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  1. R

    Red and blue cherry shrimp for sale

    Got the shrimp. Everything looks great. No DOAs. Thanks.
  2. R

    Feeding bugs to my fish

    Can you give some examples of bugs your fish like to eat? Edit: Just read down further and saw your posts about daphnia and fruit flies.
  3. R

    Feeding bugs to my fish

    Hi all. I keep a few leopard frogs and often collect slugs, earthworms, woodlice, and other common small bugs to feed them. I was wondering if a) there is any danger in feeding such bugs to gouramis and b) whether plecos or corys would eat them if they sink dead to the bottom of the tank
  4. R

    Red and blue cherry shrimp for sale

    Ha. I've heard of drip acclimation, but never really knew how to do it. Tying a knot in simple air line tubing seems right up my alley.
  5. R

    Best options for lowering pH?

    OK, water chemistry is a new area for me. My ph for tap water is 8. The municipal water authority lists Gh as 7 grains per gallon (or 120mg/L). That's seems pretty hard. What is Kh? When I bought my fish, I tried to pay attention to behavioral compatibility and temperature needs, but I didn't...
  6. R

    things that people not into the aquarium hobby say or do that annoys you?

    Very cool. I bought some almond leaves, but I live in something akin to an oak forest, so I have acorns by the shovelful. I might try a few.
  7. R

    Good news, I was able to buy some anacharis today

    I guess I didn't know anacharis was hard to come by. Reading this post now, I feel like I want some, and now I'm nervous I might not be able to find any. Hahaha. You've given me new problems.
  8. R

    things that people not into the aquarium hobby say or do that annoys you?

    Wow, I really like that. What is that on lying on the substrate in the foreground? Almost looks like acorn tops. Is it to darken the water with tannins? This is a solid point. It's not entirely fair to expect someone to have the same knowledge or interest level in another person's hobby...
  9. R

    Red and blue cherry shrimp for sale

    Sure, I've heard of Rockwell. You guys have a few locations on the far east side of Cleveland right by my LFS. I think my wife's company buys control panels from you guys. Ha, small world.
  10. R

    Red and blue cherry shrimp for sale

    OK. I'd like to purchase 15 of your reds for $30 then.
  11. R

    Sexing honey gourami

    Yep. I have two that look very similar to that. So they are males of the yellow variant then. And the third is a little smaller and not yet showing any stripe at all. Hopefully it's lady.
  12. R

    Sexing honey gourami

    I don't know the exact color variant. They are a mild orangish-yellow. Not those red sunset fellows.
  13. R

    Sexing honey gourami

    Yeah, two of mine have that low front stripe, so seems they are males. The third one has no stripe at all, and I'm wondering if it not quite mature. I bought it only a week ago, and the others took some time to develop the striping.
  14. R

    Red and blue cherry shrimp for sale

    Oh good. I'd be willing to buy the cherry red culls. Can you clarify the terms of sale a bit? I'm a bit of a noob. If you are selling me 15 plus 2 does that mean like 15 males and two females? Also, does the $30 price include shipping?
  15. R

    Red and blue cherry shrimp for sale

    Thank you for the heads up. I'm learning to be patient when buying fish. It never seems to go well when I am in a rush.
  16. R

    Sexing honey gourami

    Ah, this was one big question I had. I have three honeys gouramis that are bright orange. Two of them have a dark black strip along their front bottom, while the other is solid orange. I was starting to think it might be sex difference, but now this thread has me thinking otherwise. Anyway...
  17. R

    Red and blue cherry shrimp for sale

    I am interested in buying your red cherry shrimp. Are they still available?
  18. R


    OK. I tried taking some photos of my tanks. It's a bit difficult to get a good shot. These will have to suffice until I get some practice in.
  19. R


    Hi all, I've just joined the forum. I've started keeping fish, frogs, and shrimp during the recent shutdown. I have a 10 gallon, twenty gallon, and thirty gallon tank. The 10 is little blue shrimp that won't breed and snails that do breed. The twenty is leopard frogs, some minnows, and a...