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The October FOTM Contest Poll is open! Fish of the Month
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  1. M

    no salt allowed in planted tanks

    okey sweet - thanks for the responses :D i will continue to use some salt in my tanks and just monitor my plants. i was talking to some folks at the pet store today and they told me you shouldnt use salt in planted tanks or with ottos or plecos. out of interest how much salt do you folks...
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    no salt allowed in planted tanks

    im starting a planted tank and ive just found out that i can’t add salt to it. *shucks* :X my problem is that i usually always add salt to my betta’s tanks as a preventative. what can i add to their new homes that will work to protect my bettas but not harm my plants? i’m also wondering if i...
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    cycling using plants

    excellent! thanks for the replies guys i will be setting up two 15 gal tanks as well as one 25 gal tank and i'm planning on constructing a DIY CO2 injector of each tank. How many plants should i use (approx) for each tank? Im sure it depends on the types of plants but i'm just looking for a...
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    cycling using plants

    excellent! :D thanks for the replies guys i will be setting up two 15 gal tanks as well as one 25 gal tank and i'm planning on constructing a DIY CO2 injector of each tank. How many plants should i use (approx) for each tank? Im sure it depends on the types of plants but i'm just looking for a...
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    cycling using plants

    So i posted yesterday asking about how i should cycle my new tanks (fishless or not) and i think now i've come to a conclusion: i am going to cycle my tanks using plants as outlined on this web site: Now im just wondering if any of you folks...
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    cycling using plants

    So i posted yesterday asking about how i should cycle my new tanks (fishless or not) and i think now i've come to a conclusion: i am going to cycle my tanks using plants as outlined on this web site: Now im just wondering if any of you folks...
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    he sounds stunning :wub: - cant wait to see some pics of the colour combo. i really hope he's still there when you go back *fingers crossed for ya!*
  8. M

    My betta made it to the states!

    ahhh so happy for you guppy dude :D i was wondering how your fish was doing and went searching though a bunch of posts last nite to find an update thinking i had missed his arrival over the wkend. i'm really looking forward to seeing some pics of him in his new home. best of luck finding a...
  9. M

    Steel/Turq spawn journal, take 2

    congrats linda - hope all goes well with the hatching. thats so exciting. best of luck to you and the new fry :D
  10. M

    best method of cycling new tanks

    alrights, so i need some help figuring out how i should cycle my tank - i also posted this in a beginner section but i figured since its about my betta tanks id also post it here. ;) i’ve got two 15 gal tanks, each split into 3 compartments, both running off of one magnum 350 canister filter...
  11. M

    best cycling method for new tank

    alrights, so i need some help figuring out how i should cycle my tank i’ve got two 15 gal tanks, each split into 3 compartments, both running off of one magnum 350 canister filter. i’m keeping 3 betta fish in each tanks, as well as some plants and perhaps some other fish once the tanks are...
  12. M

    Betta Caves

    i dont have any caves for my bettas but i do build them little "houses" out of rocks - 2 rocks as the sides and one as the roof (know what i mean?) :) Some of my guys really seem to like these little "houses" and some other just ignor them totally. I also find they are helpful if you have a...
  13. M

    youre gonna poke someones eye out with that thing

    hehehe i know guppy dude.. i think ive got a bit of a problem ;)
  14. M

    youre gonna poke someones eye out with that thing

    thanks cutecotton well i guess i should set up that tank and put the heathly girls together, just to be safe (as opposed to being lazy :P) i just pulled out my melafix and it does say it can be used for wounds - silly me not thinking to read the bottle. :rolleyes: i will post some pics...
  15. M

    youre gonna poke someones eye out with that thing

    so i went away this wkend and “accidentally” had 4 females, 1 male and 4 dwarf frogs follow me home. :rolleyes: hehehe unfortunately the girls are not all in perfect condition. i must not have looked them over carefully enough at the shop as one of the girls is missing an eye! :( Im sure it...
  16. M

    new females..

    shucks! ah well well i hope its still around when i move out there in... erm.... 1,2..4 years lol :P edit: i like that photo taking idea GP im off for the nite folks - take care
  17. M

    new females..

    what a great deal! where is this lfs?? *fingers crossed that its somewhere in the toronto area*
  18. M

    new females..

    ahs alrights - glad my eyes arent playing tricks on me sounds like there is the possibility of an interesting match :wub: i'd love to see their babies. next time i see a mustard gas im gonna snag it for sure, they are so neat. congrats again on the new gals and best of luck with them
  19. M

    new females..

