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The October FOTM Contest Poll is open! Fish of the Month
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  1. G

    Aquarium Sand - What types are safe?

    For the comfort of my plants and bottom-dwellers, I've decided to switch the substrate in my tank from gravel to a finer sandy substrate. My LFS doesn't really offer any true sand. Is sand not geared toward aquariums safe? What about the regular old sandbox-style sands you find at home...
  2. G

    Fish Fasting - how much is safe?

    I know that one or even two days without feeding can be healthy for a tropical community tank. But I've heard that such a tank can go without feeding for as long as a week without problems! Is this true? Should i still go for those little "food blocks" when I go on week vacations?
  3. G

    Best community fish

    Without a doubt my clown loaches. They weird the other fish out sometimes by bumping into them, but they're definitely the most fun fish in the tank. :)
  4. G

    Clown Loaches - hand-feeding?

    I have three wonderful clown loaches, and they're my favorite fish. They go crazy over every kind of food I give them, and I was wondering if one can hand-train clowns. Are they too skittish, or just too crazy to be hand-fed? I'd appreciate any help on this one, thanks.
  5. G

    Black Ghost Knives

    Hi all, I've been thinking about getting a black ghost knife; my LFS has them and they seem like great fish. Right now i only have a 20 gal. community tank which really doesn't have the room for one (It's awfully full, not to mention I don't want to lose my guppies :/ ). In the future...
  6. G

    seashells in tank - safe?

    Hi all, I was down at the beach a little while back, and noticed some seashells (mostly large, old whelk shells w/ holes) that looked just right for fish that like hiding spots (I have 3 young clown loaches). The shells being from a saltwater environment (the ocean...), I figure I should...