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  1. R

    Fat/bloated But Happy-Ish Fish

    Hi all, I have attached a very small picture of the fish in question but it has been like this for a very long time (6 months or more). Basically it became enormously bloated over time. None of the other fish are affected, and it just never stops eating. It does not seem unhappy or lethargic...
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  3. R

    Help The Suffering Fish!

    PH is usually 7.4, so it has gone up by .4. I haven't tested for a while so not sure how sudden it was. I do have gravel in the tank and I'm trying to get hold of a gravel vacuum, but I live in China and they are hard to find. I may change the gravel for something else, but I don't think the...
  4. R

    Help The Suffering Fish!

    Thanks for your responses. The filter is disturbing the surface, and I have 2 airstones working at a low level. We did do regular water changes when the ammonia was higher, but I guess that its possible that they were damaged, as you suggest. I would stress that this is quite a sudden change...
  5. R

    Help The Suffering Fish!

    Hello to all, We have had a tropical tank for over 3 months now. We have, I believe, been through the cycling process, and have suddenly got to a stage where several fish have died in a short space of time. I can see no obvious sign of disease. About 6 weeks ago we got a new covering of brown...
  6. R

    My Strange Water Test Results

    Hi, Good idea. I was confused about the nitrates but I will do just that and test the tap water. When I originally filled the tank, I used distilled water as that is what we drink here and its very cheap to buy. With so many water changes, however, I have started using some tap water after...
  7. R

    My Strange Water Test Results

    Thanks. Yes it is horrendous, they are sold in our local supermarket. No bigger than a golf ball. I'm guessing they die very quickly so I can't see the point of it. Unless it is just to go round with a dead rotting fish in your pocket! Thanks to you too, BigBruiser, I'll have a read of that...
  8. R

    My Strange Water Test Results

    Ok, thanks. As I say, the fish came with the tank on advice from the store. Sad to say that here, I don't think people worry so much about the wellbeing of the fish. I have seen platys inside key-rings for sale! So, are those Nitrate levels normal to find? I thought that the nitrates only show...
  9. R

    My Strange Water Test Results

    Hi, Its 108 litres. I have 6 Zebra Danio's,7 Platys, 6 Tiger Barbs,3 Albino Tetras which I have been told are falsely coloured with dye of some sort (sounds cruel). The tank strated with more fish than that. We were given 2 fancy goldfish (I know they are cold water fish, but the store gave...
  10. R

    My Strange Water Test Results

    Yes I am. Its an API Freshwater Master Test Kit. Thanks for the help.
  11. R

    My Strange Water Test Results

    Hi, I have had my new tank for 1 week, and it was given to us as a completely new tank with fish to put in it. We took some of the original fish back after a few fish had died, and followed advice on here to change water regularly. We also got some old filter media from the shop and put that...
  12. R

    New Tank Help For A Fool (Updated With Pics)

    They seem to eat a lot too. I'm using the 5 minute rule, but they seem to eat a big pinch in 1 or 2 minutes. 2 and a half pinches seems like a lot.
  13. R

    New Tank Help For A Fool (Updated With Pics)

    Ok. Thanks. We are back from the shop, and have some old filter inserts to put in, so I have put those in the filter, and have some left over so should I put that in the tank? I have also been given a bottle from the store which they said I should put in the water. The translation of the Chinese...
  14. R

    New Tank Help For A Fool (Updated With Pics)

    Thanks for your updates and corrections :good: Do you know if that is a Danio?
  15. R

    New Tank Help For A Fool (Updated With Pics)

    I'm going to the store now and taking back all but the Platy, Tetra, Barbs and Danio. Also getting some old filter media if they will allow it, and I have been told by a Chinese friend that you can get the helpful bacteria cultures in a bottle. I'll get some of that if they have it but won't add...
  16. R

    New Tank Help For A Fool (Updated With Pics)

    Can't put all pictures up at once. I'll try putting them on 1 by 1. This is the whole tank. Is this an angel fish of some kind? about 1 inch long, 1.5 inches high. Unidentified blues, possibly injected with dye? Platys and B.A. Tetras? Tiger Barbs? Pleco Fish?
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  24. R

    New Tank Help For A Fool (Updated With Pics)

    Thanks. I do have a heater which is set at 28 degrees. I'll post some pictures tomorrow when I turn the lights on. Don't want to turn the lights on to photograph them now since its the middle of the night now. Be back soon. All the best and thanks again. (edit) I have changed the temp to 25C too.
  25. R

    New Tank Help For A Fool (Updated With Pics)

    Ok. Sincere thanks. I'll do that and try to build up slowly this time. If I get the filter media, how long should I wait until trying to put new fish in? I had no idea that you could inject fish with dye, but they do look a bit unnatural.
  26. R

    New Tank Help For A Fool (Updated With Pics)

    Ok, I knew about the whole cycle with bacteria since urgently researching it on the web. I thought it was too early for the ammonia to be killing them, but obviously not. Thanks for your help. We do have some water conditioner, and we are using distilled water to put in the tank. (thats all we...
  27. R

    New Tank Help For A Fool (Updated With Pics)

    Hello everyone. I have a feeling that I'm going to be on here fairly often I'm afraid. By way of an introduction, I'm a British primary school teacher living in China. My father wanted to buy my children a christmas gift and suggested an aquarium. This is a massively popular hobby over here, but...