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  1. K

    Pregnant guppy being nipped

    Oh and also, I was forced to put her back into the main tank and out of quarantine as she was lashing violently around and really didn't look happy, however since doing that she is constantly swimming with her head facing down vertically, and as I'm writing this I she is just staying at the...
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    Pregnant guppy being nipped

    I did a water check and all was well, the tank is 48 litres (about 10 gallons) and currently has: 3 guppies, 2 swordtails, 2 corys, a pleco and several guppy fry from a previous batch in a little nursery (some are quite big, a few more weeks and I think they'll be big enough to go into the main...
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    Pregnant guppy being nipped

    I forgot to include a photo:
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    Pregnant guppy being nipped

    Hello, I currently have 1 female and 2 male guppies (I had more, but unfortunately they died). The single female is very heavily pregnant and I suspect she's due any time now as she's finding it difficult to swim and quite frankly is blown up like a balloon. Due to not being able to swim...
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    Cory eggs found

    Hello, today I had the unexpected pleasure of finding 7 small Cory eggs stuck to the side of the tank. After reading up on them and how to hatch them etc I read that I needed to isolate them from the other fish - at the minute I have a small nursery set up in the tank in which I am currently...
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    Sick Guppy

    Thanks for the advice, I'll keep the female alone in her little tub until she's swimming normally again, although she doesn't seem to be eating, whenever I drop a bit of flake into her water she never seems to move towards it and eat it, as for getting a new couple I think I'll hold off for now...
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    Sick Guppy

    Hmm... I was going to do a water change later today anyway. I have some questions. Would it be any use in buying some fin rot medicine? Is she going to survive? Should I put her back into the main tank? What would cause the males to harass her and what can I do to prevent it in future?
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    Sick Guppy

    Also, I failed to mention that it wasn't actually me who find her, I was away when she was found like this and suspect that my dad (who was responsible for feeding my fish whilst I wasn't away) has been over feeding them as the water is quite cloudy.
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    Sick Guppy

    It isn't showing any sign of improvement and as for the ratio, I have 3 females (including this one) and 2 males, not to mention 20 or so fry I have in a small nursery in the same tank. Regarding new things added, I recently bought some algae tablets and some other tablets designed for plecs to...
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    Sick Guppy

    Hello, so a few days ago one of the guppies in my tank began acting strangely, not moving and hanging around the filter whilst being somewhat vertical. As a precaution, I quarantined it in a small Tupperware container floating in the tank (so the temperature of his water stayed the same but he...
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    Pregnant Guppy

    Thanks for your reply, she gave birth a week after this was posted, and I was able to save a total of 13 fry.
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    Nocturnal Pleco

    Thanks for the feedback, and I have a cucumber in the tank right now just waiting to be eaten :)
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    Nocturnal Pleco

    So I've had this little pleco for a few weeks now and I have never ever seen it out during the day - only the night. I would love to see this little guy out during the day but he simply won't come out from his hiding place during the day unless forced to. I was wondering, is there anyway I can...
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    Water changes

    Thanks Byron
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    Water changes

    Hello, I'm relatively new to the whole fish tank thing (2-3 months) and I recently bought some guppies, 2 of which I suspect are pregnant. I think the pregnant fish are nearly due so i have put off cleaning the tank and doing water changes to prevent stress - however the water is beginning to...
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    Pregnant Guppy

    Hello, you probably get this a lot so I will keep it short and sweet. I bought 5 guppies 3 days ago and I suspect that one is heavily pregnant, and I was wondering if someone could confirm this as well as possibly tell me how long it will be until she gives birth. Thank you.
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    Lone Cardinal Tetra

    No, the tank was not cycled however we did wait about a week or so for the water to get set up before we added fish
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    Lone Cardinal Tetra

    So, I got a fish tank a few weeks ago and my first additions were 4 cardinal tetras. However, since then 3 of them have died. The remaining one looked very lonely and I was afraid he would die too, however only yesterday I got 3 Black Phantom tetras and my little cardinal is like a completely...
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