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The October FOTM Contest Poll is open! Fish of the Month
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  1. carligraceee

    37g Cycling Journal: Advice Welcome!

    Alrighty! Day 15 Parameters: (No ammonia hydroxide added) Ammonia: 0ppm Nitrites: 5ppm Nitrates: 30ppm pH: 6.7 Temp: 84F Another day of 0 ammonia and I add my 1/3 dose, correct?
  2. carligraceee

    How can I curb aggression within a community tank?

    I am sorry you are going through this. I have a community tank and it gets aggressive sometimes. What you should know about community tanks: - The temp should not be over 80F or lower than 74F. The warmer the temp, the more aggressive a fish will be. - When the genders are off balance, this...
  3. carligraceee


    Colin is correct on this one. I would guess that your fish had a weaker immune system and is struggling with something in your tank. I would guess ammonia or nitrite. Is your tank cycled? What is the stock? How big is your tank? This happened to a lot of my platy fry until I tested my water...
  4. carligraceee

    Sick female betta

    *Please note I am no professional and am going off my own experiences. @Colin_T is our disease expert.* My Guess: With the ammonia, your fish could be struggling because she had an already existing weakened immune system. When a fish's immune system is weak, it is more susceptible to things...
  5. carligraceee

    Stocking a 37g TopFin Bubble Wall

    Updated Stocking Decision: 4 livebearers (1 platy and 3 mollies) 5 Red Phantom Tetras (will progressively add more) EITHER 1 Blue Crayfish or a Rubber Lip Pleco I need to research more about the Electric Blue Crayfish. Does anyone know anything about them? I am worried about my snails and fish.
  6. carligraceee

    37g Cycling Journal: Advice Welcome!

    It is currently dropping, I got a pretty strong heater so I am trying to find the right setting. I mess with it every night and it is moving down closer to 83. I usually keep my tanks at a good 78. But this is a good temp for the bacteria to grown in for right now. Don't worry, I won't introduce...
  7. carligraceee

    37g Cycling Journal: Advice Welcome!

    Day 13 Parameters: (No ammonia hydroxide added): Ammonia: .25ppm Nitrites: 5ppm Nitrates: 20ppm pH: 7.0 Temp: 85F Nitrite spike? @Slaphppy7 @Essjay
  8. carligraceee

    37g Cycling Journal: Advice Welcome!

    Day 11 Parameters: (No ammonia hydroxide added): Ammonia: .25ppm Nitrites: 2ppm Nitrates: 20ppm pH: 6.7 Temp: 85F Ammonia is steady!! @Slaphppy7
  9. carligraceee

    37g Cycling Journal: Advice Welcome!

    Day 9 Parameters: (Two capfulls of ammonia hydroxide added): Ammonia: .2ppm Nitrites: 3ppm Nitrates: 40ppm pH: 6.5 Temp: 87F Highest the nitrates have been!!!
  10. carligraceee

    Stocking a 37g TopFin Bubble Wall

    Oh really?? Thats really good news, could I go with soft-moderately hard water centerpiece fish as well??
  11. carligraceee

    37g Cycling Journal: Advice Welcome!

    I am using the one that makes the water harder and ups the pH. I wanted that since I am adjusting my soft water to hard water!
  12. carligraceee

    37g Cycling Journal: Advice Welcome!

    Day 6 Parameters (No ammonia hydroxide added): Ammonia: ~2.5ppm Nitrites: .5ppm Nitrates: 6ppm pH: 7.0 Temp: 85F Doing well- is this a good start so far?
  13. carligraceee

    Stocking a 37g TopFin Bubble Wall

    My problem is I want to try to change the hardness of my water to hard for my livebearers. I haven't noticed anything wrong with them due to the water hardness but I don't want to risk it so I have been looking for hard water centerpiece fish. I think I settled on pearl guoramis but am still...
  14. carligraceee

    Dying Betta

    I wouldn't change the water unless you have medicated it and want to remedicate the water. I am so glad he is doing better!
  15. carligraceee

    Dying Betta

    Yikes, this was an interesting read. Dropsy is close to incurable, as it is a bacterial infection and signs usually don't show up quick enough for treatment to work. However, you can definitely try the salt baths. I don't think it is okay to do overnight salt baths with bettas, try to keep him...
  16. carligraceee

    Whats wrong with my betta?

    Yes, every betta has different coloring :)
  17. carligraceee

    Stocking a 37g TopFin Bubble Wall

    My only thing is I really don't want to rehome my livebearers... mostly because my mom is 100% against it. Any other ideas? That one would be so great if I was starting with a clean stocking slate!
  18. carligraceee

    37g Cycling Journal: Advice Welcome!

    Day 3 Parameters (No ammonia hydroxide added): Ammonia: 2ppm Nitrites: 0ppm Nitrates: 1ppm pH: 6.7 Temp: 85F Really worried about the pH and my mom won't let me replace the livebearers... I will have to by Rift Lake Salts sometime soon, anyone know where I can find those?
  19. carligraceee

    Stocking a 37g TopFin Bubble Wall

    My stocking idea: 1 platy 4 mollies 2 pearl guoramis 1 bristlenose pleco AqAdvisor says I have plenty of filter capacity!
  20. carligraceee

    **Question of the week** | When’s the last time you did a water change?

    I water change every week, usually on Fridays or Wednesdays, and I do 75%!
  21. carligraceee

    50 Gallon fish tank stand

    Petsmart sells some really good quality tank stands. If you have any old furniture in your house that feels sturdy, that'll work as well. I use a handmade bench from my grandpa and it is extremely tough and strong (I have a 37g).
  22. carligraceee

    Stocking a 37g TopFin Bubble Wall

    Okay so I did some research and it says that Pearl Guoramis can be in harder water? Would that work? Or are there any kind of cichlids that would do well in my tank with my current stock?
  23. carligraceee

    37g Cycling Journal: Advice Welcome!

