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  1. AJE

    75g Tank Stocking

    I would do 1 angel, 6 Bolivian rams and a dozen harlequin rasaboras
  2. AJE

    Fry and Guppy Question

    6 is very low, the fish either ate some or there are still more in the tan. Congratulations!
  3. AJE

    Fry and Guppy Question

    The swordtails will most likely eat all the fry so, I wouldn’t worry about what to do with them
  4. AJE

    June 2019 Tank of the Month Contest...VOTE NOW!

    This is my 15g, it’s only stocked with some snails, some baby red cherry shrimp and temporarily housing a green spotted puffer. It has a sponge filter, dirt-sand mix as th e substrate and the lighting is some lamp I found lol(if you vote for this tank you obviously haven’t seen the other tanks...
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  6. AJE

    Dying gsp?

    Ok, I’ll do more water changes. I’ll ask my friend to bring me some salt so I can keep it alive till he takes it
  7. AJE

    Dying gsp?

    He’s doing worse today :(
  8. AJE

    Dying gsp?

    I don’t have any salt here though that’s the problem and why my friend is supposed to take it
  9. AJE

    Dying gsp?

    Wow! Thanks for the great info! Yes it is a brackish species but can live for a smaller portion of its life in freshwater(he’ll go into a brackish tank if my friend decides to take the puffer)
  10. AJE

    Dying gsp?

    The water isn’t cloudy, the glass is just kind of stained and the substrate just got kicked up because I did a partial water change. Thanks for the response! The shop is pretty far away. How do I treat external protozoan?
  11. AJE

    Dying gsp?

    Oh and whoops, I missed the 7 and hit 6 for ph sorry lol
  12. AJE

    Dying gsp?

    I don’t know it was because I didn’t acclimate him correctly, I floated the bag for 30 min and drip acclimated for 20. But maybe the store has it in brackish water, in which case I probably didn’t drip long enough. That would make sense though
  13. AJE

    Dying gsp?

    Thanks. It’s been set up for about 18 months. Ammonia is 0 ph is 6.6 He was pretty active he was eating but doesn’t want to eat today
  14. AJE

    Dying gsp?

    So my mom bought this green spotted puffer yesterday(currently in a 15g freshwater till a friend of mine sets up a brackish tank), it was fine and active yesterday, but today he’s been super sluggish and just sitting on the bottom of the tank. It has been in that same spot for a few hours...
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  18. AJE

    PheonixKingZ’s Freshwater Journal.

    Cool! What’s in those cups?
  19. AJE

    PheonixKingZ’s Freshwater Journal.

    Yeah, well it has all eaten in a couple weeks. I just threw it into the tank and let it b
  20. AJE

    PheonixKingZ’s Freshwater Journal.

    I used to grow land moss in my tanks. My fish are it all lol.
  21. AJE

    Who is the creator of

    Yes it’s free, but he sold the rights to the site. They make money off of adds and stuff
  22. AJE

    Is this Tale biting?

    I see you have a cover on your filter, so probably not that. Tail biting is caused by boredom, so you could try adding more plants, playing with a Lazer, etc.
  23. AJE

    57g stocking

    I’m not going to add something unless I am 100% sure it would be the best for it
  24. AJE

    57g stocking

    I’m talking about the Cory cats, not the rams
  25. AJE

    57g stocking

    How about a peacock eel
  26. AJE

    Peaceful Centerpiece Fish

    I’m going through old threads, any pictures?
  27. AJE

    57g stocking

    I have a friend who has tanks in the hundred gallons, if something doesn't work out I can just give them to him I guess, thanks any way
  28. AJE

    57g stocking

    Yes, the angel, gourami and shark will grow to 6”
  29. AJE

    57g stocking

    Ok so so far I am going to add a Bolivian ram, what else would work?
  30. AJE

    57g stocking

    The gourami is already about 5”, the angel and she have never had any problems
  31. AJE

    57g stocking

    So yes to a single ram? Any other fish you recommend?
  32. AJE

    57g stocking

    So I have a medium planted 57g with the current stock of: 1 angelfish 1moonlight gourami 3albino cory cats(I plan on upping their numbers to about 8) 1 albino rainbow shark 1 vampire shrimp(plan on adding one or 2 more) As you can see I am under stocked. And I was wondering what non schooling...
  33. AJE

    Old fishlore members!

    I hope Lucy never sees this
  34. AJE

    Old fishlore members!

    I can have dreams too:-(
  35. AJE

    Old fishlore members!

    Oh, I got promoted
  36. AJE

    Hey Y'all

    Or is it 42?
  37. AJE

    Hey Y'all

    Wow! Yeah I aqua39 I’ll never forget
  38. AJE

    Hey Y'all

    I’ve had my threads deleted and stuff, but every time after thinking about it I see their point of view