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  1. asilisa2000

    Plant Id Please

    does anyone know what that hairy mass is? Is it growth from a morimo moss ball?      
  2. asilisa2000

    Betta Is Dying! Need Help 911

    UPDATE!   It's been 6 months since I had my emergency.  Just wanted to share the good news.  Phlame, now monikered Phoenix is still doing fine and looks absolutely beautiful.  I've included pictures for the update.                   Just look at the difference from the first post to now.  Thank...
  3. asilisa2000

    Is She Pregnant?

    OK so here are the pics: sorry the pics might be blurry but she won't pose....duh!
  4. asilisa2000

    Is She Pregnant?

    Since they are already bloated, I can't tell if she is pregnant. I have two females and one male. How do I post pictures?
  5. asilisa2000

    Betta Is Dying! Need Help 911

    How does he make a bubble nest with the undergravel filter making bubbles and circulating the water? Do I need to turn it off? Also, if I turn it off, then I would have to change his water everyday and have to drain off his bubbles. Also, when do I know if he is ready to pair with a female...
  6. asilisa2000

    Betta Is Dying! Need Help 911

    Yes, he's now perking his tail up. He's no longer that horrible brown color and he's very attentive when I come near the tank with the little yellow jar (he knows it's food). He's more active and doesn't lay on the bottom anymore. I got a better under gravel filter system with carbon...
  7. asilisa2000

    Betta Is Dying! Need Help 911

    He's back from ashes of death. He is now named Phoenix. He's gotten better thanks to everyone's help.
  8. Phoenix.png


  9. asilisa2000

    Betta Is Dying! Need Help 911

    Phlame (flame) maybe I should change his name to Phoenix because he's looking great. Thanks to everyone for their ideas and help.
  10. Phlame is better and looking good..png

    Phlame is better and looking good..png

  11. asilisa2000

    Betta Is Dying! Need Help 911

    I can't change it all if I want to start culturing the bacteria in the undergravel filters. Some of my aquariums (3 of 4) have undergravel filters. This one tank has the undergravel bubbler and sponge that are recent starts. I stated that I had taken some of the sludge (what I call it) some...
  12. asilisa2000

    Betta Is Dying! Need Help 911

    Thank you to everyone who has offered help and advice. I really appreciate it very much. It has also made me realize that I must not be a very good fish keeper. I've had my larger tank for over 20 years and didn't know I was mistreating my fish pets so badly. I will do my best to try to find...
  13. large tank.png

    large tank.png

  14. asilisa2000

    Betta Is Dying! Need Help 911

    Thank you for the concern. Klaus was actually supposed to be a feeder ghost shrimp. S/He was very small and undeveloped and did not look any different than the other ghost shrimp I buy as treats for the aquarium fish. I noticed that there were carapices around the bottom of the aquarium and...
  15. Klaus and Goldie friends.png

    Klaus and Goldie friends.png

  16. asilisa2000

    Betta Is Dying! Need Help 911

    OK, I just tried the "squeeze" garlic thing. No such luck. There is no juice from my garlic, just mushy garlic. Have you actually tried this? Do you need to add water to the pulp to get the garlic juice? Have you ever actually tried the garlic soak for your bettas or are you yanking my chain...
  17. asilisa2000

    Betta Is Dying! Need Help 911

    Looks like a large flake. The whole house is central air conditioned and is at stable and constant 75 degrees. I found a heater was unnessary and made no difference in water temperature. How do you soak the pellets in garlic juice? I've never heard of this. Can you give me instructions? Do...
  18. asilisa2000

    Betta Is Dying! Need Help 911

    Here are pictures of my other bettas. Female is named Pea (Derivative of peacock but since she is a fish....) Half moon is really more blue than green but his name is Jason The male betta (don't know what type he is) I call him Jeans Just for kicks I've included Klaus and Goldie (S/He is a...
  19. turk.png


  20. Klaus and Goldie.png

    Klaus and Goldie.png

  21. Jean 1.png

    Jean 1.png

  22. Jason.png


  23. Sweet Pea.png

    Sweet Pea.png

  24. asilisa2000

    Betta Is Dying! Need Help 911

    He made it through the night and has some color back. He still has an appetite so I think that might be a good thing. I also gave some aloe water conditioner for his slime coat in case his slime coat was compromised by the ammonia. He still looks a little weak so I'm not turning the bubbler...
  25. Phlame better.png

    Phlame better.png

  26. asilisa2000

    Betta Is Dying! Need Help 911

    Thank you for your advice. I hope he makes it to morning. It is 1:30 am here so there is nothing open right now.
  27. asilisa2000

    Betta Is Dying! Need Help 911

    I use Kordon Amquel Plus in this tank every day. I use 3-4 drops which is about the ratio of 1 tsp per 10 gals. I did the drop count for 1 tsp and it was about 35 drops. Divided it by 10 to get the dose for 1 gal. Then I was changing the water once every 5 days. His bubbler is under gravel...
  28. asilisa2000

    Betta Is Dying! Need Help 911

    This is him now. And his tank. Here is the tank. Clean treated water and small bubbler. Has gravel. You can see him near the top. He used to be bright blue and magenta with magenta flames in his blue fins.
  29. Phlame tank.png

    Phlame tank.png

  30. Phlame 2.png

    Phlame 2.png

  31. asilisa2000

    Betta Is Dying! Need Help 911

    I've had him about two weeks. I'm in Texas so I don't heat the water. Its alsways about 75 degrees. He is very skinny but eats well. He's losing color fast. What can I do?
  32. asilisa2000

    Betta Is Dying! Need Help 911

    If anyone can help... My betta was fine yesterday. He had good color and was swimming just fine. Late lst night he started slapping the surface water with these herky jerky spasms. This morning he had lost most of his color and is very lethargic. Does anyone know what I can do? I change...
  33. Phlame.png

