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  1. L

    Angelfish Pair... Aggression

    Okay so nearly a week ago I put in 6 emperor tetras in with the angels and it seems to have helped. About two days later the male was no longer picking on the female and they have started swimming around together again. Hopefully all is well, I know they will probably quarrel here and there but...
  2. L

    Angelfish Pair... Aggression

    I actually did more research online and decided maybe I should try some dither fish before separating them. May sound selfish of me but I bought a brand new tank for these angelfish and I really don't want to separate them, they look so good together in this tank. I have some emperor tetras in...
  3. L

    Angelfish Pair... Aggression

    Okay thanks, I think that is what I will do!
  4. L

    Angelfish Pair... Aggression

    I'm not trying to breed them at all. They spawned in the new tank but ate their eggs that night. I just read a lot on the internet that they would prefer a tank to themselves so that's what I did. Would it be a good idea to separate them? I could put the female back into the original tank.
  5. L

    Angelfish Pair... Aggression

    So I have a breeding pair of angels, well they haven't successfully bred but they have laid eggs about 4 times now. They always eat the eggs when the light goes off at night. I bought a new tank for them because I thought being in with all the other fish was stressing them out. They have been...
  6. L

    Plants.. And Snails. What To Do?

    I have a very heavily planted 29 gallon tank with a bit of a problem. There have been snails since pretty much day 1. They didn't really bother me at first but now there are so many. I think they may be malaysian trumpet snails, their shells are long and white, I will post a picture. There are...