    Yes yes.rams horns and Mts malasian trumpet snails breed like mad but Mts are nocturnal n burry themselves so they provide a natural way to irrigate. yr substrate. Nerites are great if you want to see the cleaning guys. If not then by a pack of Mts x10 ramsx10 for cheap or see local shop n they...
  22. Guppy10

    Missed my baby birthday, gutted

    Hello everyone, I have a lovely female platt who had always been fat with a large belly which after seeing other posts had an internal problem so with her being happy etc I thought no more, after all I had her well over a month so in my eyes the gestation period had lapsed. Imagine my dismay...
  23. Guppy10

    Adding Community Fish

    Suck it n see then mate. Only time will tell , good luck.
  24. Guppy10

    Adding Community Fish

    Mr Viking is expert here so I go with his opinion in sorry, it's not a communal fish.
  25. Guppy10

    Adding Community Fish

    Yes it's crap mate, I work but everything is hard work, even getting my medication. Everything is shut down but hoping to get shrimps tomo for cheesy tank. I commend your patience , but your setup will be awesome in time tho I would still get some foliage at the back n still leave your work up...
  26. Guppy10

    Colour Enhancing Foods

    You can produce for tesco or sainsbury but the best stuff went to lido, I kid you not, can't say more.
  27. Guppy10

    Colour Enhancing Foods

    Try eBay. Don't choose for brand name, just look at the % ingredients of said brand name compared to a loose feed supplier. No frills if you like. I can't say brands but do you really think they produce there own food ? Nope. It probably all comes from a very few suppliers, same as our food, and...
  28. Guppy10

    Adding Community Fish

    Nice tank and you must be more patient then me as I would densely plant at least the background and get some swaying plants going on, but it will look awesome in time no doubt. If your more fish biased I would put some nice schools in there, obvious some bottom feeders, I prefer Corey's tho...
  29. Guppy10

    Pictures of some young painted turtles

    Very nice that they went to spend the rest of life in the wild after you raised them, so tip my hat to you sir. Others flush them Iv heared .
  30. Guppy10

    Colour Enhancing Foods

    I find the branded , in nice tubs, to be massively over the top compared to loose feed, which has the same % levels of proteins etc but without the packaging. I use algae tabs with exactly the same ingredients as the tubs of known brands but get 200x more for my money. I am a tight fisted...
  31. Guppy10

    Adding Community Fish

    Can we see a pic of the tank please ? Massive in uk terms with little in it so a pic would be nice.
  32. Guppy10

    Can I add anymore fish?

    Sorry it duplicated images, don't no why, but these tanks are a work in progress and an enjoyable learning curve. The " cheesy tank " will have more nerites and Java moss this week so if it works then it's gotta be right. My nitrate from the tap is way beyond your tank, so experiment .
  33. Guppy10

    Can I add anymore fish?

    Wow, you have the same sub as in my 2nd tank which is heavily planted, which softens the stark edges of the ornaments imho. I hated this tank at first which also has Aqua coarse sand same as yours but my wife likes the cheesy ornaments, as I call them lol. The plants really do make a big...
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  36. Guppy10

    Tank raising pond snails?

    Wow, nice pond. If it was mine I'd put in a few hundred koi fry and let them grown ups,! They would love it in there.
  37. Guppy10

    Stocking proposal for 125 litre (27g UK) – thoughts welcome!

    Agree with the above, avoid frogs, messy creatures. I love my green barbs, so entertaining , angels are magnificent, plus gourami are graceful
  38. Guppy10

    Ten-Gallon Tank Mates for Guppies

    I'd get a small shoal of neons and some shrimps,,, again, so long as your filter is adequate and regular water changes, you will be fine.
  39. Guppy10


    Leave the snail alone and stop messing with it. Your kindness maybe cruelty in my eyes but others may say different.
  40. Guppy10

    Am I overstocked?

    Not overstocked at all, so long as your filter can cope with it and regular water changes you will be fine. That is the main thing. Forget the inch per fish rule as it takes nothing into account.