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  1. Ol' Timer

    Identify my Cory

    Egads!! I just noticed that there are eggs on all the other rocks in this tank too!! Dunno if you can see them in the photo but they are there. I can't imagine fry surviving in that tank, so the question now is what do I do? I can remove that one rock but what about all the others? I have an...
  2. Wow.jpg


  3. 20e.jpg


  4. Ol' Timer

    VOTE NOW...August 2019 Tank of the Month

    Here is one of my two 20 gal tanks, it need plants but that can't happen til next payday. This tank has my two Corydorus Paleatus rescues that just deposited eggs on the white rock on the left, my chore today will be to find a container large enough to take that rock and become a fry tank...
  5. Ol' Timer

    Identify my Cory

    Hey guys, did I just get lucky with my two rescued Corys? Noticed what looks like eggs on this rock in their tank today, there are also a couple stuck on the glass near this spot. I also have a bunch of Buenos Aires Tetras in the tank, but other than that if these are actually eggs they must...
  6. eggs.jpg


  7. Ol' Timer

    Identify my Cory

    You guys are great, thanks for the advice and photos.
  8. Ol' Timer

    Identify my Cory

    I know, will probably move the Tetras and the others into the 10 and make a dedicated cory tank outta the 20. One of those things I'll do when I find that round tuit I lost a few years back, (lol).
  9. Ol' Timer

    Identify my Cory

    You read my mind, I've been watching a lot of YouTube vids about corys, and have considered getting myself a school of them. I just might be able to sneak another 10 gal into my place if I try, (don't tell my landlord, I had to twist his arm to get the 20 gal I have now). if I do I'll populate...
  10. Ol' Timer

    Identify my Cory

    Good eye, yes both of them are definitely brown when you look closely at them. I guess we just go with paleatus for now. I'm sure they originally came from a chain store so odds are they are a common species. Whatever they are they are more colorful than the regular old green Corydorus Aeneus...
  11. Ol' Timer

    Identify my Cory

    Oops, missed that, thank you.
  12. Ol' Timer

    Identify my Cory

    Thank you, Pepper Cory does suit his looks. I did a 50% water change yesterday but he will just have to make do with the gravel for a while, I only have room for one tank and don't plan to break it down any time soon. Both of them are doing well, and they are chowing down on freeze dried shrimp...
  13. Ol' Timer

    Identify my Cory

    Hello, new to the forum but not to fish keeping. Just got given a couple of Corys as rescues, but I don't recognize the specific species. The giver didn't remember where he got them so rather than scrolling through page after page of photos I was hoping someone here might recognize the species...
  14. Cory.jpg

