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  1. Sayuri

    Mystery Fry Id And How To Care For

    When I was cleaning out my tank today I noticed this tiny little guy swimming up by the surface. It's about 4-5mm long, has a greyish tint and darker black patches to it. I'm only used to platy fry but this guy looks a strange shape, a very thin, needle like tail end (not sure of the proper...
  2. Sayuri

    Introduction And Thanks!

    Hi there, Firstly I wanted to say a big thanks to the people who take the time to contribute to the forums and write the FAQs, it's all been invaluable to my fish and I :good:! Without this site I would never have known to fishless cycle my tank before adding fish, or how to save my new Platy...
  3. Sayuri

    Ember Tetra Dying

    Thanks, unfortunatly the other tetra didn't make it. Everyone else in the tank is still acting normally so fingers crossed. I will keep up daily water changes for a bit and keep a close eye on the others. Hopefully I can come back and say all the other fish survived! Thanks again for your help
  4. Sayuri

    Ember Tetra Dying

    Thanks for the reply, sorry for the delay in getting back to you - bit of a family emergency. I isolated the fish but he didn't make it and two more of the tetras started showing similar signs. I isolated both of them and one died, the other isn't looking good but hanging in there. I'm treating...
  5. Sayuri

    Ember Tetra Dying

    Request Help Tank size: 130l pH: 7.2 ammonia: 0 nitrite: 0 nitrate: 5 kH: unknown gH: unknown tank temp: 24 C Fish Symptoms (include full description including lesion, color, location, fish behavior): This Saturday I got a shoal of ember tetra, 12 in total. They all seemed to be doing fine...
  6. ember tetra.jpg

    ember tetra.jpg
