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  1. Discus-Tang


    Tiger barbs can get EXTREMELY aggressive, especially in small groups. I also agree with the posts above regarding the gourami & betta.
  2. Discus-Tang

    True or false?

    At a lower pH, ammonia begins to change to ammonium (NH4) which cannot be nitrified easily by bb, which can lead to bacteria starving.
  3. Discus-Tang

    Hi All!

    Bryangar, meet Trash. Trash, meet Bryangar ;)
  4. Discus-Tang

    Hi All!

    Hello. Who are you again? I didn't start this. Sarah and Trash (?) came here first.
  5. Discus-Tang

    Hello! I'm new to this forum, but not new to fishkeeping

    Fish forums tend to specialise in a certain area, so maybe this one could solve your problem.
  6. Discus-Tang

    Hello! I'm new to this forum, but not new to fishkeeping

    I totally don't know you! Fishlore is WAYYYY more active than this one. On fishlore, threads get posted like every 3 mins at times. I'm from Sydney (Australia), so it's a bit sleepier on the way home from uni & stuff, but still more active than this one ever is. Sleepytown around here :zz:zz
  7. Discus-Tang

    KH/GH range for bettas?

    Yes, but make sure you wash them really well with vinegar and hot water.
  8. Discus-Tang

    KH/GH range for bettas?

    Try raising it to around 6-7 using a small bag of crushed coral or boiled & washed seashells.
  9. Discus-Tang

    KH/GH range for bettas?

    KH and GH are completely different things. What is your KH? KH should be high in most circumstances, to prevent fluctuations.
  10. Discus-Tang


  11. Discus-Tang

    Mmph, I don't know. I know that FL blocks "Hell", which is crazy. For heavens' sake.

    Mmph, I don't know. I know that FL blocks "Hell", which is crazy. For heavens' sake.
  12. Discus-Tang

    Hi! I need some stocking help!

    A TDS meter measures the level of total dissolved solids in the tank.
  13. Discus-Tang

    Hi! I need some stocking help!

    How about you get the API Master Freshwater test kit and the API GH/KH kit to test your water. Some good stocking ideas could include: A single betta Ember or green neon tetras Asian Stone catfish (not with bettas) Shrimp/Snails (you'd probably need a TDS meter) Killifish CPDs ADFs (probably...
  14. Discus-Tang


    Oh, whoops :eek: didn't see that! Are there moderators on this forum??
  15. Discus-Tang

    7 Gallon Planted Tank Journal

    What if I removed the airline tubing from the tap each night?
  16. Discus-Tang


    Goldfish food is lower in protein than tropical food so it just won't be as nutritious. It won't harm them though :) The bigger issue is goldfish in a 10 gallon :o
  17. Discus-Tang

    7 Gallon Planted Tank Journal

    How should I turn off the co2 without the bottle exploding?
  18. Discus-Tang

    How many fish

    hardness/pH is really not a big deal unless it's unstable (potentially due to a low KH); most captive bred fish, even neons will be fine between 5.8-8.6 pH and 2-10 dGH.
  19. Discus-Tang

    I still prefer f______e ;) more activity.

    I still prefer f______e ;) more activity.
  20. Discus-Tang

    7 Gallon Planted Tank Journal

    Really? I know people grow it using the dry start method, but is it best as an emersed plant? If so, what other carpeting plants would you recommend? Good to know, I will try to direct the flow away from the diffuser :) Yes, it has had an effect on my pH/KH. my pH dropped .3 overnight and my KH...
  21. Discus-Tang

    Looking for my goddamn siphon...

    Looking for my goddamn siphon...
  22. Discus-Tang

    Haha I think I know you...

    Haha I think I know you...
  23. Discus-Tang

    90 gallon stocking?

    I think your setup is overstocked as is; uaru grow to 1' so you want to rehome them to something like 120 gallons. As for the other fish, maybe focus on getting larger numbers for your schools (aim for 8-10).
  24. Discus-Tang

    7 Gallon Planted Tank Journal

    Hey everyone, this is going to be where I post on my new planted tank. I'm already on my way to completing it but I'll give you all an in-depth guide to it. Specs - 7 gallon glass tank - Generic LED light (8w) - 155 gph power filter equipped with a spray bar - 25w Aqua One heater Ferts/CO2 -...
  25. Discus-Tang

    I need opinions on a good light!

    For me, generic LEDs off eBay work great. I have one for my 23 high and it's fantastic and cost me less than $40.
  26. Discus-Tang

    New Here!

    Mainly nano fish like guppies, neons, cories, bettas etc. I'm contemplating an oscar tank in the future though :)
  27. Discus-Tang

    New Here!

    Hey, fellow fishkeepers! I've been keeping aquariums for a little over two years now and I'm excited to help and learn here :)