Search results

  1. doraemon213

    Cycling With Fish, Am I Doing It Wrong?

    Hi,   Unfortunately I falsely trusted the fish store staff and got fish in my new tank while cycle has not been established.   Now that it's done, I have to struggle with cycling while having 4 fish in the tank. It has been running for 3 weeks now, and after taking advice by nice forum people...
  2. doraemon213

    What Is Wrong With My Platty?

    When you say small piece of filter media, what exactly does that mean? Is that the filter cartridge that I insert into the filter?
  3. doraemon213

    What Is Wrong With My Platty?

    Thank you for all the advice. Unfortunately the gourami I mentioned did not make it through today  .   I will keep doing the water changes, I hope the rest of my fish can make it through this tough period.   I am sure I will have more questions to come! Thanks for your help!
  4. doraemon213

    What Is Wrong With My Platty?

    Thank you for the replies, really appreciate it! I asked a staff from the LCS and he said it looked like an infection probably due to high ammonia in the water. The platy looked a little better today, and I hope it will heal up over time.   The staff also gave me API Quick Start to put into the...
  5. doraemon213

    What Is Wrong With My Platty?

    Hi, very new fish owner here. Please forgive me for my ignorance when I started my tank a week ago, but I have 6 fish in the 10 gallon tank while it is now still cycling. (I should have done my research before trusting the LFS staff  )   I have been battling with very bad water conditions over...
  6. platty.jpg

