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  1. D

    Orca Tl450 Nano Reef Log

    Hmm...might think about getting one of them so. Still haven't decided what fish to get though.....
  2. D

    Orca Tl450 Nano Reef Log

    By the way, was at my local LFS yesterday and they had some "Striped" or "Halloween" hermits there. Amazing colors, but are they suitable for a nano reef?
  3. D

    Orca Tl450 Nano Reef Log

    Now that is a great idea! Will have to start dropping hints... ;) One of the hermit crabs shed last night. I came down in the morning and thought he was dead, only to find him still in his shell. I have set a trap for the crab, but not sure what to do with him. I went to one LFS and they said...
  4. D

    Orca Tl450 Nano Reef Log

    Great to see all that life just erupt. Quite a few copepods on the glass, and now these things on the rocks. What function do these critters have? Other than being fish food! lol
  5. D

    Orca Tl450 Nano Reef Log

    Water readings the same today. Went down with the torch and noticed lots of tiny little critters darting over some rocks & sand. Not sure what they are! They are about 2/3 mm long, sort of see through and with a pair of antenae about as long as their bodies! Also found a very small baby snail...
  6. D

    Welcome To My Nano Diary.

    Looking forward to the updates!! :good:
  7. D

    Orca Tl450 Nano Reef Log

    lol......the problem would be convincing the fiancee! Especially with saving for the wedding...but I'm sure it wouldn't be a problem once we get married! btw....I think my "marble" snail is actually a Nass he looks exactly like this...
  8. D

    Orca Tl450 Nano Reef Log

    Ok, will go with a bit of fish then. I will try and find which one his usual 3 hiding places he is using and angle the glass up against the rock. I am actually surprising myself with my patience with the tank. Usually when it comes to something like this I would want to have a tank full of...
  9. D

    Orca Tl450 Nano Reef Log

    :( It's sad, but you are right. I am going to make up a trap this week and see if I can get the little guy! I have read that cutting the top off a small bottle, inserting it backwards into the bottle and baiting it with bacon is the best way.
  10. D

    Orca Tl450 Nano Reef Log

    Yep, nice to get a freebie!! :D
  11. D

    Orca Tl450 Nano Reef Log

    They are attached to a small piece of LR, and there are sort of "tubes" or "roots" attached to the rock which these polyps are growing from. buddyboy67 on Marine and Reef Chit Chat suggested that they were clove polyps, probably clavularia. I will leave it with the 2 hermits for now, and...
  12. D

    Orca Tl450 Nano Reef Log

    Just wondering about my CUC. I currently have: 2 x Turbo Snails 1 x Astraea Snail (I think - It was a hitchhiker!) 1 x Bumblebee Snail 1 x Marble Snail (It was sold to me as a "marble" snail. He spends all the time under the sand, with his little "snorkel" sticking out! lol) 2 x Red Legged...
  13. D

    My New 8gal Nano

    Great looking tank! :D
  14. D

    Can Anyone Tell Me What These Are?

    Great, I'll leave them be so. They seem to like it where they are anyway.
  15. D

    Can Anyone Tell Me What These Are?

    Great! I wonder should I move them to a lower level? Some sites say they should be at lower levels with moderate flow/light.
  16. D

    Can Anyone Tell Me What These Are?

    Cool! Thanks for the ID! Do they require any special care/attention?
  17. D

    Can Anyone Tell Me What These Are?

    should be working now. Had the wrong links.
  18. D

    Can Anyone Tell Me What These Are?

    Came on some live rock and have been trying to I.D for the past 5 days! Any help would be great!! :D
  19. D

    Orca Tl450 Nano Reef Log

    Internet back!!! :good: Here are some better pics finally: The unidentified thingy (Any ideas??): Bumblebee Snail Astraea Snail??? Turbo Snail Hitchhiker Crab
  20. D

    Orca Tl450 Nano Reef Log

    Cheers! :D Will keep an eye on the ammonia and get a water check at my lfs.
  21. D

    Setting Up A Nano

    Nice looking tank! I am really looking forward to getting some corals for my nano. Do hermits show any particular behaviour patterns before they molt?
  22. D

