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The October FOTM Contest Poll is open! Fish of the Month
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  1. JasonMichael

    Not Happy With Plant Results

    Hi guys,   I've had my Rio 300 for almost a year now, I've been struggling to get my plants going in the right direction. I've posted previous questions on the forum and received advice which I've followed, however I'm still not happy with the results. Even though my anubias has flowered (I...
  2. JasonMichael

    Best Way To Move Tank?

    Just thought id update, I did this a few nights ago and was quite successful. I drained the water into 2 massive storage containers, tried to get out as many fish as possible which was quite a challenge, could only get 1 or 2 out. Slowly slowly, with the help of 2 other people we moved it...
  3. JasonMichael

    Best Way To Move Tank?

      Hmm intersting, I was going to move all the fish out and water into a huge storage container and leave not even an inch of water down the bottom, just ontop of the sand... do you think that would be okay ?
  4. JasonMichael

    Plant Assistance

       Lights are 2 T5s for 6 hours and another 2 for 4 hours. I am using ferts with N&P (with the trace) although Is there a better one available or that you suggest?
  5. JasonMichael

    Plant Assistance

    Hi everyone,   Just wanted to get some feedback and assistance with my planted aquarium. I'm currently using co2 in my tank, lights and dosing Flourish Excel and Flourish Trace as recommended on the bottle. The plants have certinaly grown although I'm wanting to get that lushious green look...
  6. JasonMichael

    Best Way To Move Tank?

              Thanks for the tips guys, doing this in about 2 weeks time :)   Would 1/4 of water left down the bottom be okay you think?
  7. JasonMichael

    Best Way To Move Tank?

    Hey everyone, I need to move my aquarium to the other side of my room as I'm changing it around, it's 350 litres, I thought of a few options of what to do... 1) empty the water down to 1/4 full then move (there will be 3 of us helping move the tank). 2) empty the water into my old tank...
  8. JasonMichael

    Scheduled Power Outage... What To Do?

    Cool thanks guys I was really worried haha. I won't be home during the outage as I have work. I'll try to perform a water change a few days before and feeding will stop a few days before as well. Lets see how we go haha.
  9. JasonMichael

    Scheduled Power Outage... What To Do?

    Hi guys, We received a letter from our electricity company informing us of a scheduled power outage on Friday for 6-8 hours... is there anything I should do for my tank/fish during this time? Thanks.
  10. JasonMichael

    Fluval 406 - Making Noise After Cleaning...

    I've never actually taken it out etc.. How do I do it? Haha
  11. JasonMichael

    Fluval 406 - Making Noise After Cleaning...

    Everything appears to be clicked in and tight. What else do you think it could be? Would it be worth checking the impeller and all that stuff?
  12. JasonMichael

    Fluval U2 Filter Being Noisy

    I use to shake it a bit and sometimes that would get rid of the noise, if not try turning it off for a minute then back on .. Although you've probably tried this. If not give the shop a call and see what they are :) being an internal filter it should be fine :/
  13. JasonMichael

    Fluval 406 - Making Noise After Cleaning...

    Hi guys, I've just cleaned my fluval 406 canister filter as I do monthly however for some reason it's not running as quiet as it use to since cleaning. I'm scared to take out the impeller etc. as I don't want to break it, does anyone have any tips on how to do this carefully and how to clean...
  14. JasonMichael

    Bolivian Ram Has Food Stuck...

    That's what I was thinking, poor lil guy!! haha, thanks so am i :)
  15. JasonMichael

    My Juwel Rio 300 Journal!

    Thanks =D been faced with a few challenges lately (mainly algea) however slowly getting that under control now :)
  16. JasonMichael

    Bolivian Ram Has Food Stuck...

    Great ideas, thanks everyone. Extremely lucky that the food is no longer in his mouth, somehow it was removed, there isn't anything there anymore and his moving his mouth again (he looks happy now lol), apart from redness he should be okay :) Good to know for future reference (although hope it...
  17. JasonMichael

    Uh Oh, What's Happening To My Plants?

    Hahaha!! Sweet as :D
  18. JasonMichael

    Bolivian Ram Has Food Stuck...

    Okay thanks for that. Do I take him out and put him in a bucket with some tank water and do it? What do u think I should use to get the food out...
  19. JasonMichael

    Uh Oh, What's Happening To My Plants?

