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The October FOTM Contest Poll is open! Fish of the Month
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  2. vanalisa

    Identify this plant please

    It's the kind of curly one...with the mass of roots. There is some on the top and then a little further down some on the right. There is none in the bottom third I should have cropped. Starting to look a little wilty now but I love the look of them and would like to propagate some. I imagine I...
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  4. vanalisa

    It doesn't sound out like I would enjoy the bickering part. How do they fit into a community tank?

    It doesn't sound out like I would enjoy the bickering part. How do they fit into a community tank?
  5. vanalisa

    Partial quotes

    Interesting. Thanks everyone. I will practice and hopefully I will get better. There's been many situations where I'd like to have a post with replies to more than one person and just address partial quotes. ✨
  6. vanalisa

    Partial quotes

    Okay that worked. Let me try some thing else...
  7. vanalisa

    Maybe you could post some more pictures and or a video?

    Maybe you could post some more pictures and or a video?
  8. vanalisa

    Well I'll have to do some research then. If I do get a bigger tank it can accommodate that size...

    Well I'll have to do some research then. If I do get a bigger tank it can accommodate that size fish. Are they aggressive and do they need groups?
  9. vanalisa

    Partial quotes

    Hey there techies- How do you do that thing where you make responses with small sections of people's quotes? Thx
  10. vanalisa

    Wowzers! Are they the ones that are just a couple inches? When I could afford a bigger tank I've...

    Wowzers! Are they the ones that are just a couple inches? When I could afford a bigger tank I've been thinking about what to get. it seems like I've come across something that might work I don't know if they're the kribensis or the apistogrammas but it seems as if there were some sort of mini...
  11. vanalisa

    Hi Pretty fish in profile pic, what kind?

    Hi Pretty fish in profile pic, what kind?
  12. vanalisa

    Breeding assassin snails

    my experience I never intentionally tried to breed them but I ended up with babies in my tank. They are tiny tiny tiny and it's likely you won't see any for a while. They do feed on the same things other snails feed on so until they're big enough to eat other baby snails they'll stay down in...
  13. vanalisa

    Fish Forums Meet and Greet?

    Maybe New year's Eve or New year's day and we could all wear masks!
  14. vanalisa

    When the sleeper wakes...

    A thought: Unbeknownst to me, one of my fishkeeping behaviors resulted in transporting eggs from main tank into shrimp tank. Said behavior consisted of taking clumps of greenery from main tank and putting it into shrimp tank for feeding and "tidying up." One day while studying the shrimp...
  15. vanalisa

    The Pygmy Cory Shimmy

    I've had these for almost a couple months. Crazy how they can be totally still one minute and then ... well, not!
  16. vanalisa

    Peacock gudgeon Fry Babies

    Hi ! Here is a still shot close up of 2 (maybe 3) with a cameo by a Blue-eyed Forktail AND a video 👯👯👯 Not the best quality, but...
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  18. vanalisa

    Dwarf Lily

    Hi all, Can anybody tell me which side of the lily bulb goes to the bottom, the stumpy side or the rough side? I'm tempted to just stick it in sideways and hope for the best! 😂
  19. vanalisa

    Random question on my aquarium water…

    I hope the thread discussion relieved your concerns !
  20. vanalisa

    My second (small) tank

    Maybe it has something to do with slowly acclimating the difference in pH?
  21. vanalisa

    Peacock gudgeons, one acting weird

    Oh before I forget I didn't mean to hijack your thread with all my other fish pictures and stuff How about an update on how things are going now... Okay now I really got to go
  22. vanalisa

    Peacock gudgeons, one acting weird

    okay I just read back through the thread and it seems like the 20 gallon just had puppies and Cory's so.... You said that you had moved some fish out and you thought maybe that's what had stress them out? also on the pictures you posted it looked as if that head was right in the middle of a...
  23. vanalisa

    Badger's Sumatran Rice Paddy

    Wow I remember a while back when this was just a dream of a twinkle in your mind's eye ✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨ What a successful outcome. Truly lovely. The music is amazing, as well!
  24. vanalisa

    OliveFish05’s double tank journal and builds (20 gallon tropical community and 40 gallon axolotl tank)

    Love your Honeys Soooo cute 🧡💛🧡💛💖 I have considered those before when I was going to get a few "big fish" for one of my tanks! 😃😄😂 In all seriousness though I do have to get a bigger tank but the fish I have already have a lot of yellow so I might have to consider something else but I love how...
  25. vanalisa

    OliveFish05’s double tank journal and builds (20 gallon tropical community and 40 gallon axolotl tank)

    Please post a picture of the red horned nerite snail please! I've never seen one but I've kept the yellow and black stripe horned nerite snails I haven't been able to find any more of those in a couple years it's strange and oh yeah I'm really excited for you about your tanks I can't wait to...
  26. vanalisa

    Algae that won’t shift on glass

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  28. vanalisa

    Peacock gudgeons, one acting weird

    I just sat realized I wrote I've never seen my fish burrow or dead...of course I meant "dig." I think that yours will look great on the black sand if I can afford it I may get some too. although I have to add I just set up one of my tanks with sand and I really don't like it...🤔
  29. vanalisa

    The Tea Lovers Thread

    Yoo-hoo, @Colin_T Here I your heart out!
  30. vanalisa

    What kind is my Betta?

    I would guess half moon placket with "Black Orchid" colours. I did wonder if it was Dragon-scaled but may be just the light or colouring, or maybe they have a new combo now?
  31. vanalisa

    The Tea Lovers Thread

    One thing it's best to remember about tea is some leaves are more delicate than others and the steeping time reflects the outcome of the taste. One can really ruin a tea if steeped it too long and you may not get the full benefits or flavor if steeped for too short a time
  32. vanalisa

    Peacock gudgeons, one acting weird

    I noticed you had the dark sand in your tank and I have also seen that online. You certainly have done your research. Actually I've never seen my fish burrow or dead but maybe that's because I have gravel. That's just what I happen to have at the time so that's what I used. I'm going to...
  33. vanalisa

    The Tea Lovers Thread

    Lapsang Souchong Earl Grey. (Also surprisingly good iced) Green tea with Jasmine
  34. vanalisa

    Peacock gudgeons, one acting weird

    P. furcatus Rainbowfish They have the same tank requirements as the peacock gungeons and I have mine together Also, @Rocky998
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