    Orca Tl450 Nano Reef Log

    Took some readings last night: Nitrates: 0 Nitrites 0.05 Toxic Ammonia: 0.014 SG: 1.023 pH: 8.4-8.5 Temp 26c My nitrites seem to be hanging at 0.05 forever now........
  23. D

    Orca Tl450 Nano Reef Log

    I have a camera, and have taken loads of shots, but can't upload them until I get my net connection back. :( The pics above are from my iPhone as it is the only way I can upload any pic right now. Love watching the hermits, crazy little things! Lol
  24. D

    Orca Tl450 Nano Reef Log

    I can't find anything that looks like them to be honest. I was also moving some of the rock, and it looks like they are not attached to the turbinia plate, but to another smaller piece of rock which is sort of stuck to it! There is also some sort of worm on this rock, which extends filaments...
  25. D

    Orca Tl450 Nano Reef Log

    Thanks for the info!! I'm using my phone to take the pics right now as it is the only way I can upload until I get my net connection back. The best way I can describe the "flowers" is that the stalk comes out of a sort of tube, and the end opens up into about 5/6 "petals" which are a dark purple...
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    Orca Tl450 Nano Reef Log

    :D hope these work! You might be able to see the "flower" things here, the bright yellow centers seem to almost glow!
  27. D

    Orca Tl450 Nano Reef Log

    Ok, hopefully these pics work(using iPhone). Have two hermits in there now, also something else which came with a rock. It looks like a flower, with purple "petals" and a bright yellow centre. You can probably see it in the 2nd pic.
  28. D

    Orca Tl450 Nano Reef Log

    Hopefully my net connection will be up next week, the changeover has been a disaster! I have been taking pics anyway, so I will put them up then. :D
  29. D

    Orca Tl450 Nano Reef Log

    Yep, the rock is fully cured. I noticed something cool growing on the rock last night. It is very very small, about 3/4 mm in height. It is a bright pink/purple color and has 3 little stalks. Wonder what it is!
  30. D

    Orca Tl450 Nano Reef Log

    Hi Seffie, thanks for the stocking suggestions! The yellow assessor looks like an interesting fish! When you say Goby & Shrimp pair, does that include the peppermint? Or would it be a peppermint + another shrimp? Going to get more live rock tomorrow. I love buying live rock, it is like those...
  31. D

    Info On Setting Up A Nano Tank

    Great! Cheers! :D
  32. D

    Orca Tl450 Nano Reef Log

    No worries Barney! Readings from last night: Nitrate: 5 (no change) Nitrite:0.05 (no change) pH: 8.6 (no change) Alkalinity (meq/L): - Ammonia (Toxic ppm): 0.05 (+.01) Specific Gravity: 1.023 (no change) Temp: 26c (no change) Hopefully my ISP have got the act together and will have my...
  33. D

    Orca Tl450 Nano Reef Log

    :good: :D Thanks very much for the suggestions! Will post up todays water readings later on.
  34. D

    Orca Tl450 Nano Reef Log

    Thanks for the welcome and advice. Have you any recommendations for fish? Another fish I like is the purple firefish.
  35. D

    Orca Tl450 Nano Reef Log

    Thanks for the advice. I will try and trap him this weekend, as I am planning on going to my lfs to get some more live rock anyway. Hopefully I can find him, he is constantly moving his hiding place from rock to rock! :crazy: Getting a nice build up of diatoms on the substrate (with some nice...
  36. D

    Orca Tl450 Nano Reef Log

    Just went down to the tank with the torch and got a better look at the crab. Got a few pics before my battery went in the camera. Will post them up when my broadband is back. He has red claws with black tips and when I was observing him he was picking up grains of sand and putting them into his...
  37. D

    Orca Tl450 Nano Reef Log

    Thanks for the welcome Garry! :-) Was thinking of a pair of the smaller tank bred clown species? Getting a buildup of green algae on the rocks and substrate at the moment and it seems like my 3 hitchhiker snails are having a tough time trying to get through it! Will need another couple of...
  38. D

    Orca Tl450 Nano Reef Log

    Hey everyone, I'm new to the forum, and new to marine aquariums! I got a TL450 from my brother and thought I would post my progress here as I have enjoyed readings other peoples experiences! Basically I have had the tank running now for 5 days with about 5kg of live rock and live sand. I have...