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The October FOTM Contest Poll is open! Fish of the Month
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  1. J

    Adding Salts and Medicines...

    This may be a really basic question, but what is the best way to add stuff to the tank? Like aquarium salts, or Ammo-2 against ammonia, or Cycle... do you just throw it in? (which is weird because the fish are always heading up top when I get near the tank) or do I put it in the filter?
  2. J

    Strange Topic...

    Thanks... sounds like food can easily discolor it. The one with clear... I think he might be stressed out because he isn't eating much lately. (Early stages of tank)
  3. J

    Strange Topic...

    I know this is strange to ask, but aside from the normal coloration of thier wastes, recently one fish has had almost see-through feces and another's is almost colorful! What is this, is this pretty normal? Seems weird to me, but I have only had these guys a couple of weeks...
  4. J

    Ammonia Levels

    I am in my 3rd week with a new tank and 4 platies. The ammonia level is not quite zero yet - it's not high, but not gone and I know that's bad for the fish. One is already a little sluggish and won't eat. How can I speed up the cycling process and get rid of the traces of ammonia? Thanks
  5. J

    Water Temperature

    I am having the same problem now that the heat has hit NYC.. the tank is currently between 80 and 82 degrees. I have been floating some bags of ice in the tank and it hasn't started working yet but hopefully it will drop the temp a little. How high of a temp can these little guys tolerate?
  6. J

    Water Temperature

    I am having the same problem, actually. Temp is hovering btn 80-82 and I cannot cool it down especially during the day. Will the fan work? Its awfully warm these days. I can tryfloating some ice.
  7. J


    How do I know when I am fully cycled?
  8. J

    Adequate Lighting

    Do I need to keep the tank light on all day? I read that they need to simulate light, maybe 10 hours of light a day. My apartment gets pretty bright during the day (no direct sunlight on the tank though, due to algae) but I was wondering if it was necessary to keep the aquarium tank light on all...
  9. J

    Just joined!

    Hi just joined and have already gotten some great advice from members about my new tank and platies... thx!
  10. J

    Beginner - my first fish have a disease!

    Thanks everyone! Unfortunately, that little platy didn't make it, but the others are still looking good. One is still scratching himself against things in the tank though. Should I treat for ich? I have been doing partial water changes to keep it clean in there. Should the temp be on the warm...
  11. J

    Beginner - my first fish have a disease!

    How do you tell the sex on the platies?
  12. J

    Beginner - my first fish have a disease!

    When you say "dechlorinated" do you just mean adding that Aquasafe stuff to the water you put in during a water change? Do you think the stress of the amonia and nitrites in the water is what is causing these platies to freak out? What's making them itch? I still don't really see any white...
  13. J

    Beginner - my first fish have a disease!

    Val, thank you so much. Very comforting. I really thought I was doing everything right. Should I change the water pretty constantly in these beginning stages? Is there any chance for these fish to make it through this cycling process?
  14. J

    Beginner - my first fish have a disease!

    I do know about cycling and while I didn't realize it could take as long as other members have said, I bought 2 beginner books and set up the tank exactly as they said. I thought adding 5 platy's would be a good start. Is what I am doing really so wrong?
  15. J

    Beginner - my first fish have a disease!

    I just started my tank last week. After a few days I added 5 platy's. All but one adapted quickly to the tank. The other was alienating himself, sitting on the bottom of the tank and not eating. It got worse, his fins are all clamped down and I noticed some faint white spots (barely noticable...