    Alrighty cycle is off an running!!! Day 1 Parameters (2 cap fulls of ammonia hydroxide): Ammonia: 3ppm Nitrites: 0ppm Nitrates: 3ppm pH: 7.2 Temp: 79F
  24. carligraceee

    37g Cycling Journal: Advice Welcome!

    Hey guys. This is going to be where I keep my water changes (I also have a Google Sheet). I really just want to keep up with my results and see if they are normal and where they are supposed to be! Your advice is welcome and appreciated. Plants: - Amazon Sword - Dwarf Hairgrass - Umbrella...
  25. carligraceee

    Stocking a 37g TopFin Bubble Wall

    Oh I must've remembered wrong! I am going to be adjusting the hardness if I can, however, I did buy some coral rocks that help raise pH and hardness for freshwater/marine fish. I will see how that works. I have yet to experience any issues with the hardness and pH (anything visibly wrong with...
  26. carligraceee

    Stocking a 37g TopFin Bubble Wall

    I have soft - moderately hard water. I have to adjust this with Rift Lake Salts (thanks to Slaphppy7) and will do that after my cycle finishes. So I will have hard water for the mollies since they are very established and have given me an abundance of fry and I don't want to break them up. Do...
  27. carligraceee

    Stocking a 37g TopFin Bubble Wall

    Hey guys! I purchased my 37g tank today! I will be splurging and getting a tank stand as well, tomorrow. I just set it up as much as I could, I will be filling it with water and starting the cycle tomorrow (I got liquid ammonia today, pure ammonia hydroxide). Anyways, I would like to know if my...
  28. carligraceee

    Whats wrong with my betta?

    They sometimes won't continuously make them. However, if he was constantly making one before, it could be a sign that something is off in his water parameters. Check ammonia, nitrites, nitrates, and temp. pH imbalances could cause some stress as well.
  29. carligraceee

    pH a little too low for my liking... how can I raise it?

    Where can I find liquid GH testers?
  30. carligraceee

    pH a little too low for my liking... how can I raise it?

    I also think I have some sneaky amano shrimps that gave birth awhile ago. I think they should be fine. Where can I buy Rift Lake salts? I am in the US. How can I test the GH? Are the testing strips okay for this?
  31. carligraceee

    I love my platies

    Yes, protein will usually come out all weird in their poop but if it isn't affecting them in any other way then it should be fine. I am so glad you are doing well! Feel free to ask more questions if you need!
  32. carligraceee

    Bullying platy

    Everything sounds good to me. I recommend replacing the male with a different male OR just giving him back to the LFS completely and having a single-sex aquarium!
  33. carligraceee

    pH a little too low for my liking... how can I raise it?

    Hey guys thanks so much for your replies. I am aware mollies need hard water but I haven't had any problems and I didn't think that I needed to fix anything... I am very wrong I am assuming lol - GH is said to be soft to moderate hardness (2 to 8 grains per gallon is what my city's website...
  34. carligraceee

    Bullying platy

    Hey! You can put this thread in livebearers but a mod will put it in there for you as of now... Your male is becoming aggressive because your female is pregnant. This is common behavior and won't go away. You can add more females and/or get a larger tank. Personally, when this happened to me...
  35. carligraceee

    pH a little too low for my liking... how can I raise it?

    Hey guys. So, I have a 11.5g with five fish in the tank. I do weekly water changes and test the water at least once a week. These are the parameters as of last night. pH: 7.0 ammonia: .1ppm (had a small ammonia spike, it is going down) nitrite: 0ppm nitrates: 2ppm temp: 78 f I need my pH...
  36. carligraceee

    I love my platies

    Yes, changing the water daily could keep the ammonia and nitrite levels at an appropriate level. I am so so glad she is doing better. Platys still need protein or else she will not gain the amount of weight she needs. I recommend adding live food or frozen worms into her diet if you can. Or...
  37. carligraceee

    VERY bloated betta need help

    Of course. I love to help where I can. Test strips are not accurate but they aren't incredibly off. They are good for getting a quick check. Your water was probably fine, if anything you could have high rates of ammonia which is harmful but I don't think it causes infections. Bacterial...
  38. carligraceee

    VERY bloated betta need help

    Alright. Lesions can come from bacterial infections eating its way out of your betta. It is likely he had the infection about a week before he started showing severe symptoms. I do not recommend you rely on the testing strips. If you want an accurate reading, get the Liquid Testing kit that you...
  39. carligraceee

    VERY bloated betta need help

    I am so sorry for your loss. I know how hard it is. I don't think it was dropsy unless he had pineconed scales and buoyancy issues. I think it was probably a bacterial infection. If you do get another betta, here is what I recommend! Water Parameters: pH: 6.8-7.4 ammonia: 0ppm nitrites: 0ppm...
  40. carligraceee

    Growth on Platy?

    Yes you can give her a salt bath but it might be something internal that she is suffering with. I would take her to the vet and have them look at it. They might not be able to do anything or they might make her better.