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The October FOTM Contest Poll is open! Fish of the Month
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  1. T

    how to clean the stones in the tank?

    heh i boiled em for like 10-15 minutes... i was afraid they would lose their color (red) if i boiled em or somethign =) anyway thanks for the replies =) tazz
  2. T

    how to clean the stones in the tank?

    hi all, i was just wondering, how would i go about cleaning those stones in the fish tank? one of my friends said to boil em in water for 20 mins or so thanks tazz
  3. T

    a cloudyness on the tail and over his left gill

    hi all thanks for the info... fish kinda died =( im thinking of goin down the pet store later and grabbing another - anything i should do or get to make this one last longer?? i changed the water yesterdayand he died in it - so should i change the water again?? the water seems kinda cloudy -...
  4. T

    a cloudyness on the tail and over his left gill

    oh one thing i forgot... as im kinda broke - all ive got is a tank with tap water in it, and some stones at the bottom. i was told at the store that this is all i needed just got a job, so when the cash starts coming in, il prolly look into gettin something better... but im thinkin if i cant...
  5. T

    a cloudyness on the tail and over his left gill

    well the fish isnt lookin any better = hopefully the "overnight" time will do something - with the addition of the EM tablets of course heres a link describing what they are -- im not a msg board wizard hehe so im just gunna paste the URL and hope for the best =P...
  6. T

    a cloudyness on the tail and over his left gill

    yea i pretty much just dropped him into the tank after adding the conditioners. whats cycling the tank ? it does look like fuzz growing from the tail and from the left side gill - kinda whitish, like a very light cobweb. there are no other fish in with him - hes alone in the tank. i just...
  7. T

    a cloudyness on the tail and over his left gill

    hi all my first post =) i bought a betta fighting fish like few days ago and hes been swimmin happily in his tank. yesterday i noticed like a cloudy thing over his tail. well i thought nothing of it, but today i c he has it over his left gill too, and looks kinda off color. i have no clue...