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The October FOTM Contest Poll is open! Fish of the Month
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  1. V


    Hes still perky hes been isolated in my breeder box for awhile. Still pops up and seems ok mostly chilling seems a little sad that's hes not out with the other cories
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    This is how he looks now
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  4. V


    So update on my fish I got some more cories and moved him back to the main tank he was more perky and today he came out of hiding has been popping to the surface but his fins are all gone now. He seems ok but idk what to do water is good. Parameters are in the pic. I moved him to a breeder box...
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    Screenshot_20191219-142704_Aquarium Manager.jpg

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    Will that be safe for shrimp? Do I need to quarantine the cory?
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    I just moved my cory into my new 29 gal tank. And I noticed his face seems off. I think its mouth rot so how do I treat it? Do I need to move him back into the old tank after I clean it?
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