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  1. xxamyxx85

    Betta Fin Rot :( Desperate for help

    Hi, I just wondered how your Betta is doing? I’m having the same problem and am trying everything, he’s in methylene blue atm and I have kanaplex on order, nothing has worked so far so I was just interested if your little guy ever got better or if I am just fighting a loosing battle?
  2. xxamyxx85

    What does fish keeping mean to you?

    I absolutely love your post, you really did hit the nail on the head! I need something to distract me from life also, I have a physical disability that stopped me doing lots of the hobbies I had. I spent years trying to find something that I could take my time with and enjoy but that wouldn’t...
  3. xxamyxx85

    I wish to donate my Juwel 180 freshwater setup

    Wow what a fab offer!! I would love it however can’t get it from you. I’m sure someone will snap it up anyways.
  4. xxamyxx85


    Awesome, thank you so much for pointing me in the right direction ;)
  5. xxamyxx85


    Not yet, being built this summer, maybe I will keep using the nitrate filter until I have one, It will definitely solve the issue. Thank you.
  6. xxamyxx85


    It was cold last night, I am southern, We didn’t even have a frost this morning however I know that will change, we are forecast snow tomorrow, I did wonder how this might work, maybe I could use a pond heater?
  7. xxamyxx85


    I am in uk, could I fill a large tub and leave it in the garden with plants and a clear lid and just warm the water and dechlorinate when I need it? Would the plants be okay in very cold weather/water? Would it matter if the tub was sealed? And would it need aeration? Thank you.
  8. xxamyxx85


    Hi, I was reading through some threads on here regarding nitrates and plants. I have been using the pozzani nitrate removal system for my tap water, when I first use a new cartridge it’s removes all of the nitrates from my tap water (usually 26ppm) however it slowly builds back up. It’s at...
  9. xxamyxx85

    Petition Petco to raise Betta min tank size from 0.25 gal to 3 gal in their "Betta Care Sheet"

    I signed too, it’s great what your doing and a step in the right direction.
  10. xxamyxx85

    A bunch of weird inverts in my saltwater tank!!!

    Could they be copepod or amphipods Or seed shrimp
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  13. xxamyxx85

    Acceptable Nitrate Levels.

    This is very interesting, the science behind it baffles me and probably most others, it’s great that you are questioning this, I’m going to sit quiet and wait for the responses, I’m sure it will be a great read.
  14. xxamyxx85

    Fin rot or tear?

    Ps I would do 50% water changes :)
  15. xxamyxx85

    Fin rot or tear?

    I would get your nitrates down too, water changes are your best friend. I have a Betta with an injury at the moment and I’ve been doing daily water changes but it’s not improving, I have heard good things about seachem stress guard so I have some on order. See how the daily water changes go that...
  16. xxamyxx85

    🐶 POTM Fishfinatic77 - November 2020 Pet of the Month Winner

    Congratulations @FishFinatic77 papaya is so cute and your photo is great :good:
  17. xxamyxx85

    Vote Now - December 2020 Tank of the Month contest (16 US gallons and smaller)

    Tank details: Super fish QubiQ 30 Pro - 32cm x 32cm x 32cm - 30 litre capacity (26 Litres actually in tank) Contents: A Betta called Rainbow (named by my 3 year old) he’s been in the tank nearly two weeks. Built in LED lighting: 20 V/12 W and filter with Pump: 3 W, 200 l/h Super fish 50w...
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  19. xxamyxx85

    Help ASAP please

    You need to reread all of this thread, you have been advised to empty your tank completely as all your fish are dead, throw away substrate and completely disinfect everything!!! Then set it back up and cycle it again.
  20. xxamyxx85

    PH result changes after 5mins

    I was hoping you was going to say that. Thank you.
  21. xxamyxx85

    PH result changes after 5mins

    I’m a little confused, i use the api master test kit and I always read my test for ph the moment I do it, it is usually 7.6, today i tested my water change water because I use the pozzani nitrate removal filter. I did the test and it was the usual 7.6 but I left the test tube on the side and...
  22. xxamyxx85

    What happened?

    A tablespoon in 20l bucket.
  23. xxamyxx85

    What happened?

    Sorry it’s not on his tail on his anal fin.
  24. xxamyxx85

    What happened?

    The red area on the tail, all of the webbing of the fins is intact, there are no tears but what looks like a bloody area that got bigger with salt water changes but remains the same with just water. He seems fine and everything else is normal. Scar tissue? Do u think I should just reduce the...
  25. xxamyxx85

    What happened?

    I use Indian almond leaves already and I have heard bad things about melafix. Is it definitely fin rot because he had a major injury after jumping into a soap dish that was being used to baffle the flow from the filter and it’s just got worse but none of his fins have broken or come away or...
  26. xxamyxx85

    What happened?

    These are the best pics I can get, the bloody area on his fin is definitely worse.....
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  31. xxamyxx85

    What happened?

    Hi all, I did the salt water changes for 4 weeks and in that time his anal fin definitely got worse, I am still doing daily water changes and since stopping the salt is has stopped getting worse but is not getting better! Everything is clean and his behaviour is normal, should I go back to...
  32. xxamyxx85

    Vote Now! - November 2020 Pet of the Month contest

    This is tiger also know as tigs, tiggy, tiggeroo and the ginger one. She is a very old lady now, 18 in human years (88 cat years), she still looks like a kitten though. She’s a full female ginger which we were told by the vet is very rare. She had greeny gold eyes which have turned a deep golden...
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  34. xxamyxx85

    PheonixKingZ - October 2020 Fish of the Month Winner

    Congratulations!! Ace is absolutely gorgeous and definitely deserved to win! His colours are beautiful and your photo really showed that. :good::kewlpics:
  35. xxamyxx85

    Hand Sanitisers & Aquariums?

    @NCaquatics i am so sorry this has happened to you, it has been so hard to read your posts, I can feel your sadness and pain through your words. Sending lots of kind thoughts your way!
  36. xxamyxx85

    Does my betta need entertaining? How do you entertain yours?

    I agree, mine gets live food everyday.
  37. xxamyxx85

    Does my betta need entertaining? How do you entertain yours?

    No not large at all, I didn’t think it would be big enough when I got it out the box, it’s very short. But hey, the bettas happy so the mummy’s happy ;)
  38. xxamyxx85

    Does my betta need entertaining? How do you entertain yours?

    Lol too funny, it’s like mine, constantly hovering, I have to hide the opened boxes :rofl:
  39. xxamyxx85

    Does my betta need entertaining? How do you entertain yours?

    I don’t know how I survived before Amazon! Honestly you won’t regret it, the floating log is great! I tried the sunken log too... sent it back, it looked pants!