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The October FOTM Contest Poll is open! Fish of the Month
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    Saw some space! Started a planted tank! Never swore so much in my life 😂😂

    with the soil and sand,I did put little rocks down but I think i pushed them too deep, should I just buy some 3-5cm pebbles and just line the sand with them? Any suggestions on stocking? I have 6 cardinal tetras and 4 sterbai cory doras in another tank that I want to move over. I want to add...
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    Saw some space! Started a planted tank! Never swore so much in my life 😂😂

    Here is a clearer pic as I bought a white led to go Along side the blue and red one. just tested my ammonia and after 24 hours it’s between 1 and 2. Is this normal? do I need to do anything like a water change? I don’t have fish in, just the plants
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    How to make the happiest environment for the Cichlids

    Thank you Lajos, very detailed. I will go through all of them. The water in Dubai is hard but I don't know the exact GH, I will need to get a test kit. The tank I have is a 4 foot and 65 Gallons The LFS has some beutaiful OB peacocks with yellow and blue, pink and blue that are about 1/1.5...
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    Saw some space! Started a planted tank! Never swore so much in my life 😂😂

    @Wills - The advice I got from the LFS was to lay the lava rock sand on the bottom and then put the soil on the top? is this wrong? Will pull the roots out of the soil and have them hanging, do they just grow into the soil on their own? Was using tweasers but the plants kept sticking to them and...
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    Saw some space! Started a planted tank! Never swore so much in my life 😂😂

    Some clearer pics from this morning? Mia it planted heavily enough or do I need to add more to carpet the front with the r.opens? I’ve got a blue and red light but am going to buy a white led today as well? Is it best to alternate on a schedule with them?
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    Saw some space! Started a planted tank! Never swore so much in my life 😂😂

    So I saw a tiny little gap in the house and thought it could fit a 10g, measured and then found a tank in LFS that fitted perfectly! cue quick persuasion on the wife and she agreed so in shock I rushed to LFS for some advice and rushed home to set up my “simple” planted tank. bought. 10g tank...
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    Adding an extra filter to my 60g cichlid tank

    Hey Everyone, I have a Cichlid tank that is just about cycled and I'm currently running the below filters Sunsun304b - 525g/h Internal Ciano filter - 150g/h Small Sponge Filter - to use for QT/Hospital So I'm turning over the water just over 10 times an hour. Now I am looking to overstock...
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    Used Red Sea Max 650 - when did they change the lighting? Anything I should look out for?

    Hey All, I am looking at buying a used Red Sea Max 650. I am trying to work out how old it is and wanted to know if anyone knew when they upgraded the canopy from the old style to the new one as in the pictures below? Also are there any know issues with used RSM that I should look out for? Or...
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    Red Sea Dubizzle.jpg

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    50 Gallons VS 125 Gallons

    Thanks for the replies guys. I've looked around and think I have settled on the bigger is better and will most likely be going ahead with the Read Sea Max 650 at 175 gallons. Has anyone got experience of this aquarium? Is it truly a straight plug and play with nothing extra to purchase?
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    50 Gallons VS 125 Gallons

    Hey everyone, Starting to look into the marine side of the hobby!! The colors are just too tempting too resist! :p If cost and space are not an issue, I wanted to open up a discussion around what is best, 50g or 125g? Now I know the immediate answer is that bigger is better and always buy the...
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    Where Am I in the cycle? seems too quick for 6 days

    Using API master test kit. tank is 29 degrees C the air bubbles detract from the water looking clear, in my other tank the aeration goes up and breaks, in the tank they seem to go all over the tank and be a constant?
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    Where Am I in the cycle? seems too quick for 6 days

    The tank is doing along nicely with the cycle. however it constantly has these tiny air bubbles. Do I have to much aeration with the spray bar and sponge filter?
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    Electric Blue Jack Dempsey - Dwarf?

    Here’s a picture of the little fella. will he grow?
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    Electric Blue Jack Dempsey - Dwarf?

    Hey Everyone, I was in my LFS and saw the most amazing blue colors on a fish 1 inch and they told me it was a dwarf jack dempsey and wouldn't grow much bigger. However I came back and have been researching and it appears they don't have a dwarf species, this is just a smaller version but can...
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    Anyone live in a country with outrageously hot summers?

    Thanks everyone for the replies. We do have AC and have it on a lot and although the temp in the house is kept 22-24 degrees, the tank seems to stay around 29 and doesn't really drop any lower. It seems I may be worrying too much about the ideal temp for the fish being met constantly and I...
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    Anyone live in a country with outrageously hot summers?

    Hey Everyone, So I live in Dubai and temp her at the moment outside is 40C or 104F, My tank seems to stay around 29/84 to 30/86 which I understand isn't ideal for the one tank that has guppies, tetras, corys and a pleco in. The 2nd tank that is cycling is for african cichlids but even for them...
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    Where Am I in the cycle? seems too quick for 6 days

    Day 9 and I'm at the below figures. Anything I should do or is it progressing nicely? PH 8 AMMONIA 2 NITRITE 2 NITRATE 40
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    Where Am I in the cycle? seems too quick for 6 days

    This is a picture from tonight
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    Where Am I in the cycle? seems too quick for 6 days

    Hey Everyone, I'm 6 days into my cycle of a 60g tank. I put a raw shrimp in for 4 days and removed it and ghost fed fish food each day. Today my readings are: PH 8.4 (I have coral substrate as it will be a cichlid tank) Ammonia 2 Nitrite .25 Nitrate 5 Does this seem all rather quick for 6 days?
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    New Tank - cycling with a prawn, fish food and stability - fishless

    The cycle seems to be motoring along. already have nitrite levels ammonia 1ppm Nitrite 1ppm Nitrate 0ppm Is it normal to go this quickly?
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    New Tank - cycling with a prawn, fish food and stability - fishless

    So day one. added the prawn and the fish food just under 24 hours ago. just tested ammonia out of curiosity and it’s at .5ppm already. Thought I’d quickly check nitrite but that is still zero. madder stability just now and will dose that for the next 7 days and see where we get to with the...
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    New Tank - cycling with a prawn, fish food and stability - fishless

    The shrimp is dead and actually now a little bit poached as I've had the water temp close to 90! So not sure how quickly it's going to rot and create ammonia. Will see over the coming days I suppose. I have 7 Congo Tetras that I may toss in there as well to try and get it going quickly. Just...
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    Do Let This Happen To You !

    Haha I went down this route, had a few drinks at the beach and just ordered a 60 Gallon :) it arrived a few days ago and is cycling now. The wife wasn't happy when she came home. Haven't got round to telling her there is a 10 Gallon in the cabinet of the 60 :)
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    New Tank - cycling with a prawn, fish food and stability - fishless

    So filled up the my 60 Gallon tank just now and put a sponge filter inside and a SunSun 304b (much more efficient this time!!!) I've put a prawn in the fish net and hung it in the tank so that it all keeps together and it easy to whip out, also popped in some fish pellets and algae wafers...
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    Quarantine/Hospital Tank - Can you stock?

    Ok so the more I've researched I've decided and bought an 11 gallon tank and will not keep it stocked. Instead I have bought a sponge corner filter and heater to put in the tank. My question is that I will be keeping the sponge filter in my main tank to go back and forth between QT/Hospital...
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    Please enjoy my canister Sunsun 304b story/nightmare

    I have another one getting delivered tomorrow to go onto my 60 gallon that I am just about to set up so hopefully I will have learned from my mistake and it should be very plane sailing!!!! :) :) It's been on about an hour and the water is looking clearer and the goldfish are loving the extra...