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The October FOTM Contest Poll is open! Fish of the Month
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  1. carligraceee

    Algae bloom maybe?

    I would be really hesitant to do anything that involves cleaning equipment in your tank. If you don't wash it thoroughly you will poison your fish and they will die. It isn't worth it. Is it effective? Maybe. But I wouldn't test it. Just rinse thoroughly or soak in warm water.
  2. carligraceee

    Could i keep 2 bettas in a 20 gallon hexagon tank?

    Haha exactly And even with my sorority example, that sometimes doesn't even work (most of the time) I read this person's reply and laughed out loud
  3. carligraceee

    Could i keep 2 bettas in a 20 gallon hexagon tank?

    I love how this is exactly what not to do in every circumstance. When keeping a sorority, you need 5+ and males need one. I hope you're trolling haha
  4. carligraceee

    Could i keep 2 bettas in a 20 gallon hexagon tank?

    I don't recommend pairing two bettas of any sex with each other. Males will fight to the death, females can as well. Keep bettas alone in a 5g< tank that is well planted and gently filtered.
  5. carligraceee

    Algae bloom maybe?

    Yes, looks like an algae bloom. As far as I know, you can purchase algae eaters if you want. You can also do a deep clean (you should be doing this biweekly/monthly, taking out decor and plants and washing them in warm water during your water change). Your old picture looks like you have had...
  6. carligraceee

    how long to wait to add another female

    I am glad you figured it out.. just be ready for some babies I would assume!
  7. carligraceee

    Growth on Platy?

    I think it might be an abscess of some sort.. you can always take them into the vet (I am like 95% sure they see fish but I could be wrong haha).
  8. carligraceee

    Platy injured? Help

    Yes, I think it could have been from an injury. He either bumped into the glass one too many times, is getting bullied, or is scratched up from something you don't think is sharp.. but is. I would recommend doing some aquarium salt and monitoring his behavior. I have noticed platys get this...
  9. carligraceee

    Guppy is sick don’t know what to do

    I agree with Colin T about the pictures haha- However, he looks incredibly skinny... are all your guppies that skinny? If not, he could have been starving for a long time and is finally breaking down or has intestinal worms. Separating the fish was a good idea... you could try feeding him...
  10. carligraceee

    I love my platies

    I use TopFin Pro Series Tropical Fish Crumbles.. I am not sure if the UK has TopFin in any of your stores but you might be able to order it online at this link: Petsmart Smaller tanks do equate to less maintanence, of course, but with the fish you chose you have already agreed to providing...
  11. carligraceee

    I love my platies

    Usually, any tropical fish crumble or flake will be enough nutrition for livebearers since they are also considered algae eaters and will eat anything along the tank walls/decor/substrate.
  12. carligraceee

    MALE PLATY SICK??? Please help...

    Okay, I was waiting patiently for your reply. Thank you. He had stopped eating but he didn't have any stringy white poop that I remember. He stopped eating, stayed away from the front of the tank, hid from the other fish, became bloated, scales pineconed out, and he started having buoyancy...
  13. carligraceee

    I love my platies

    I do agree that a larger tank would do them well, platys do not get very big but they do produce a large amount of bioload. I, personally, have a controversial opinion on stocking- if your fish cannot outgrow your tank and they have plenty of turning around space, and as long as you can take...
  14. carligraceee

    What could be wrong with my Betta?

    Goodness I am so sorry for your loss. I hope we can figure out what this is. It sounds to me like a pathogen in the water. If your fish is stressed, they cannot fight off usually easy things to fight off. @Colin_T knows a lot about diseases on this forum. Clamped fins mean stress but by your...
  15. carligraceee

    Not sure what’s wrong with my guppy

    Yes, this would come with age. Of course! I know how scary these things can be, especially when you have no idea what could be causing it. Next Steps: - Observe her behavior closely. Is she swimming better? Is she eating? - If she is not eating, place her in a breeding box and feed her...
  16. carligraceee

    Not sure what’s wrong with my guppy

    Oh I see! This is exactly what I needed. She has more of a 'C' shaped spine, which could still be scoliosis, that is my best guess of of now. Try to lower your nitrate levels and observe from there. She could just have a defect.
  17. carligraceee

    Not sure what’s wrong with my guppy

    You would have to upload it on Youtube (you can put it on private) and link it! She looks like she has a spine injury, as she has an 'S' shaped spine. This is commonly known as scoliosis. There is nothing you can do except make her life as good as possible.
  18. carligraceee

    Need another tank..?