    He guys - I've been dosing with excel for 3 days now and the algae is starting to turn a reddish colour. Is this normal?
  20. JasonMichael

    Bolivian Ram Has Food Stuck...

    Yep it's in his mouth. How on earth do I do what u said lol
  21. JasonMichael

    Bolivian Ram Has Food Stuck...

    Hey guys, Yesterday I fed my fish the usual bloodworms and pallets for my bottom feeders... My Bolivian ram sometimes gets a pallet in his mouth and swims around for a bit then drops it.... This morning I found to see my bolivan ram has still got some of the pallet in his mouth as his mouth is...
  22. JasonMichael

    Uh Oh, What's Happening To My Plants?

    Great thanks Steveo! They seem to be alright and are swimming normally in other parts of the tank, I may upload a video link if I think there may be a concern!
  23. JasonMichael

    Uh Oh, What's Happening To My Plants?

    hey guys I've just installed the power head near the Co2 diffuser... man theres some serious flow in my tank now haha, the fish seem to be trying to swim against it and then get carried away in the direction with the flow.... is this normal? :\ or could the flow be stressing them?
  24. JasonMichael

    Uh Oh, What's Happening To My Plants?

    Are you talking about the Seachem excel treatment?
  25. JasonMichael

    Uh Oh, What's Happening To My Plants?

    This may be a silly question but what is excel lol
  26. JasonMichael

    Uh Oh, What's Happening To My Plants?

    I'm buying the power head today :) I didn't know you had to clean the tank before/after lights on/off, thanks for the tip! Will the black algea start to disappear slowly ??
  27. JasonMichael

    Uh Oh, What's Happening To My Plants?

    1) What size Tank are you running? 350 liter, 4 foot 2) Is your turnover from the your filter, or powerheads or a combination of the two. currently only have the filter which is 1450 liters p/h, i am going to buy a power head though.. 3) Which filter are you using? Fluval 406 external 4) How...
  28. JasonMichael

    Uh Oh, What's Happening To My Plants?

    I've been using the drop checker and it seems to be reading fine :\ same with the bubble counter.... hmmmmm anything i can do?
  29. JasonMichael

    Uh Oh, What's Happening To My Plants?

    Hmm, I've checked the pipes and no blockage, I am going to buy a Hydor powerhead to place near the CO2... my CO2 is a pressurized system, at the moment my turnover is 1450 l/h.
  30. JasonMichael

    Uh Oh, What's Happening To My Plants?

    Yep just took some below!
  31. JasonMichael

    Uh Oh, What's Happening To My Plants?

    Hi guys, I've posted a picture of this black stuff growing on my plants, they look like little moss balls and a big black thing coming off one of the leaves... any help would be great thanks! I've had CO2 installed in for around a month now, dosing with ferts too and my plants haven't seen to...
  32. JasonMichael

    My Juwel Rio 300 Journal!

    Thanks! :) I've already got a few fish from my old tank in there, but since then I've added 2 male mollies and 4 rummy rose tetra :) thinking of some angels too Thanks! :)
  33. JasonMichael

    My Co2 System!

    darn :P haha its always like that! Thanks man =]
  34. JasonMichael

    My Co2 System!

    This is the CO2 Pro Series 2 Compact Regular system, paid $350 in store in Australia which came with everything (bubble counter, diffuser, drop checker etc...) including the cylinder. So far so good and works perfect on my timer :)
  35. JasonMichael

    My Co2 System!

    Awesome thanks Steveo! :)
  36. JasonMichael

    My Juwel Rio 300 Journal!

    Haha thanks Ross :) I'm jealous of how amazing your planted tanks look, cant wait to get them looking stunning like yours! haha :good:
  37. JasonMichael

    My Co2 System!

    I have the outlet and inlet on opposite ends haha, the co2 is currently below my outlet and goes around in the circle through the tank, should I be placing the powerhead near the outlet again but directed a little more at the co2? :)
  38. JasonMichael

    My Co2 System!

    I'll prob end up grabbing a powerhead, what LPH should I be looking at for the power head? would 2800 do or should I go for the 4000? When I get it, where abouts should I be placing this, near the CO2 to pump it around more?