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  1. Anon_05

    Help trouble after changing my water and cleaning tank

    Just did 2nd 50% water change of the day still got some ammonia between 0.5 ppm and 1.0 ppm its a bittttt lighter than last night. I was told at the fishshop that the live cold bacteria i bought will clear out the ammonia in 24-48 hours this was one i got. I want to add that i separated some...
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  5. Anon_05

    Help trouble after changing my water and cleaning tank

    I took out 50% of the water added conditioner and live bacteria they sold at the shop thats cold the ammonia is pretty much the same remove more water? keep removing till ammonia is 0? my 1 lone surviving angel fish is still alive lol just her. I need to go buy tetra safestart i hope...
  6. Anon_05

    Help trouble after changing my water and cleaning tank

    Woww....yeah they had bigger balas in their tank at the petshop with the angelfish well that's troublesome to know. I was unable to drain water yesterday late night because i ran out of conditioner :( so petshop opens in 30 minutes and i will run to get and keep taking water out. Ammonia remains...
  7. Anon_05

    Help trouble after changing my water and cleaning tank

    Every one of the fish are at the surface just swimming up there, i will remove more water and hopefully that resolves it :(
  8. Anon_05

    Help trouble after changing my water and cleaning tank

    Ok got it, thank you guys i appreciate it and God bless you all. How long does it usually take to cycle when you are doing it with fish?
  9. Anon_05

    Help trouble after changing my water and cleaning tank

    Im sorry what's a fish in cycle? sorry im a noob :(
  10. Anon_05

    Help trouble after changing my water and cleaning tank

    So remove 75% of the water out and then when i add the new 75% put the required amount of conditioner again for that amount of new tap water? and leave the gravel alone correct? just remove the water?
  11. Anon_05

    Help trouble after changing my water and cleaning tank

    I believe it's a fake wood like some of the decorations they had at the fish store, the plants are real.
  12. Anon_05

    Help trouble after changing my water and cleaning tank

    Yeah :( i wish i would have never even tried to clean the gravel and take out the water how frustrating they were perfect before, same plants, wood everything. The moment we finished removing the water cleaning gravel all three were always at the surface, looks like one of the little dark ones...
  13. Anon_05

    Help trouble after changing my water and cleaning tank

    Yes i used Aqueon water conditioner same brand as my filter the Aqueon 75. Let me show you a full pic of tank. The black one that was laying down tried to swim just now :(((. I also added when i cleaned the tank Microbe-lift Nite out II the starter bacteria to remove ammonia and nitrate.
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  17. Anon_05

    Help trouble after changing my water and cleaning tank

    Yeah but the gravel i bought was this porous clay gravel for Flourite that gets the water brown easy if you so much as rub it when you are cleaning it, so it usually leaves little brown residue on the sides of the glass and i cleaned it with a scrubbing pad i bought at the pet store so maybe i...
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  24. Anon_05

    Help trouble after changing my water and cleaning tank

    So i just got my 55 gallon tank 3 weeks ago, checked my water level this weekend and ammonia was up made the mistake of taking out too much water and one of my angelfish have died already :( i think it took out too much of the good bacteria they had in. Reason i cleaned the tank was the ammonia...
  25. Anon_05

    New to the forum

    Hello everyone new member here i haven't had a fish tank in like 10 years but decided to get a 55 gallon now and i definitely need some help fro some veterans in here lol, thank you all for having me!