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  1. H

    Not sure how to fix my water issues

    I understand I shouldnt be using those chemicals to try to regulate ph and alkalinity but how else do I do it? I have live plants and do water changes. What else?
  2. H

    Not sure how to fix my water issues

    Hello! Im new. I want to first thank all the readers and helpers who comment on the other threads. Ive searched for my problem but couldn't find my answer and I need help. The fate of my poor fish depend on it! Background: I've had an established 10gal for several years and never had a problem...
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  6. H

    Help me identify this fish disease please :(

    Im afraid I do not have any stats for you, (ph level) as I do not have a kit and again, the nearest petshop is 30 minutes away on ice covered roads
  7. H

    Help me identify this fish disease please :(

    I guess it's hard to see in the pic, but in real life, the skin is much more cloudy/flaky and you can see the red color in between the scales and fin
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  9. H

    Help me identify this fish disease please :(

    Hello! Im new to this forum but I rrally need help. Ive had my tank established for over 2 years.(30gal freshwater) I had 4 fish in it the whole time and just recently I wanted to get more. Bought 3 more a little over a week ago. Now I have 2 goldfish, 2 molys, 1 angelfish, 2 algae eaters I...