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  1. T

    Would It Be Rude Of Me?

    we are moving house and unfortunatly we will not have room for our 3ft fish tank, which is really sad as we have loved the hobby and in poticular this site and all the helpful friendly community. so i have listed our beloved tank on ebay but i was wondering if it would be ok to post the link on...
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    Are Three Spotted Gouramis Aggresive?

    yeah im pretty sure they are girls, i wish i would have knowne before i got them that they could turn nasty!
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    Are Three Spotted Gouramis Aggresive?

    thank you mr tastic that might explain a couple of things. i never knew they could be such nasty buggers!
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    Are Three Spotted Gouramis Aggresive?

    yeah its a strange, one a bit sad really just as everthing was seeming to be going so well and i was thinking about adding a couple of corys to add some life to the bottom of the tank but im gonna hold off from doing that untill im confdent the water is stable again.
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    Are Three Spotted Gouramis Aggresive?

    i left the house on saturday afternoon to return to a masacare in my tank!! i had 5 guppys, a pair of dwarf gouramis and 2 three spotted gouramis. they have all been together for just over 2 months. (did a fishless cycle a before ading any fish) i retuned home sunday evening to 5 dead guppys...
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    Whats The Turn-over In Your Tank(s)

    im with you on this !
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    What To Feed The My New Beta

    thanks alot guys i just dont want him to starve to death!!
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    What To Feed The My New Beta

    my lfs does not have any betta specific food, will any of the pelet types do?
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    What To Feed The My New Beta

    we have never had a betta before and he is in his seporate tank, he really is not taking to flakes as exspected but what exactly do you guys feed your bettas on? im in uk, not sure if that maked a difference
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    Red Tailed Shark And Corydoras

    ok cool, what size tank is good for the red tailed sharks?
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    Red Tailed Shark And Corydoras

    i have been thinking about a couple of corys abd a RTS, i know the rts can get teritorial and they both like to occupy the bottom of the tank. will they be ok or will they fight? my tank is 3foot long and some good hiding places, what do you think???
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    First Bogwood

    think ill go with a boil and soak approach for as long as i can, not realy keen on the tanning water thing. i know some fish like to suck on bogwood, does that mean it will eventually deteriorate and need replacing?
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    First Bogwood

    im toying with the idea of getting my first pice of bogwood but hear it can turn your milk chocolaty sorry turn your water brown, and it some boil it or soak it etc so im a bit confused as to exactly what i need to do.
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    One Armed Gourami

    thanks guys im pretty chilled about the whole thing now, so do most fins grow back or repair themselves or is it only sertain breeds?
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    One Armed Gourami

    it will really grow back?? i never knew that!! that is pretty amazing! no there was nothing suspicious going on in the tank so thats why i have not been too tooo worried just intreagued if any one else has had a similar experience. ill keep the water changes quite regular then, any idea how...
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    One Armed Gourami

    not sure if this in the right place but i dont think its a real emergiency as the fish in questions seems happy and so does the rest of the community tank. but i was wondering if this has happened to anyone else, i have a three spotted gourami and one of her feelers has fallen off or...
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    Plants That Attach To Rock Or Bog Wood

    i love the look of the plants i have seen attached to wood or rocks in the aquarium. i was wondering if any type of plant can be attached to things or is it ony certain types, if so what are the best ones? and what have people had most success attaching them to? thanks guys!!
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    My Pair Of Gold Rams

    i was in the lfs and saw some gold rams and i totally wish that i had bought them now! what makes them so good??
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    Am I Over Stocked?

    thanks guys, im not gonna rush out and get anything too soon as im pretty pleased with the way, things have gone thus far. ill probably look at a couple of bottom feeders in the future to even things out and let them dig about in the sand
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    Am I Over Stocked?

    hi guys the tank is 3 ft x 1ft x1.5ft. 110 leters or 26gallon aprox managed to get it cycled reasonably quick with the help of mature filer media, substrate and water from a friend. the tank has been cycled for just over 2 weeks and we have in there... not sure how to spell their names 5 x...
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    Adding Amonia

    perfect!! i dont know how i messed that,chers mate!!!
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    Adding Amonia

    i have my 3 foot tank set up nicely now and this evening i will be getting some gravel from an established tank to help kick start the process. i have the amonia but no water testing kit that should be here at the end of the week maybe early next. i know its dificult to gague but i would like to...
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    Lights On Lights Off?

    another question, should i be leaving my lights on all the time for my tank? would the fish and plants benefit from a few hours of darkness or does it not really matter? i have a 35 leter tank with some real plants and some cheri barbs. im currently cycling (fish-less) a 3ft tank and heard its...
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    Looking For Light Sand

    thanks a lot guys argos play sand it is!! for my three foot tank do you think 30KG would be enough? it comes in 15kg bags
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    Looking For Light Sand

    cheers mate ill check it out is it quite light in colour??
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    Looking For Light Sand

    hi guys thanks for the help over the past couple of weeks, i was wondering if any one here from the uk has found any good supplies of light coloured sand for their fish tanks. i have some natral looking sand but for my new larger tank im looking for sonething a little lighter to give it a more...
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    Mucky Water, Help!?!

    thanks, it has settled but only after i washed it properly ha ha ha, looks great now! thanks again!!
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    Mucky Water, Help!?!

    so i decided on sand for my substrate, and opted for normal childrens playsand any way, i washed the sand then put it in the tank and filled it up with water about 2 hours ago and the water is still really murkey, is this normal? how long should it take to setle?? any help much appreciated!!
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    this souds very intereting, do you know of any articles on this subject?? thanks in advance
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    seriously guys thanks for the responses i really appreciate it! with regards planting and the sand did you add all your plants at once or gradually over time?
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    good point and from what i have read so far there seems to be more fish that are suited to sand and none that i have come accros that dont get on well with it. i think my decision is pretty much made. does anyone know if i can use your normal silver sand or is there a special fishy kind of...
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    yeah i was reading some articles on here and sand seems like a good idea, not better than gravel just different. do you do anything specific maintanence wise??
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    is that your tank in your sig? it looks like a pretty sweet set up, what have you got going on in there?
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    Now To The Hoby New To The Site!

    so did you go with the fish-in cycle ot the fishless cycle?? let me know how it goes, im goping to get my set up this week and very much looking forward to it!!
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    what do i need to consider when making the decision on what kind of substrate to use, i would have thought it was purley asthettics but on reflection as i learn more about tropical fish nothing is ever that simple. any advice would be much appreciated thank you!!
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    sorry to jump in here, does all this need to be done without fish in the tank, like as part of the fishless cycle??
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    Now To The Hoby New To The Site!

    huddersfield is in the north of england. the least tropical place on earth!
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    Now To The Hoby New To The Site!

    thanks a lot mate, that makes more sense now, im sure ill be back a many times for advice!
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    Now To The Hoby New To The Site!

    hi guys!! this is areally great site, it seems like there is a really great community on here so thanks to whoever writes the articles and takes care of the site, i can see a healthy obsetion forming. so ill be getting my set up this week and starting the fish-less cycling fun. i think i have...