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  1. W

    Tetra Swimming In Crazy Circles, Flipping Upside Down

    hi, i posted a few days ago about my whiteskirt tetra who had a weird pink mass around his fin and losing a few scales. Now I think he's on the way out--can't seem to keep his bouyancy and is swimming all around in upside down circles in a bit of a panic. WHAT IS IT??? Help, please.... :sad:
  2. W

    Pink "fleshy" Sore Around Fin On Whiteskirt Tetra? Tumour?

    Hi, as my title says, my whiteskirt has a pink fleshy mass protruding all around one pectoral fin. She's swimming, eating fine. No one else is sick (9 other community fish, including one blackskirt). It's been there a couple of weeks, I just finished a 7 day dosing cycle of Melafix, but...
  3. tetra_fin.jpg

