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  1. R

    Filter Media Below Bottom Tray...

    yes this is what i thought... thanks
  2. R

    Filter Media Below Bottom Tray...

    Can you put filter media below the bottom tray - so sitting right on the bottom of the canister filter? the sort of media im talking about is ceramic noodles, bio balls, etc... any benefit, or will it just slow down the flow rate?
  3. R

    Green Water, But Not Cloudy?

    nope... im thinking maybe the UV sterilizer bulb is too old?
  4. R

    Uv Replacement Bulbs

    i have a Jebo 13w UV filter and im looking for a replacement bulb... ive noticed that many places only sell 11w or 18w bulbs. does anybody know if i can use the 18w bulb, or do i have to go with the 11w bulb, or perhaps keep looking for a 13w bulb. cheers!
  5. R

    Green Water, But Not Cloudy?

    I have a problem with one of my tanks... the water has become greenish and not clear anymore. I have tried a UV sterilizer and also a "magic-clear" type of product without avail. I thought that algae usually makes the water a cloudy green, but this is like a clear-green... its almost like the...
  6. R

    Very Acidic Aquarium...

    nope normally around the 15-20ppm range... everything seems fine and all of the fish are very healthy... the only this is the low PH. also those photos are a bit misleading... if you saw the video you would see that the fish are all bunched up because they think they are getting food.
  7. R

    Very Acidic Aquarium...

    melbourne/australia you serious its overstocked? jeez how boring would the tank be with only a couple of fish in there... what is the problem with being overstocked anyway, the fish seem to be going great.
  8. R

    Very Acidic Aquarium...

    ok ill try more frequent water changes... and like i said, the fish seem to be doing very well was anybody able to watch the file?
  9. R

    Very Acidic Aquarium...

    ok heres a quick vid... 12mb file, right click and save as. please let me know what you think... i know these fish grow large, but currently they aren't
  10. R

    Very Acidic Aquarium...

    just checked the tap PH and it is 7.0 ill make a quick video to see whether you think the tank is overstocked or not.
  11. R

    Very Acidic Aquarium...

    its 1200x460x460... around 55gal... i wouldn't think it is overstocked at all. ammonia and nitrite are 0, nitrate is around 15ppm... not sure about hardness. weekly water change, around 10%.
  12. R

    Very Acidic Aquarium...

    ive got a 4ft tank which has been set up for about 18 months... there are a dozen south american cichlids, 6 silver sharks, 1 red tailed shark, and 1 suckermouth catfish. this communal tank has been running with no problems at all for all this time, although slowly the water has become very...