Search results

  1. David J

    New Tank, Bacterial Bloom, Help A Newbie!

    Hi there I'm close to starting a fish less cycle and also a newbie. I've never came across anything about a bacteria bloom yet. Is that the red areas in your pic? David
  2. David J

    My First Ever Tank!

    Hi I love the tank. A real inspiration for beginners and experienced folks alike. I like the after shot from your tidy up. Is that a little sand area you've added? It looks great. Draws you right into the tank. I'd be willing to wager that you are a photographer, professional or amateur, due...
  3. David J

    Surface Agitation - How Necessary?

    Hi I am still setting up and not yet started my cycle. Waiting on a test kit which I might get tomorrow. I have my filter (fluval U2) set up. At the moment it is completely submerged and I have it set to the middle spray bar. This obviously creates a slight current in the water and if I...
  4. David J

    Help For A Nervous Newbie

    Hi Thanks to everyone that replied. I've decided to definitely go with sand which I have now bought and is in the tank. I will go for live plants. Thanks for the suggestions on good ones to start with. I am current looking through them all before deciding which to get. I think I will also...
  5. David J

    Wood & Plants - Before, During Or After Fish Less Cycle?

    DaizeUK, I got a bottle of ammonia at home base. Ingredients state only ammonia. It was £2-£3 and comes in a white bottle with a yellow lid if you're trying to find it. I went to buy another bag of sand to raise the level to 1.5 inches but they had no stock left and I don't want...
  6. David J

    Wood & Plants - Before, During Or After Fish Less Cycle?

    Ok, after reading all the points I think I'll get my wood in once all the tannins are out. Changed the water in the wood bucket today and sure enough it was a light tea colour and there was lots of debris so I'm glad I didn't take the labels advice which said it was ready to go as was pre...
  7. David J

    Wood & Plants - Before, During Or After Fish Less Cycle?

    Hi Today I put sand in the base of my new tank attached the filter and heater and filled it with dechlorinated water. I am now leaving it to let the sand settle. I have 2 pieces of bogwood that I bought today and they are soaking in a bucket. I am waiting on a test kit which should arrive in...
  8. David J

    New Tank Being Delivered

    IT HAS ARRIVED! My aquarium is finally here and in one piece. It is now all suddenly REAL. I'm so excited and so looking forward to getting started but won't rush into anything. I've been asking lots of questions on other threads and people have been so helpful. I have a good idea what fish...
  9. David J

    Help For A Nervous Newbie

    Hi I have just taken delivery of my first tropical aquarium, a Fluval Roma 90L. i have spent a few weeks reading up on fish and have a fair idea what stock i want but now need to gravel/sand, decoration and plants. FYI, these are the fish I'm hoping to add. Neon tetras, dwarf gourami...
  10. David J

    1st "draft" Of Stocking Plan

    Great, thanks again for the advice. I will re post my questions on plants in the correct board but you've all given me some great info to get started on. I reckon I will go for live plants in the end. Incidentally, my aquarium was delivered today in one piece. Not got it set up yet. Might...
  11. David J

    1st "draft" Of Stocking Plan

    Hi MBOU, Thanks very much for your post. That is some great info and gives me lots to think about. I really appreciate the time you have spent replying. I will definitely use the thread on cycling when I am ready to start. I now have a fair idea of what fish I want and I'm now looking at...
  12. David J

    1st "draft" Of Stocking Plan

    Hi Jen Yeh thanks. I intend on stocking the tank gradually, eventually ending up with those fish but will upgrade the filter at some point during the stocking process. I'll probably get an external once I'm about 2/3 of the way through adding the fish. Thanks, David
  13. David J

    1st "draft" Of Stocking Plan

    I have checked aq advisor and the sizes in there are inches and when you,select my tank (don't know if this is the case with all tanks on list) it enters the number of cm's so I've converted the inches to cm's and entered those instead. 4 x Dwarf Gourami 10 x Neon Tetra 6 x Pygmy cory 2 x...
  14. David J

    1st "draft" Of Stocking Plan

    Right, this is weird. Every time I type, and then submit my post, when I go back to read it, has changed to Even as I'm typing this I realised that once I have submitted the post, it won't make sense. Let me explain again. Every time I type 'Aq...
  15. David J

    1st "draft" Of Stocking Plan

    Hi Thanks for the replies. First of all, after reading leighton_87's reply I can honestly say I HAVE NO IDEA why I said i had been using as a calculator. It is that I was using. It was late last night when I wrote the orignal post so tiredness must have gotten...
  16. David J

    1st "draft" Of Stocking Plan

    Hi I'm currently doing lots of reading up on the countless types of tropical fish available. I am getting my new fluval roma 90L for Christmas. It comes with the fluval U2 internal filter. I've been using and have came up with the following list. Please can some good folks in...
  17. David J

    New Tank Being Delivered

    Hi Thinking about it, I'm not sure if I want to set up before Christmas. I'm a big kid really and the thought of getting it all opened up and set up on Christmas Day is quite exciting. Silly eh? We'll see. I've been looking into what to stock it with. Someone on here advised me to make a...
  18. David J

    Hi,i'm Newly Registered!

    Hi Ian I'm new here too. Getting the same tank as you delivered next week. Can't wait. I am also a beginner. Lots to learn eh? The good people on here all seem really friendly and helpful so we are in good hands I think. Good luck David.
  19. David J

    New Tank Being Delivered

    Hi Well, after many weeks of research & sleepless nights of excitement and after 45 minutes of arguments at my lunch break today with a certain delivery company, my new Fluval Roma 90L and Oak cabinet with all the equipment and more is coming on Monday. It is officially for my Christmas but as...
  20. David J

    Do I Need An External Filter?

    Thanks for all the replies. It's probably something ill look at in the future but I've plenty other things to be spending my hard earned on in the begInning. David
  21. David J

    Do I Need An External Filter?

    Cool, in that case, for now, I won't bother. I guess my tank isn't going to be too big so hoping the one it comes with will do the trick. Thanks for the reply mate. David.
  22. David J

    Do I Need An External Filter?

    Hi I'm just starting out and getting my first tank for Christmas. A Fluval Roma 90L. I have read a few posts here where people talk about having external filters as well as internal ones. Obviously my tank will come with an internal one but would there be any advantage to me getting an...
  23. David J

    Let Me Introduce Myself

    Thanks for all the welcomes folks. Ian, my missus took years of work to finally cave to get this tank so I think this'll be as big as it gets although, I bet that's what you said when you started. Jen, I just can't choose. There's so many beautiful and interesting fish out there. How do you...
  24. David J

    Let Me Introduce Myself

    Hi Flute, Thanks for the welcome. Had a quick look at the beginners resource centre thanks. That an amazing source of info there making me think I might not need to ask as many questions as I first thought. I've read up a bit on cycling and think ill probably do a fish-less cycle when the...
  25. David J

    Let Me Introduce Myself

    Hi to everyone I'm David. 34 years old from East Lothian, Scotland, but born and Brought up in Edinburgh. I'm totally new to fish keeping ( if you discount the goldfish I had as a child ). I have really wanted to keep tropical fish for many years and finally after lots of...