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  1. MVines

    He's been guzzling algae!

    Oh dear. I hope so too. What do you think could be missing? I mean his primary food is just Betta pellets, with sides of frozen foods like brine shrimp. Shouldn't they be nutritionally complete?
  2. MVines

    He's been guzzling algae!

    Lol, yes I am. He's kind of a fussy eater. He never liked bloodworms or flake. Just pellets and frozen food. At least he's still looking healthy, so I'll just persist with trying to offer him Betta food when he will take it!
  3. MVines

    Betta Fish Water Change

    It might also help to look up a few YouTube videos on how to clean and do a water change in a fresh water tank. It's all pretty standard stuff, but you can pick up a lot of tips and tricks on how to make it easier.
  4. MVines

    Betta Fish Water Change

    You will need to do quite a lot of water changes to keep the ammonia and nitrites down, until the tank becomes fully cycled. Best of luck with him. It sounds like you are doing a good job of seeking out the information you need.
  5. MVines

    He's been guzzling algae!

    I've been so worried about my Betta fish recently because he had stopped eating, and I know refusing foods is a bad sign. It's kind of a long story, but because he eats all the roots on my Amazon Frogbit, I had been rotating them in and out of another grow tank, which recently suffered an...
  6. MVines

    Just something funny

    Lol, oh he's very cute <3
  7. MVines

    Just something funny

    I find it really cute that when my Betta, Mattell, wants to rest he wedges himself on top of his heater behind the cord. lol He's not cold. The tank is at 80F. It's simply his preferred spot to rest.
  8. MVines

    Fish talk

    Well boo to him. If you enjoy talking to your fish then you talk away. The fish might even enjoy it too. :) Nobody looks bad for talking to animals.
  9. MVines

    Betta Fin Problem

    Another update - He is doing a LOT better now. I did daily water changes and included in his water aquarium salt and oak leaf tannins. It looks to have done the trick. I think it was fin rot, just a sightly strange presentation of it.
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  12. MVines

    Betta Fin Problem

    An update - He looks so happy now back in his tank. He's really come back to life and then some, so I think I must have done something right in this whole process (although I'm not sure which specific thing!). His fins still have those black ends, but maybe I'll just give it more time and see...
  13. MVines

    Betta Fin Problem

    Okay, great to know. Thanks
  14. MVines

    Betta Fin Problem

    He seems happier back in his tank, but you can still see the fins bundled and black at the end. (His main tail fin in particular). Here are some photos from this morning.
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  18. MVines

    Betta Fin Problem

    Ah, thanks for the tip. I have also heard Methylene Blue is useful for Bettas, but I might need to research that more before using.
  19. MVines

    Betta Fin Problem

    btw I will have to wait until tomorrow to take any further pictures as it is too dark here now.
  20. MVines

    Betta Fin Problem

    Hi. Yes, he does live alone. I took him into quarantine because I wasn't sure if the bettafix would disrupt the nitrogen cycle in the tank. But since posting I have put him back. I came to the same conclusion that he is happier in his own tank. I saw some youtube videos by Betta breeders...
  21. MVines

    Betta Fin Problem

    Hi everybody, I could really use some help working out what is wrong with my Betta's tail fins. He's a veiltail, and is acting well, but his fins spread and then are stuck together at the end in what looks like a black thread. I thought maybe fin rot, so I put him in a quarantine tank and am...
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  25. MVines

    Surrogate Father?

    A side question - I wonder if eating the eggs is genetic? Is that a negative trait that could be accidentally bred in by using surrogate fathers?
  26. MVines

    3.5 gallon tank

    They can survive, for sure. But not be happy.
  27. MVines

    3.5 gallon tank

    I agree. 3.5 gallons is an okay amount of space to keep a Betta happy. 2.0 is too small for the poor guy.
  28. MVines


    Well there you go - that's a big improvement.
  29. MVines

    Fin turning white?

    I was going to say, some betta's are marbled, which means they change color over time. It could be that.
  30. MVines


    Flash photo's are never the best quality either, unless you have one of those large flash unit that shoots the light up and bounces it off the walls or ceiling. Typical camera flashes just shoot light forward, which creates poor lighting distribution, and you can just see the difference in how...
  31. MVines


    I see a lot of noise in the photo, which probably means your ISO is too high. It's hard to get movement in low light with a low ISO, but if you can add more light - temporarily just for the shot - then that is how you can achieve it. The more light the better as far as motion photography is...
  32. MVines

    Another Newbie saying Hi

    Noted. I'll keep it down to just a few worms. Btw he's actually a small Betta - still a juvenile I think. But zooming in nice and close with the camera can do wonders ;)
  33. MVines

    Another Newbie saying Hi

    Hi Back in the fold! Yes indeed. I don't feel like a newbie to fishkeeping any more. Just a newbie to the forum. I'm pretty excited to see how well Matell is doing actually. I feel like I have this down. :) Oh and he was so excited to get his first treat of bloodworms this morning. It was...
  34. MVines

    Another Newbie saying Hi

    Hi Colin_T. The dog you see in my picture is Amy. She's around 3 years old. We also have another black Labrador Hound called Izzy who is 1 1/2. They are the sweetest :)
  35. MVines

    Another Newbie saying Hi

    Hi everyone. I'm new to the forum, but have taken quite an interest in fish tank chemistry and keeping Betta's recently. This is my son's new fish, who he named Matell. He is our first, but I am hoping to have many more as time goes on.