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  1. Ny82

    Fish Identification Game

    Lol I thought it doesn't have a sword it's obv female! Did you think people would say platy? I was thinking, the tails too long to be a platy-yes, I need to get out more :p   Another beauty  
  2. Ny82

    Fish Identification Game

    I was going to put female, but just left it at swordtail as it's a bit obvious lol
  3. Ny82

    Some Of My Corys

    You have the same as my landlady. She has 4 tanks with over 100 different species!      I envy you! The duplicareous were the ones I was meant to get! I will never get over it lol
  4. Ny82

    Fish Identification Game

  5. Ny82

    My New Cories!

      Lol I will suggest it! 
  6. Ny82

    My New Cories!

      Ah now that I remember-my landlady mentioned them, must be the same he's bringing to this one! I love the green lasers. I really don't have much space though! My 95L/25G has 1 gold ram, 3 bronze, 2 panda, 4 elegans and 1 metae. I am still getting the 6 schultzei too. I really won't be able to...
  7. Ny82

    My New Cories!

      Yeah he said he will be bringing cories for sale, I was going to ask if he will have corydoras duplicareus since I missed out on them.
  8. Ny82

    My New Cories!

    ooo are you in Scotland too? Are you going?
  9. Ny82

    My New Cories!

      You have 2 weeks to get here! It's on sunday 4th August! 
  10. Ny82

    Fish Identification Game

    Daize is offline...
  11. Ny82

    My New Cories!

      I know they are still young but after the booboo of the melini/metae I am doubting everything now!    I didn't actually know that people know who he is. He is doing a seminar in a town about 40 mins from me. Myself and my landlady are going, he will be bringing cories as well. I will make sure...
  12. Ny82

    Fish Identification Game

    So sorry daize! I have been researching apistos, kribensis and rams before taking the plunge with rams.  You take a turn. Is that ok with everyone? I pass my turn on to daize :)
  13. Ny82

    My New Cories!   I really hope they are. 
  14. Ny82

    My New Cories!

    Lol aww. I am a little worried, I know they are just young, but on planet catfish it shows them with black on the dorsal fin so I am hoping they are definitely elegans. All 4 look like this, the pic is of one of the chunkier ones lol. 
  15. Ny82

    Fish Identification Game

    It's beautiful! Apistogramma cacatuoides? 
  16. Ny82

    Someone Has Laid Eggs! Help Please

      Hahaha! That actually made me laugh because I know the bronze are the more "switched on" ones and the peppers are like la la la swimming about with the other fish! 
  17. Ny82

    Fish Identification Game

    See nice and easy! Extra points if you can tell me if he's a boy which I suspect or female :p    You win eagles!
  18. Ny82

    Fish Identification Game

      Thankyou! Before people accuse me of being an uber cory geek-the only reason I got that was this- I googled corydoras elegans before I ordered my 4, this pic came up. I showed the LFS cus I wanted some and they said that's napoensis (hence why I put that first!) and that I could pre order...
  19. Ny82

    Breeding Bronze Corys

    Mines first spawned when I lowered the temp of the water I was doing it to make the platies feel better, instead, I got eggs. In this heatwave we are having, I was away to my parents last sunday, came back on friday to about 40 eggs. They all hatched within hours of removing them! I hope I don't...
  20. Ny82

    Fish Identification Game

    The frustrating thing is I seen that pic only yesterday as I am ordering some in but can't remember arrgghh! Corydoras undulatus?
  21. Ny82

    Fish Identification Game

    Cory napoensis?
  22. Ny82

    Someone Has Laid Eggs! Help Please

    The new batch are doing great, I am not even going to freak myself out by counting how many there are lol. I was in the main tank moving things around and got the fright of my life when I lifted one of the rocks up and about 4 or 5 little cory babies darted around. I carefully and quickly put...
  23. Ny82

    My New Cories!

  24. Ny82

    Fish Identification Game

    Planet catfish-everyones best friend lol. 
  25. Ny82

    Fish Identification Game

      Lots and lots! That's what makes it fun :p
  26. Ny82

    Fish Identification Game

    Argh too late lol! Yeah they are tough to ID
  27. Ny82

    Fish Identification Game

    No sorry the dorsal fins different,  corydoras nanus?
  28. Ny82

    Fish Identification Game

    Corydoras elegans?
  29. Ny82

    Fish Identification Game

  30. Ny82

    Fish Identification Game

    YAY! You win I was sold them as melini - very similar, difficult to tell apart so well done :D
  31. Ny82

    Fish Identification Game

    What's the actual name please :p just being picky lol 
  32. Ny82

    Planned Fry Journal Just For Fun :)

    Noor, it's your eyes playing tricks on you! I have no egglayers until now! My cory fry are in the other tank! Pete, here is my new guy.      I have admired them for so long, I finally took the plunge.  I calculated that my 95L tank is actually 25 US gallons. He should be fine in there. 
  33. Ny82

    Fish Identification Game

    Here's an easy one, excuse my messy sand :p  
  34. Ny82

    Fish Identification Game

    Corydoras schwartzi 
  35. Ny82

    Plants To Create Shade?

      No am I meant to? I put the wisteria in, about a month ago, it's taken over my fry tank! My PH is around 6.4. I also have amazon sword which is massive now!
  36. Ny82

    Plants To Create Shade?

    That's why I suggested a low maintenance plant like wisteria which does not need co2, it just grows anyway.
  37. Ny82

    One Big Fish Bowl

    I have the tablets too! I have the king british ones...which don't stick to the glass  always falls off and they finish it off there!   Nice pics! I have an albino long fin BN he's the cutest!
  38. Ny82

    Planned Fry Journal Just For Fun :)

    So as promised here are pics of the fry! I don't know where they got this colouring from! Mum was half black dad was all black!       That's my corydoras elegans in the bag behind them!
  39. Ny82

    My New Cories! are my elegans! They are still juveniles so have some growing to do! I am in love they are adorable and very active! There's quite a bit of variation within the elegans on planet catfish, when they grow up a bit then maybe I will be able to tell male from female.       
  40. Ny82

    Oh, Hello Heatwave!

    I've lost 2 cories already but we are loving this weather in scotland. I have been at my parents all week they live in edinburgh and the temps been in the 30's, I came back home yesterday and I am like it's not even warm! It's been in the 20's here but nothing compared to them.  Woke up this...