    :fun: :fun: :fun: ahhh they all look so sweet! oh i love female bettas- i think i've gotta go to the store tomorrow. muhahahaha :shifty: your girls look really good nibbles is the mustard longer and more slender then the other girls? just wondering as it looks like shes a dif shape...
  20. M

    check out this cool logo

    thats a sweet logo i hope it brings your team loads of luck this season :flex:
  21. M

    garbage picker!

    interesting nibbles- makes sense. ive also heard that you will see white stuff if there is any bleach left over. im gonna have to get someone else to do a second opinion on the sniffing as i seem to have a chronic stuffy nose that isnt so great at smelling these days. :/ thanks for the info :)
  22. M

    fishy coming this week

    ah man what a disapointment - poopers! :X at least now you've got some more time to get his house all set up. i guess now he's just gonna make a fashionably late entrance :nod: hehe
  23. M

    new females..

    ahhhhh :fun: sound awesome - looking forward to seeing them of course no big rush or anything blah, im gonna be up for awhile - got like 6 million report cards to do for swimming lessons tomorrow, eeeek!! :crazy:
  24. M

    garbage picker!

    sweet - sounds like im on the right track with the bleach method B) thankfuly i dont think i'll need to use any salt as there isnt any caked on junk, phew, but i'll keep that in mind for the future. thanks cutecotton - its pretty awesome that my city does it plus it helps loads when ive...
  25. M

    new females..

    i tend to do the same thing - lose one and end up with at least one more cant wait to see the pics, they sound stunning :wub:
  26. M


    hehehe :rofl: *squints and looks real close at your tank* Phew! B) yeah that would be funny – an interesting decoration thats for sure a little too much for me, but whatever floats the boat
  27. M

    garbage picker!

    Eeeee! Uber excited! :hyper: So tonite i went looking though other ppls trash (ahhh its not as bad as it sounds – let me explain) my city has this junk collection program where in the summer people can put items that they no longer need on the curb in front of their house and the city will...
  28. M


    :wub: hes pretty - very cool indeed im curious (just like guppy dude) to know if he says that colour or switches back and forth. yeah for spikes fourplayfishy
  29. M

    always keep lids on

    thats a bummer nibbles sorry bout the loss of your male :/ i'm glad to hear that is sounds like your girl will pull through. :) i lost one of my fave vt boys that way, went away canada day wkend and came back to find him on my carpet floor :-( my mum had been looking after him and i guess...
  30. M

    females with dividers

    thanks for the suggestions guys i really like the idea of getting 2 more girls :D im a little worried thou as Georgina is REALLY aggressive - she flares like mad and destorys the other girls fins. :-( maybe i'll just keep her seperate and get 2 more girls to spread the aggression out...
  31. M

    females with dividers

    Well i finally got a new home for the 3 girls i picked up a couple wks ago. At first i had them all together in a 5.5 gal and Georgina picked on the other two hardcore, she was sooo brutal :no: I took her out and left the other 2 in there with a divider between them. I then used the divider to...
  32. M

    What got you hooked?

    thanks for sharing all the stories, i love hearing them now how did i end up getting hooked on bettas....? -_- well it started last summer, my sister bought this really pretty vt from the lps. he used to live in our kitchen. He had soooo much personality – every time you were in the kitchen...
  33. M

    my day...

    sorry to hear about your guenie pig :-( its so sweet that you went out to get baby food for him to eat - that really shows how much your cared. im soo excited about your new betta boy :fun: he’s simply gorgeous! i cant wait to see pics of him in his new home, im sure he’ll look stunning.
  34. M

    New spawn journal

    what a great looking pair :wub: can't wait for more updates in the spawn journal since im not yet ready to try spawning my bettas is terrific to read about your adventures/experiences in doing so - thanks so much :)
  35. M

    Dividing a tank for 2 male bettas

    haha :rofl: thats funny, silly cat! man i woulda freaked out if id come home to find one of my tanks knocked over - you're lucky you could save your betta after being out of water. the temp home in the beer glass :lol: is funny too, ive actaully done that before as well. yikes the thought of...
  36. M

    bettas males together

    thats a terrific looking tank Itty Bitty Betta :wub: what type of filter were you using on it? im curious as im in the process of gathering the materials to build two 15 gal divided tanks (3sections in each) and im rather stumped/worried bout filtration and current. :/
  37. M


    ahhh i see i see, im actually splitting the tank in 3 sections do corys get lonely and need to be in pairs?
  38. M


    :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: hehehe i like that... i actually have 3 nameless girls at the moment but they arent angels thats for sure... more like little devils. :sly: edit: silly me forgot to include my betta's names boys: zeek, caffine, skylar, phan (phantom), burnabee, gavin (rip)...
  39. M


    mmmm. makes mucho sense, thanks corrosive B)
  40. M


    corys of each side? :huh: do you mean of each gender? im a little confused lol im gonna look into the ottos for sure and maybe some sordtails - thanks for all the suggestions! eeeee my head is spinning with fishy ideas :fun: