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  1. Bettafriend

    Also.. How do u post something in detail on this site. Seems everything I try now limits my words..

    Also.. How do u post something in detail on this site. Seems everything I try now limits my words..
  2. Bettafriend

    Need help.. Fish still sick and feel terrible thinking about if he's suffering...

    Need help.. Fish still sick and feel terrible thinking about if he's suffering...
  3. Bettafriend

    Help PLEASE: Betta "Finny" has bulge on tummy..

    Finny still hanging on.. Tough little guy. But so sad to imagine him being unhappy and/or suffering.. Over a month past since last posts. Lump is a big larger.. And he has some swelling at bottom/tummy area now as well.. But not constipated. Still feed occasional blanched pea and find poop at...
  4. Bettafriend

    Still seeking help/advice on cause of bulge on left side of betta's tummy.. Please.. Need as...

    Still seeking help/advice on cause of bulge on left side of betta's tummy.. Please.. Need as many opinions as possible.
  5. Bettafriend

    Help PLEASE: Betta "Finny" has bulge on tummy..

    Thanks for the encouragement. If it "is" some benign tumor then I should definitely stop the "Kanaplex" antibiotic treatment.. Im just really afraid to do so. He's on 7th day of treatment today. Contemplating another partial water change and to see how he does with just super clean water...
  6. Bettafriend

    Help PLEASE: Betta "Finny" has bulge on tummy..

    Sorry if I offended you in any way.. Really "do" appreciate your time and quick reply to my urgent plea for help.. Didn't want you to feel I was questioning your advice. Just so hard to hear and accept bad news.. And truly just want as many opinions as possible to have a pool of information to...
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  8. Bettafriend

    Help PLEASE: Betta "Finny" has bulge on tummy..

    Thank you for quick response. First hope is to heal if possible.. But reduce suffering if necessary. Info is crucial. Can tumors grow almost intantly though? Have you seen this? I was thinking fluid from infection. Blockage.. Parasite? How confident are you of it being a tumor?
  9. Bettafriend

    Help PLEASE: Betta "Finny" has bulge on tummy..

    And please, if you know any additional members very knowledgeable in such things,please direct them as well.. I clearly don't know how to navigate this site well, though I need as much exposure and help as possible. . thank you so much.
  10. Bettafriend

    Help PLEASE: Betta "Finny" has bulge on tummy..

    Please help ASAP. . love this poor little guy.. Had to wait for son home from work with decent camera..
  11. Bettafriend

    Help PLEASE: Betta "Finny" has bulge on tummy..

    Sent better pix.. Bulge directly behind left pectoral fin
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  15. Bettafriend

    Help PLEASE: Betta "Finny" has bulge on tummy..

    Not familiar with forum enough to navigate and post where best seen, if seen at all :( being emergency, Im hoping anyone seeing this can help. Guide me to posting properly. Etc.. Finny has this bulge on left side. Desperately need advice on treating
  16. Bettafriend

    Please help old betta "Finny"

    Four days now. Water parameters all perfect for many months. In heated, filtered ten gallon by himself. Still eating normal and swimming. Though less active than normal. Bulge on "left" side of body? Slight protrusion of scales over area of bulge, but nowhere else. On antibiotic...
  17. Bettafriend

    Help PLEASE: Betta "Finny" has bulge on tummy..

    Four days now. Water parameters all perfect for many months. In heated, filtered ten gallon by himself. Still eating normal and swimming. Though less active than normal. Bulge on "left" side of body? Slight protrusion of scales over area of bulge, but nowhere else. On antibiotic...
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  22. Bettafriend

    Please help old betta "Finny"

    Btw. Marble "is" the direction I was leaning. It's been the "only" and closest explanation I've found on all the forums over last couple weeks. I'll keep a close eye on him.. But ultimately think you're probably right on.. Thanks again for confirming my suspicion. Very relieving to think hes...
  23. Bettafriend

    Please help old betta "Finny"

    Thank you for quick reponse. No. Blotchy patterns on body are not raised in any way.. Though, as I mentioned, these changes "did" occur pretty quickly? Just in last 2 or three weeks. Until then his body was mainly all blue. Funny. Until about 8 months ago, he was mostly "green"
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  25. Bettafriend

    Please help old betta "Finny"

    Finny is 18-24 months old.. Lives in heated, filtered, cycled, ten gallon by himself. Body colors faded from dark blue to "blotchy" light and dark blue pattern fast ( over past two weeks since he badly tore dorsal fin on some ornament. His water parameters are, and have been pristine for at...
  26. Bettafriend

    Please help old betta "Finny"

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