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The October FOTM Contest Poll is open! Fish of the Month
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  1. numbuh27

    Say Hi To Crystal!

    Meet my new betta, Crystal! She is living in a planted 2.5 gallon aquarium. She is my newest betta after my older betta, Drago(who is the betta on my profile pic) died from dropsy. She has been in her new tank for about 2 weeks. Not heated, because i live in malaysia. She is a beautiful white...
  2. numbuh27

    Betta Dropsy Cure?

    Im thinking of getting a betta again, but the last betta i had died of Dropsy. Please suggest a cure so if my new betta has dropsy i can cure it  
  3. numbuh27

    Male Fighter And Guppies?

    Must be careful. My betta, Drago, was a very calm fish. i put a female guppy in his tank, and he swam off and couldn't care less. When I showed my brothers betta a guppy, he went crazy. It all just comes down to personality. The guppies also must have peaceful personalities, as they may nip the...
  4. numbuh27

    Non-Splended Availability

    Its really hard to find a good betta breeder in Malaysia, not sure about Thailand. All the bettas ive seen are the normal ones you see in a pet shop. I should know, i live in Malaysia!
  5. numbuh27

    Yo Im New!

    Ok here goes. Im new, just 5 mins ago i registered. I have 4 tanks, a half gallon used for breeding and quarantine. 2 gallon, for a midget pleco, 1.5 gallon, currently empty used for my school project, and a 4 gallon community tank. :) Hope i have fun!