    Haha, it is true, it is a live and learn process with fish keeping. Livebearers are like rats of the ocean, they eat everything. I am not saying they will eat the shrimp, but they will chase them and poke at them which means that you won't really ever see them. Plants are definitely your...
  19. carligraceee

    Not sure what’s wrong with my guppy

    Nitrate is a bit high. It should stay below 20 ppm. pH is good but could use a but lifting and the 0 nitrites/ammonia is good. Pictures/videos would help immensely. I think the best things that it could be is swim bladder issues. Not malfunction, it could just be permanently damaged. Do...
  20. carligraceee

    Need another tank..?

    Sorry this is so late! I am glad you used the calculator, it is truly awesome. Your stocking sounds alright, however, Endlers are livebearers and I have noticed shrimp do not do well with livebearers. Livebearers eat anything they can fit in their mouths and because of this, they poke at...
  21. carligraceee

    Not sure what’s wrong with my guppy

    Hello. I am sorry to hear about your guppy. Here is what I have for you. Common Livebearer Diseases: - Intestinal Worms - Swim bladder malfunction - Ammonia/Nitrite poisoning - Dropsy - Ammonia burn How to Help: Based on your description of your lady, I believe she might have intestinal...
  22. carligraceee

    Whats wrong with my betta?

    Yes, I agree. Bettas change color as they get more mature/comfortable with their environment. If he is making a bubble nest, that is great news, meaning he is very happy and comfortable with their surroundings.
  23. carligraceee

    Betta Fish Food Questions

    Oh seriously? Can you let me know what is best to feed your betta? I have a Pink Orchid male and I have been feeding him bloodworms since day one (around January).... what do you recommend I feed him? I have some TopFin Pro Series pellets that I feed my livebearers, would those work?
  24. carligraceee

    Is my Betta sick/depressed or sleeping?!?!!

    Oh wow, I have never heard of JBL!
  25. carligraceee

    Is my Betta sick/depressed or sleeping?!?!!

    Okay- I am just going to lay out the info I know about bettas on the table. Parameters: pH: somewhere between 6.8-7.2 ammonia: 0ppm nitrites: 0ppm nitrates: 5-20ppm temp: 78-82 f Tank Mates: Usually, bettas don't need anyone to be around them. However, if he showing lack of aggression...
  26. carligraceee

    MALE PLATY SICK??? Please help...

    When he was dead, I chose to see if he was bloated or something (which I doubted). I gently pressed on his abdomen and a small amount of redish stuff came out of him. It looked fluffy but still a liquid and it had a red tint but it was very faint. His scales were very flared, he was bloating...
  27. carligraceee

    MALE PLATY SICK??? Please help...

    i am sorry.. the water in the bowl was from the tank... he just passed away but i would still like to know what he had..
  28. carligraceee

    MALE PLATY SICK??? Please help...

    no i have had him for awhile... he’s still alive just not swimming around
  29. carligraceee

    MALE PLATY SICK??? Please help...

    is it not contagious?
  30. carligraceee

    MALE PLATY SICK??? Please help...

    I got some more pictures- this is him right now...
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  33. carligraceee

    MALE PLATY SICK??? Please help...

    I have separated him from the tank. He is in a small bowl. He just tried to commit suicide by jumping out so I picked him back up and put something on the top of the bowl. He is swimming erratically every now and then... @Colin_T please help ..
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  36. carligraceee

    MALE PLATY SICK??? Please help...

    What is wrong with him? Dropsy? He’s been very lethargic for several days and now this is happening... he got bloated over night, is breathing heavily....
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