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The October FOTM Contest Poll is open! Fish of the Month
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  1. K

    Urgent! Something on betta fish’s head

    Just took a look at my betta (halfmoon male, ten gal tank) and have notice that something is on his head, looked at him 30 minutes prior and it was not there. Betta has exhibited actions of staying by the bottom of the tank (usually pretty active), but will swim around some and will swim up to...
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  15. K

    Betta and heater discussion

    Yeah the house is hot natured all year round basically…
  16. K

    Betta and heater discussion

    Yes it’s a 10 gal tank with a 50 watt heater. For now it’s unplugged and I will be looking into getting a new heater soon. His tank is at a 78.4 degrees Fahrenheit right now.
  17. K

    Betta and heater discussion

    It’s a 50 watt heater from aquarium co op
  18. K

    Betta and heater discussion

    Male betta refuses to move from the bottom of the tank while his heater is plugged in. He just stays at the bottom (only come up for air) and will not move around his tank (normally a very active fish), I have to unplug his heater for him to start moving normally again. I’m thinking there is an...
  19. K

    Does my male betta look sick?

    Nothing wrong with his appetite! He’s a very good eater. Usually feeds him pellets, micro pellets, color changing pellets, dried brine shrimp, frozen brine shrimp. Flakes (he’s having a hard time chewing those at the moment). Daphnia, and on occasion bloodworms. My main fear is him having some...
  20. K

    Does my male betta look sick?

    Male halfmoon betta in 10 gal tank. Tank is cleaned once a week. Just wondering does my betta scales and his tail look alright? He’s been exhibiting some odd behaviors recently… ex-going up to this statue in the tank then jumping/twitching off of it. I don’t have a video of the actually...
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  25. K

    Betta swimming oddly / change in swim

    Need help! I have a halfmoon male betta fish that lives in a 10 gal tank. His tank is cleaned once every week. Anyways I’ve noticed today that his swim pattern is odd… as you will be able to see in the video I’ve linked below. What is wrong with him? Or is he alright, I just want to know as...