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The October FOTM Contest Poll is open! Fish of the Month
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  1. D

    How to get the most out of the hobby

    Hey Everyone, A few weeks into the hobby and although I've made a ton of mistakes and been working hard everyday to fix them, I've enjoyed every minute of it. It has led me to wondering how do you get the most enjoyment out of the hobby? For me the first two weeks have been action packed with...
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    What is this green build up?

    Hey Guys, Just got home from work and tested the water again with the below results, I dosed stability, do I do another water change on top of the one I did yesterday? Levels are the same as yesterday with a slight drop in Nitrate, does that mean anything? PH 7 Ammonia .25ppm Nitrite 2.0ppm...
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    What is this green build up?

    Ok thanks guys, will do another test tomorrow and do the water change accordingly! the tetras made it back to the fish shop ok and are now in quarantine.
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    What is this green build up?

    Ok that's great, thank you. One of those on order from Amazon now! So is a large water change 50%?
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    What is this green build up?

    I didn't follow the method, I hadn't found this forum when I first bought the tank, I spoke to the LFS and was told that as it was 2nd hand it wouldn't need much cycling because the media would kick in straight away and all I needed to do was throw some food in to spike Ammonia and then put...
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    What is this green build up?

    This may sound like a silly question, but is there a special way to clean or do I just stick my arm in and clean with a cloth?
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    What is this green build up?

    Hi, I thought I had cycled my tank but it turns out I got that wrong too ?‍♂️ So now it looks like I’m doing a fish in cycle I have this build up on the top of the substrate. Also I have tested the water and have the following parameters. PH 7 Ammonia .25ppm Nitrite 2.0ppm Nitrate 20 ppm...
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  10. D

    Juwel 190l Trigon - First Ever Aquarium

    Yes I was thinking Yes I wanted to get the floating plants as I have issues with the light strength, however I also read they will get eaten. Java seemed the most durable plant for beginners and as it's probably apparent I am very much a beginner :lol: I bought the Ciano Naturist 80 and will...
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    Juwel 190l Trigon - First Ever Aquarium

    Thanks everyone for the prompt replies. I couldn’t get my hands on a big enough tank to regime the tetras so I spoke to the shop and they agreed to take them back and credit me. I think I will grab some Java Ferns and pop them in the tank in their Potts to help with the water stability - is...
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    Juwel 190l Trigon - First Ever Aquarium

    Thanks Essjay - been a huge help along with the other members.
  13. D

    Juwel 190l Trigon - First Ever Aquarium

    Thanks Essjay - looks like I will be taking the Tetras and Loach back to the fish store tomorrow then as I can't get a bigger tank right now. Is there a section here that will tell me what I can stock in the Ciano 80 if I get it?
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    Juwel 190l Trigon - First Ever Aquarium

    So it looks like I may be able to get hold of a 2nd hand Ciano Emotions Pro 80 which is a 142L aquarium with dimensions (LxWxH) : 81.2 x 40.2 x 56cm. Will this be suitable for the tetras and to add the loaches? Will I be able to stock much more in there?
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    Juwel 190l Trigon - First Ever Aquarium

    They are fancy goldfish so they won't grow as large as the common. Will look to re-home the Koi into a friends pond when he is too big
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    Juwel 190l Trigon - First Ever Aquarium

    Ok great - thanks, I'm glad I joined here before I went too far down the journey of stocking. So with the shape of this tank should I stop at the 3 Fancy Goldfish? What could I stock with them?
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    Juwel 190l Trigon - First Ever Aquarium

    Thanks for this, it's a great website, wish I had found it before as it tells me there that the fish aren't compatible. Once I re-home the tetra's and loach. I will have 3 small goldfish and a small Koi. Could I get some stocking suggestions please? Ideally wanted a set of schooling fish and a...
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    Juwel 190l Trigon - First Ever Aquarium

    Yes I've seen that, it looks like I have been given bad advice in the shop. I'm going to go out this week and get a 60L tank and then cycle it. Will the fish be ok in the tank for a few weeks until I have managed to buy and cycle the new one? On that note, I don't want to make any mistakes...
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    Can the light be too strong for the fish

    Thanks both for the replies, looks like I will need to invest in a new tank and move them as soon as I get it cycled, will they be ok in the tank for a few weeks until the new one is bought and cycled?
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    Can the light be too strong for the fish

    Ah the guy in the shop said it was fine for them, he also said I could stock Yoyo loaches and I was goin to go back to get some this week, is that also incorrect? I will need to look at getting a different tank, however I'm not sure it's the temp as they are swimming about in the top 1/3rd of...
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    Can the light be too strong for the fish

    Hey Everyone, Can the stock lighting tube be too bright for the fish? I have 7 Congo Tetra's that are always down at the bottom/back of the tank when the light is on, when I turn it off they are around the middle of the tank and then as soon as I turn it back on then shoot straight back to the...
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    Do Let This Happen To You !

    haha this was a great read! I can see myself coming down with a bad case of MTS!! I've only had my 190L tank for 2 weeks and I've already had to cancel the order for a 450L, the mrs wasn't happy as I'd ordered it before I had even put fish in the first one :hyper:. We have compromised and I'm...
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    Juwel 190l Trigon - First Ever Aquarium

    HEy Slaphppy - I was told and read it was 20g fir first goldfish and 10g there after? Is that wrong? What should I do if it's too high? Is it too high now or with the potential stocking list is too high?
  24. D

    External filter or Stock Filter?

    Hey Everyone, I have been receiving conflicting ideas on whether to add an external filter or keep the internal filter that came with the Juwel Trigon 190L? Would love to see what people think and if anyone has experience in keeping or changing?
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    Juwel 190l Trigon - First Ever Aquarium

    Hey Everyone, So I've taken the jump into Aquarium life a few weeks ago and picked up a used Juwel 190L Trigon and set it up at home, used the old media and filter to cycle the tank and have begun stocking it with aFancy Goldfish as the main fish and some other complimentary fish. Loving the...
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  29. D

    Hello from Dubai

    Hey Everyone, New the forum and new to fish keeping, I'm a British expat living in Dubai and decided to start fish keeping a few weeks ago and got my hands on a 2nd hand Juvel Trigon 190L and set up with the old filter and media from the previous owner and cycled and have begun stocking it as a...