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The October FOTM Contest Poll is open! Fish of the Month
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  1. FishyFish888

    Dwarf Gourami Disease

    Ah, ok. Thanks so much ?
  2. FishyFish888

    Dwarf Gourami Disease

    Just tested, and everything’s all good. I’ve had him for about two months. He’s lost a lot of colour and his fins have been turning brown.
  3. FishyFish888

    Dwarf Gourami Disease

    I think my Dwarf Gourami has Dwarf Gourami Disease, but I’m not entirely sure. He was being bullied by the other fish in my main tank, so I moved him to a 10gal quarantine tank. He doesn’t have much of an appetite but he is still semi-active (he mostly sticks to the bottom of the tank and...
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  6. FishyFish888


    I’m not sure where you got that information, but the purpose of adding salt is to encourage the parasites to detach from the fish. That’s why it’s used as treatment for ich and other parasites.
  7. FishyFish888

    White spots or fungus?

    As said before, raise the temperature in your aquarium as this stops the ich from reproducing. Make sure you do this gradually, only raising it by 1 or 2F each day or else your fish will become stressed. Get aquarium salt too.
  8. FishyFish888


    Look up the heat tolerances for all of the fish in the tank. You also should get aquarium salt, as heat will stop it reproducing but won’t kill it. Hope this helps and good luck :)
  9. FishyFish888

    Missing Neons

    If they’re new, it’s possible that they could’ve died out of stress in a new environment. It’s common for one or two fish to die when you first get them
  10. FishyFish888

    Missing Neons

    Hi! Is your tank densely decorated? They could be hiding, or if they died their bodies could be stuck. I’ve heard that plecos are also known to eat dead or dying fish. But that depends on the size of your pleco.
  11. FishyFish888

    Ich cleaning

    This was my QT tank, so I’m taking media from my main to re cycle it. I had a 3gal planted I put the last two fish in but they died, so I am in the process of drying that one out too.
  12. FishyFish888

    Ich cleaning

    So my tank recently had an ich outbreak. I took out all the fish, and left it running for about 5 days at 80F. I noticed that there were many ich cysts inside the tank so I emptied it out and it’s been dry for a day now. When would you say I could re cycle my tank?
  13. FishyFish888

    Can I add Dwarf Gouramis and mollies to my tank?

    Thanks. I can't find the exact numbers, but apparently we have 'soft' water, and since I've had my tetras for a year and a half now and they've been thriving I think that I might just stick with getting the Gouramis.
  14. FishyFish888

    Can I add Dwarf Gouramis and mollies to my tank?

    I have a 25gal tank with a pleco and 6 neon tetras. I was wondering if I could get 8 mollies and 2 dwarf gouramis to add to my tank? If so, how long between adding them should I wait so I don't upset the tank with too many new fish at a time? Thanks
  15. FishyFish888

    Can I add Guppies to my tank of Platies and Danios?

    Hi, and thanks for replying! I haven’t tested the water yet, and I will do so soon. However, I was able to count and I have about 4 danios and about 5 Platies, give or take a few. There used to be more, but 1 or 2 always seem to die when I go on holiday . The Platies also had some fry while I...
  16. FishyFish888

    Can I add Guppies to my tank of Platies and Danios?

    Hi, so I’ve had my 40L (10 gal) tank if a couple Platies and Danios that get along just fine for a few months now. I started to notice that the tank looked a little... empty. I already have many plants and decorations inside, but it just looks like the ratio of fish to tank space is pretty low...