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  4. RanDX14

    Window Well Aquarium

    I feel like yesterday was a waste, turns out the big stump driftwood is to dense, I wasn't able to keep it from floating. To bad, because I had a scape that I really liked. Now I'm contemplating options. Anchor it with a steel plate (sealed with epoxy) use fish line and several bigger boulders...
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  6. RanDX14

    Window Well Aquarium

    @Sunnyspots If you wanted to heat a system like this I would think you could use some rigid foam before putting the liner in. Since this is fairly deep in the ground it should hold the heat pretty well.
  7. RanDX14

    Window Well Aquarium

    @Tacocat Actually, I've had a bag of lava rock in my pond for the past couple of months cycling, so the tank should be mostly cycled once I move that bag of lava rock to the window well filter.
  8. RanDX14

    Window Well Aquarium

    @Sunnyspots This project started out with the intent to keep it a cold water system, replicating my koi pond. I am using a similar filtration theory, lava rock, and live plants. I believe I have enough water movement to keep the temp at a fairly consistent temp, inside and out, around the...
  9. RanDX14

    Window Well Aquarium

    Well, it's been 4 days and the water level change I'm attributing to evaporation. The plan is to drain it on Saturday, aquascape it and fill it for what will hopefully be the last time. If all goes well I plan to get the inside window trimmed out also. I've been experimenting with some bubble...
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  11. RanDX14

    Window Well Aquarium

    A little tweaking yesterday. I found the source of my water loss. Since I didn't have the drain lines glued into the bulkheads I was getting water seepage through those pipes into my filter. After a couple times of draining and refilling I now have the entire tank filled and filteration running...
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  13. RanDX14

    Window Well Aquarium

    Started leak testing the glass and the rest of the filtration this week. One variable I'm not sure how to account for is evaporation. Since this tank is an open top and outside I'd expect some evaporation but how much and how fast? I have no water inside the house but there is a possibility...
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  18. RanDX14

    Window Well Aquarium

    Still waiting for the silicone to fully cure.... tempting to move forward but this is undoubtedly the most critical step.... waiting for it....wait for it.... I was able to finish plumbing the filter to the tank. I was also able to leak test the bulkheads and a portion of the filterarion...
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  22. RanDX14

    Window Well Aquarium

    I was able to make some progress this weekend. Sealed the glass in last week, installed and sealed the liner on Saturday and applied the final seal around the liner and glass today. Now I have to wait 7 days to let it fully cure before I can start leak testing.... although I could possible start...
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  25. RanDX14

    Window Well Aquarium

    Had an adventurous day yesterday hunting for driftwood. This river has been flooded for 5 yrs and is now between its banks. It looked like a war zone with all the fallen trees but the driftwood selections were amazing!!! I should have plenty to chose from when I start aquascaping.
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  35. RanDX14

    Window Well Aquarium

    Had a day off today, spent it completing the filteration portion of the plumbing. Just need to make the final 3 connections from the display tank into the filteration room. I'm planning to replicate the filteration on my koi pond, plants and Lava rock. I'll be putting some aquatic plants in the...
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  40. RanDX14

    Window Well Aquarium

    I was able to finish building the window well cover. Used 1x6 tongue and groove cedar. Just need to get it stained and then attach it to the house. Also need some hinges and a handle yet but I can't attach it to the house until I get the pond liner installed. I was also able to get a first...