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  1. D

    My thoughts on a tank set-up; anyone have advice or positive feedback?

    Sorry, tap water where I live is around: 8.01 grains per gallon 137 milligrams per liter (mg/L) with a range of 112-142 mg/L PH is around 7.6
  2. D

    My thoughts on a tank set-up; anyone have advice or positive feedback?

    Thank you; this is very helpful. Would your suggestion be to then ditch the GBR idea and have a tank with the rest (with a few more to school) or else if I really like the GBR, build around it differently?
  3. D

    My thoughts on a tank set-up; anyone have advice or positive feedback?

    So I've had a goldfish for awhile and also a planted tank with some shrimp/snails. Going to finally move over to a tropical tank setup now that I'm used to feeding/weekly water change care/etc. This is my thought after lots of internet research...but I know how the internet is and having real...
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    Help! Did the pet store swindle me?

    thank you! I was able to return them.
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    Help! Did the pet store swindle me?

    I just brought what was supposed to be 5 White cloud mountain minnows...but now that I brought them home and looked at appears there's only 1 mountain minnow and 4 of another kind...maybe a zebra danio? Or am I being dumb and it's actually 4 females and 1 male? Very new to the...
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  9. D

    Goldfish eggs??

    Just wondering if I should do anything or since I don't have another goldfish they'll just eventually dissolve/get eaten?
  10. D

    Goldfish eggs??

    So just recently got a goldfish... it must be a she! These are all eggs right? They fine? I have 5 ghost shrimp, mystery snail, and bamboo shrimp with my goldfish.
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  12. D

    What kind of Goldfish is it?

    In all seriousness I've been wanting to do this for awhile! This is just the best excuse to finally do it (and get approval from the wife). How long do you think he'll be ok in this 20gal before I need to upgrade (and them I can turn the 20 gal into smaller fish home).
  13. D

    What kind of Goldfish is it?

    Yikes! You should've seen the tiny bowl it was being kept in before being "rescued" by my 4-year old.
  14. D

    What kind of Goldfish is it?

    Howdy, I inherited a goldfish (or my 4 year old son did) and it looked sad in it's little goldfish bowl so I bought a 20 gallon aquarium. Any idea what kind of goldfish it is? Just wondering to be able to better research water temp, food, tankmates, etc.
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  17. D

    Java Moss and Banana Plant dying?

    Oh... and 2 weeks now.
  18. D

    Java Moss and Banana Plant dying?

    I dropped them in and did some work and got back to it an hourish later.
  19. D

    Java Moss and Banana Plant dying?

    Wouldn't've been hot going home. Was cool and went 10 minutes from store to the aquarium (floating in the bag for an hour and then put in). Also not too hot as it's a pretty stable 70 degrees for the water. Might be overfertilizing...though it would've been by too much and the other plants...
  20. D

    Java Moss and Banana Plant dying?

    I got some Java Moss and a Banana Plant a couple weeks ago. You can see on the photos that the Java moss is looking it ok and it'll rebound? The Banana plant as well, you can see there's 2 leaves; a large one and a small one and it's also growing a new small one; but the small...
  21. D

    Is it Brown and Green algae and is it cause for concern?

    Ah, I had read somewhere the Chlorine is still bad for plants and the conditioner is needed. It won't hurt I suppose; I got a Seachem Prime for it. I plan on 2-4 gallon water changes at least every other week.
  22. D

    Is it Brown and Green algae and is it cause for concern?

    Awesome, thank you. I'll get the Flourish you mentioned and use it going forward. I really only got the Advance because it was free with my plants purchase and also seemed like a good starting one. Thank you so much for all your help and the details (including the answers to other posts of...
  23. D

    To heat or not to heat...

    I have a 20gallon aquarium which actually not all the way full (I like the lower water line and "waterfall" effect from the filter) It's in my office which stays a stable 68-72 F all the time. I was going to get fish, but ended up being an HR issue so now I just have a planted tank. I've...
  24. D

    Is it Brown and Green algae and is it cause for concern?

    First the brown on the leaf I hadn't tried anything; wasn't sure if it was becoming brittle and I'd break up the leaf or what, but will try and clear it with my does kinda come off if I scrub it with my finger. I've been using Flourish Advance for the last 2 weeks to help get the...
  25. D

    My planted tank - no fish allowed at office, so plants it is!

