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The October FOTM Contest Poll is open! Fish of the Month
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  1. K

    Betta Head Ulcer??

    Hi everyone, it seems I cannot get away from the Betta issues! When I went to feed tonight I noticed that one of the two female bettas in my 20g tank has an ulceration on her head. Or at least that is what it looks like. I'm not sure if it is an injury or a disease but I have attached pictured...
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  7. K

    Very Very Sick Betta Fish -- What can I do???

    Thank you for the recommendation! Yes, I am in the U.S. This was my first time dealing with popeye - I have other Bettas though so I will definitely store this info incase it ever happens again. The disease progression was super weird - the only other fish I've had get sick with such a prolonged...
  8. K

    Very Very Sick Betta Fish -- What can I do???

    Hey she actually passed away a few days ago. Her scales looked really bad, seemed to fall off in a few places, stomach got bloated, still don’t know what was wrong. I treated with antibiotics and anti parasitics to no avail but thank you for responding.
  9. K

    Very Very Sick Betta Fish -- What can I do???

    I got a new betta female 2 weeks ago, she has hardly eaten since I got her, she has been having long stringy white poo, and is losing weight. When I first added her to the tank she ate a few times, but it has now been at least 5 days since I have seen her eat. I added API general cure in case it...
  10. K

    Stocking Question! 10g.

    It’s still a little murky from the change — I must not have rinsed the sand as well as I thought I did but here it is with the sand substrate. Also, update, at least one of the corys likes the omega one shrimp pellets so that is exciting
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  12. K

    Stocking Question! 10g.

    Okay! Thank you for the help :)
  13. K

    Stocking Question! 10g.

    Okay, well it sounds like I'm on the right track with food... I'll keep offering bug bites and pick up some omega one shrimp pellets too. Just to clarify, are you suggesting 8-9 of each dwarf species or total number between both? I only mentioned pygmys because I know I can get my hands on some...
  14. K

    Stocking Question! 10g.

    Thanks for the responses everyone. I actually just swapped the substrate to sand this afternoon I was planning on it, but thought I had until Friday when the fish shipment came in with Pygmy corys to do so... but then happened across the salt and peppers yesterday and bought the five I have...
  15. K

    Stocking Question! 10g.

    Hello! I'm relatively new to aquariums and wanted to check with more knowledgable people about stocking. I just set up a 10 gallon tank. Currently, I have a female betta, 7 ember tetras, and 5 salt and pepper cory catfish in there. I'd say its moderately planted, though you can judge for...
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