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  1. David J

    My Fish Less Cycle

    Hi Test today: 9/1 Ammonia: 0.25ppm, Nitrite: 0.25ppm Nitrate: 40ppm Added: 1.25ml Ammonia 2nd test: Ammonia: 3ppm. So, as you can see the Nitrite has dropped from a consistent high reading, too high to read, to around 0.25ppm. I couldn't believe it, to the point that I am expecting...
  2. David J

    The Most Overstocked Tank On Fleabay?

    I'm a beginner and even I can see that is shocking. It's tempting to buy it just for the sake of the fish.
  3. David J

    My Fish Less Cycle

    Hi eagle I am indeed using the API test kit. I do shake the bottles but only for a few seconds at most. I will do as you suggest for tomorrow's test. I see what you're saying about not really needing to test for nitrate just now. I'll do it for another day or day just to compare with today's...
  4. David J

    My Fish Less Cycle

    Hi Test for 8/1 Ammonia: 0.25ppm, Nitrite: off chart high, Nitrate: 40-80ppm, Added: 2.5ml, 2nd test: Ammonia: 4ppm ( I tried to just raise to 2ppm but got it wrong ) As you can see, the nitrate level has dropped. How can this be? I was under the impression that the only way you can lower...
  5. David J

    1st "draft" Of Stocking Plan

    Hi Thanks for your replies. I will stock gradually I think. I'm still undecided on the other group of small fish but have plenty of tI e until my cycle is finished to decide. Can I ask about the gourami's? I was looking to put 2 in. A male and a female but I read that if there is only one...
  6. David J

    My Fish Less Cycle

    Hi Today's test: 7/1 Ammonia: 0, Nitrite: off chart high, Nitrate: 80-160ppm, Added: 2.5ml Ammonia, 2nd test 10 mins after adding 2.5ml Ammonia: 1-2ppm, Added a further 1.5ml. 3rd test: 4-5ppm. First time I've seen a zero reading for Ammonia which is great. David
  7. David J

    1st "draft" Of Stocking Plan

    Hi Anybody got any input on the above? Cheers, David.
  8. David J

    Plants Next To Internal Filter?

    Hi Apologies. It is 400 per hour. It is suitable for upto 110L tanks. Got them mixed up. This came with the tank. I intend to upgrade to an external once my stock reaches a reasonable capacity for the current set up. Thanks for clarifying about surface agitation. I'll give that a go in the...
  9. David J

    Plants Next To Internal Filter?

    Hi snazy Thanks for the reply. My tank is 90L. The filter is 110L per hour. I am hoping to hide it with plants also. I tried the top outlet near the surface without the Venturi and it moves the surface but doesn't break it if you know what I mean. Is that ok? Will there be enough oxygen in the...
  10. David J

    My Fish Less Cycle

    Hi eagle, Excellent. An extra half hour in bed every morning thanks to you. Appreciated. David.
  11. David J

    Plants Next To Internal Filter?

    Hi I will soon be planting my first tank. I was wondering if it is ok to plant next to the filter. I am looking to get some tall plants for the background and was worried that they will get sucked, not into the filter, but constantly against the filter. Also, while cycling, I have the...
  12. David J

    Fishless Cycling With Biomature - Daize's Log

    Good luck Daize. I'm sure it'll work this time. Think of all you've learnt.
  13. David J

    My Fish Less Cycle

    Hi again, Today's results: 6/1 Ammonia: 0-0.25ppm. Nitrite: off chart high. Nitrate: 80-160ppm. Added: 3.5ml. 2nd ammonia test 10 minutes after dosing: 3-4ppm. I decided to add more ammonia today than I did yesterday because the test I did yesterday after adding came back as between 2-4ppm...
  14. David J

    Pic's Of New "sand" Set Up

    Hi Gary I love it. That's a rare bit wid. I'm still cycling my first tank and was looking for a nice bit wood that gives decent height but ended up doing a balancing act with 2 smaller pieces. Looking forward to seeing the other pics. David
  15. David J

