Search results

  1. Ny82

    Selective Breeding Guppies

    I happened to find an all black male at the lfs, put 2 half black females in and started the black guppies that way. The fry have been gorgeous. One of them is a dark purple. I kept 5 male fry, 1 female fry  and am going to get different females, still half black though. It's so much fun seeing...
  2. Ny82

    Rummynose Tetras And Final Stocking

    I think if I add 4 more and make it 10, I will be at max as they still need space to swim! I seen the black phantoms too I was in there for ages, just couldn't decide!   Ifollowed your post and my heart sank for you glad it has all turned out for the best for you     Aww thankyou for taking...
  3. Ny82

    How To Tell If Your Guppy/molly/platy Or Swordtail Is Pregnant.

    Hi everyone, one of the most common questions asked is "is my guppy/platy/molly/swordtail pregnant" In this thread I will attempt to explain very simply how to tell she is pregnant and how to estimate how far along she is with the aid of pictures, week by week. I will be using guppies as the...
  4. Ny82

    Rummynose Tetras And Final Stocking

      Thanks, I got a good deal out of it so I am finally happy with my tank :)
  5. Ny82

    August 2013 - Potm Banter

    I have entered "butterscotch" I don't know if he's allowed as he's only 4 days old. Struggled for a verification I have 3 or 4 pics there hoping one will be accepted as verification.   
  6. Ny82

    August 2013 - Potm Competition Entries

    Another verification   
  7. Ny82

    Rummynose Tetras And Final Stocking

    Thanks blondie-I can't really lower it any more, the rams prefer it higher lol. Argh I am stuck! I will leave it just now and see how they go.    Megalodon this is why I chose them-they are awesome, all stick together!
  8. Ny82

    Rummynose Tetras And Final Stocking

      I definitely want more! They are so much fun to watch and the red seems to be getting darker. The lady did say when they first go in the tank that they would be pale, they have darkened up well. I love how they stick together, that's what I like. 
  9. Ny82

    August 2013 - Potm Competition Entries

    Can I put a late entry in please?   Entry pic   This is the best verification I could get without disturbing her, that paper in the back has my details you can just about read it     He's the one on the very left. If this isn't a good enough verification then there's this one from a different...
  10. Ny82

    Planned Fry Journal Just For Fun :)

    Thanks, yeah I am. They are starting to change colour to purple. It's awesome! I am so glad I kept them! Some have green in them too. A right mixed batch!
  11. Ny82

    Rummynose Tetras And Final Stocking

      Thanks! I kept going past them, I really liked the black neons they were £2.50 each, quite pricey. The harlequins were the same price. I also seen some tetras with orange. I was in there for ages, chose the rummynoses because they are quite big.  Even my rams have started coming out since they...
  12. Ny82

    Rummynose Tetras And Final Stocking

    Full tank shot     Finally looks full! 
  13. Ny82

    Rummynose Tetras And Final Stocking

      I can't find any more melini. They were specially ordered for me but could only get 2, I am awaiting more stock :(  My temp is at 24 for the cories and they seem to be zipping around fine lol. I have noticed though, some are gold and some are silver. The silver ones get chased around.   ...
  14. Ny82

    Rummynose Tetras And Final Stocking

    Hi, so I have seen a lot of love on this forum for these tetras. I was not a fan, didn't like the whole red face thing-until today.  Today I went in for the kill and got 6 rummynose tetras. There were only 6 left so she gave me them for £10. It was the best purchase I have ever made, I admit it...
  15. Ny82

    Fish Identification Game V3

    I will leave you boys to it., I am off to bed!
  16. Ny82

    Fish Identification Game V3

    Is it a chinese loach-leptobotia pellegrini?
  17. Ny82

    Fish Identification Game V3

    Hmm, I can't tell whether it's a cat fish or a loach 
  18. Ny82

    Fish Identification Game V3

      You got it    it's gorgeous!      This game has taught us about so many unusual, rare and beautiful fish :)
  19. Ny82

    Fish Identification Game V3

      Almost :p
  20. Ny82

    Fish Identification Game V3

    Close up they do look like little piranhas!    Ok give me a min  We shall stick to the colourful fish, take a look at this beauty!     both names please :)
  21. Ny82

    Fish Identification Game V3

    I saw this pic just today   imperial blue rainbow tetra - hyphessobrycon sp.   stunning fish!
  22. Ny82

    Fish Identification Game V3

    That's the 1st pic that comes up-yes I googled it as I thought you made that up :p 
  23. Ny82

    Betta Cottage

    Don't forget step by step pics! Document everything, that's what I do-we all love pics Any word from the breeder yet?
  24. Ny82

    Fish Identification Game V3

      Welcome back, I really should read them all when I wake up to 150+ notifications but jump straight in, no wonder i'm confused most of the time :p 
  25. Ny82

    Fish Identification Game V3

    That's what makes it fun, plus I can't think of any!  MBOU WHERE ARE YOU!!! 
  26. Ny82

    Fish Identification Game V3

          Thanks but I will let MBOU take another turn :)
  27. Ny82

    Fish Identification Game V3

      You know what it reminded me of? That episode in family guy "hey jeffrey, peter griffin has a moustache...NO WAY...WAY!" and if you don't know then nevermind!    I nominate my turn to you MBOU since I made it easy by asking for a bigger pic-make it a good one ;)
  28. Ny82

    Fish Identification Game V3

    Is it a moustache catfish with the ridiculously long name hemisydontis membranacea
  29. Ny82

    Fish Identification Game V3

    That's not obvious at all! Thankyou for the resized pic :p still not got a clue lol
  30. Ny82

    Fish Identification Game V3

    Wait til I find my binoculars...
  31. Ny82

    Fish Identification Game V3

    MBOU-any chance of a bigger pic pretty please?
  32. Ny82

    Fish Identification Game V3

    Lol so sorry MBOU your pic is so small I didn't see it 
  33. Ny82

    Fish Identification Game V3

    Whose turn is it anyway?
  34. Ny82

    Fish Identification Game V3

      Really? That's 3 of us now! woohoo!
  35. Ny82

    Fish Identification Game V3

    Hahaha finally!
  36. Ny82

    Fish Identification Game V3

    I think we defo are lol we will get it eventually :p 
  37. Ny82

    Fish Identification Game V3

    mystus falcarius?
  38. Ny82

    Fish Identification Game V3

    Mystus wolffii
  39. Ny82

    Fish Identification Game V3

    silver lancer - mystus bocourti?
  40. Ny82

    Fish Identification Game V3

    Pristella tetra - pristella maxillaris?