    LOL. I literally have some my kid plays with and was legit thinking of dropping them in!
  26. D

    My planted tank - no fish allowed at office, so plants it is!

    Here's my tank all set-up. was going to have fish, but office has informed me I cannot, so it'll just be a planted tank. Excuse the glare, but best I could do for a picture. Got a Banana plant, couple Moss Balls, Dwarf Hairgrass, Water Sprite, Christmas moss, Java moss, Dwarf Sagittaria, and...
  27. D

    Is it Brown and Green algae and is it cause for concern?

    So you can see my tank in the 3 photos attached. One of my plants has some brown on the this the brown algae which will go away on its own? Something else? Unfortunately, that is the 1 plant I have that I don't know what it is. It looks browner in person, the photo doesn't show it...
  28. D

    New to the hobby! Help with decisions.

    So I'm probably going to keep it as a planted tank without fish. Here's my start.
  29. D

    New to the hobby! Help with decisions.

    SADNESS!!! Argh, I'm so sorry you went through all this to help me, but maybe in a few years if we get a new house that has a place for it, I'll use this advice. But woe is me. My boss and head of the department both said the aquarium would be fine, but now after I had it set-up (luckily no...
  30. D

    New to the hobby! Help with decisions.

    Oh another thing for down the road so I know I'm doing it right. Is it best to have 2 buckets for water changes? Get one full and sit to get to room temperature and then do the vaccuming into a different bucket? How long does 2-4 gallons siphoning usually last? I just want to make sure I do...
  31. D

    New to the hobby! Help with decisions.

    So unfortunately my size requirement ended up having to get the 20 gallon instead of the 29. But on the upside, I found an absolutely perfect spot for it. (It's the 23.75" x 12.62" x 19.75"). I got about 2 inches average of black sand substrate; a couple rocks and a couple pieces of...
  32. D

    New to the hobby! Help with decisions.

    Was thinking X-Ray tetras or Silver Tips. Hadn't decided yet. Looking online it looks like they'd also be good around 78F, right? Is there a good list somewhere I can use as a checklist of what I need to get? Like vaccuum pump-thing for cleaning/water changes (any recomendations?). 5...
  33. D

    New to the hobby! Help with decisions.

    Going to get my tank and start the cycle. With the Gourami/tetra/kuhlii's...what temperature is ideal? Is blank sand ok as my substrate? How deep is good?
  34. D

    New to the hobby! Help with decisions.

    I'm getting closer! I'm going to obviously cycle my aquarium first without the fish and make sure everything's up to snuff; but what's the best way of introducing fish to the aquarium? Get all the loaches and tetras first and have them hang out for awhile (weeks?) and then add in the Gourami?
  35. D

    New to the hobby! Help with decisions.

    Ah, the temperature thing now makes sense to me!
  36. D

    New to the hobby! Help with decisions.

    Maybe 2 male Pygmy Gouramis if he wants a buddy; or would it better to do 1 or 5, not 2? Obviously if not 5 maybe adding 1 male GBR, and 5 Kuhlli loaches. Keeping the tank at 80 degrees? X-Ray Tetra - really temp 77ish F? Most of the fish sites I see list 82 degrees F as the upper bound and...
  37. D

    New to the hobby! Help with decisions.

    Awesome advice. Thank you so much!
  38. D

    New to the hobby! Help with decisions.

    Awesome, thank you. I spent time at the fish store looking at fish to see IRL versus online pictures and here's what I like. Believe me, this is a process and I do overthink things sometimes, but all your effort in helping me is greatly appreciated and I do take your suggestions to heart...
  39. D

    New to the hobby! Help with decisions.

    Just so you know, one of the reasons I thought of the 20g is aqadvisor had 1 DG, 1 GBR, and some Kuhlii and Tetras were 68% stocking level.
  40. D

    New to the hobby! Help with decisions.

    Gah, I'm a very wishy-washy person one big starting decisions like this. I'll probably go back and forth between the 29 gallon. Other than my initial thought; is there a great 29/30ish gallon tank you'd recommend? Also, I'm not averse to buying things individually if it's cost effective...