    1st "draft" Of Stocking Plan

    Hi I am now on day 10 of my fishless cycle and its coming along nicely. Ammonia is being processed, had to re-dose it for the first time today and nitrites and nitrates are on the rise. So turning my attention back to my stocking list and looking for a wee bit more advice/opinions. For...
  16. David J

    My Fish Less Cycle

    Hi Today's results: 5/1 Ammonia: 0.50ppm. Nitrite: off the chart high. Nitrate: bet. 80-160ppm (colour is traditional red. Pretty sure its lower than 160ppm) Added: 2.5ml Ammonia 2nd Ammonia test 10 minutes after adding 2.5ml Ammonia: bet. 2-4ppm. Great result on the ammonia as i know the...
  17. David J

    Newbie Help - Can't Get Tank Ready For Fish :(

    Hi The general opinion on this forum seems to be that these products are no good and there is no substitute for dosing with ammonia. I received something similar with my aquarium and used it (with the recommended dose) but also used pure ammonia along side it. I was told it won't do any harm...
  18. David J

    Newbie Help - Can't Get Tank Ready For Fish :(

    Hi Jim, I'm by no means an expert but I am fairly certain that there is no need to get a new filter. Just make sure the filter media is clean by rinsing in tank water, NOT tap water, and only rinse, not scrub. Basically you are just looking to get rid of any build up of debris. The filter...
  19. David J

    Newbie Help - Can't Get Tank Ready For Fish :(

    Hi Jim Have a read at the sticky on 'fishless cycling' in the beginners resource centre in the 'your new freshwater tank' forum. It is what I am using now to get my first tank ready. It takes time but will be worth it in the long run. The kids will be even more upset if you get fish that end...
  20. David J

    My Fish Less Cycle

    Hi all, Here are today's test results: 4/1. Ammonia: between 1-2ppm (same as yesterday) Nitrite: bright luminous purple/pink not resembling any of the chart. Much brighter than the highest one one the chart. Nitrate: 40ppm. Added: nothing I was surprised that the ammonia hasn't dropped again...
  21. David J

    My Fish Less Cycle

    Cheers. I will report back tomorrow.
  22. David J

    My Fish Less Cycle

    I can't help but wonder if raising the temp 2 days ago did something. Maybe just coincidence. I just realised I've forgotten to test my glass of water for pH that I put out yesterday. I was too preoccupied with the good news lol. The way I look at it Daize is that regardless of what stage we...
  23. David J

    My Fish Less Cycle

    Hi Daize Good idea about keeping a photo log of the tests. They are very difficult to tell anything between them but comparing today's test against a test from a couple of days ago just might be easier. Thanks. Eaglesaquarium/Daize, thanks for your post. After reading it last night I felt a...
  24. David J

    My Fish Less Cycle

    Hi I had always intended on doing the add and wait method, bringing the ammonium upto 4-5ppm and waiting until it dropped to 1ppm before bringing it back up. The issue was that after adding ammonia and testing, I read the colour chart as being at about 2ppm therefore I added more the next day...
  25. David J

    My Fish Less Cycle

    Hi again, I decided to do the test essjay suggested and took a sample of water from the tank and doubled it with tap water. It was 2.5L from the tank and added 2.5L from the tap. I didn't bother dechlorinating the tap water as this sample won't be going back in the tank. Prior to taking the...
  26. David J

    My Fish Less Cycle

    Hi Daize It was my intention to do the 'add and wait' method but after adding the first dose of ammonia, it tested as 2.0. The next day it tested as 1.0 so I added more to try and raise it to 4-5ppm. In hindsight I think I read the results wrong and probably should've left it after day one...
  27. David J

