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  1. S

    Help! Silver Tetra Won't Eat My Food

    Alright Shaun.. i hope you get this as i see like me u use the forum when u have a problem I also have 3 Silver Tetras (Tetragonopterus Argenteus) and I have never seen any of them eat although i do think they are munching on my plants. My tetras are also quite aggressive towards each other, I...
  2. S

    Looking For An Expert Opinion Pls (Video)

    cool thanks for all of your feedback.. i will ponder your suggestions.. oh and as for bogwood.. i have a 20kg piece soaking at the moment :D
  3. S

    Looking For An Expert Opinion Pls (Video)

    Hi.. looking for some help pls... to start my problem is.. why are all my fish only using the bottom half of my tank? & Why do they quickly fly up to the surface for air? I have another smaller tank and everyone is fine in there. Pls see my video - In this case its...