    My Fish Less Cycle

    Hi, Quick update. 31/12: Tested: Ammonia definitely less than 8.0 but don't think it's is as little as 4.0. Again, hard to differentiate between the colours on the chart. Added: none. 1/1: Tested: same as yesterday. Also, I have cranked the heater up. The temp was sitting around 26 and have...
  28. David J

    My Fish Less Cycle

    Hi I've not added anything for 3 days now. Will do another test tonight. Looking closer at the particles they could be air bubbles but I really don't know. I guess the only way I could be sure is to turn my filter off for a while to see if they disappear but given that I want the water pumping...
  29. David J

    My Fish Less Cycle

    Hi Thanks for the reply. Regarding your suggestion to do a water change to lower the ammonia levels, if a high level of ammonia results in the wrong species of bacteria, how does the 'add daily' method work successfully as that method raises the ammonia level much higher than mine is...
  30. David J

    My Fish Less Cycle

    Hi I've started my fish less cycle and I'm now on day 5. I decided to post what I've done and observed so far and will continue to do so until the cycle is complete. You never know, it may help others and more experienced members might be able to give me some tips. I have a new 90L tank with...
  31. David J

    New Tank Being Delivered

    Hi Scotty, The test kit was on my door step tonight when I got home from work. What posty leaves a parcel in full view on a doorstep? Unbelievable. Lucky it wasn't knocked. Anyway, the main thing is its here so I can get started with the cycle. I thought about looking into getting some...
  32. David J

    Grilled By My Local Pets At Home

    I went into my local one and asked for ammonia. The girl asked what it was for. I said I need pure ammonia for my new fish tank. She sounded shocked and promptly told me that this will kill my fish. I explained that I didn't have any fish yet and I was needing it to do the fish less cycle...
  33. David J

    Help For A Nervous Newbie

    Hi PS3Steveo This is the description of my lights as it appears on the retailers website: Fluval GLO lighting unit, One Power-Glo Fluorescent Aquarium Tube 15W 45.72cm (18in) T8 One Aqua-Glo Fluorescent Aquarium Tube 15w 45.72cm (18in) T8 I intend on attaching the moss to some bogwood which...
  34. David J

    New Tank, Bacterial Bloom, Help A Newbie!

    Hi From what I've learnt, it's not a case of dosing once a week but instead, daily doses of ammonia and doing daily water tests to check if the ammonia is being processed. Once the level consistently drops to zero within 12 hours of dosing, you're ready to add fish. I have explained it in the...
  35. David J

    New Tank Being Delivered

    Still awaiting the arrival of my test kit. Will post back about my water soon.
  36. David J

    New Tank, Bacterial Bloom, Help A Newbie!

    I see. Thanks for clearing that up. Or not, as the case may be lol. I'm sure it'll sort itself out from what others are saying.
  37. David J

    The Walking Dead

    Best programme on the telly IMO. Just watched season 3's mid season finale. WOW, cannot wait till it returns in February. To me, if recommending it to anyone, I'd say a lot of people get hung up on the whole zombie thing. Some people just don't like zombie stuff. I tell those people that the...
  38. David J

    Help For A Nervous Newbie

    Hi all Thanks for the advice. I think I've kinda settled on the following plants: Jungle val (Vallisneria americana (gigantea) Anubias barteri var. angustifolia Java moss - Taxiphyllum barbieri (Vesicularia) Frog bit What do you reckon for the combination of plants? Should I get more...
  39. David J

    Wood & Plants - Before, During Or After Fish Less Cycle?

    Hi Daize I've been coming across more and more people saying not to cycle with plants in. TBH, after reading your info above, I think I've maybe decided to just cycle with what's in the tank already, sand and bogwood. Thanks for the info. David
  40. David J

    Cycling, Plants, Driftwood.

    Hi there Have a read at the guide on cycling in the beginners resource centre. It's a sticky in the new freshwater tank forum. It'll tell you everything you need to know but yes, you need the heater on as heat encourages the bacteria to grow. Good luck, I'll be starting my first cycle in the...