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  1. P

    Started A New Tank...

    be careful with the metal stand cause salt water may cause it to rust
  2. P

    Saltwater Mixing And Storage

    so wpould i need to heat the water for every water change or just the first? im thinking just the first to get the salt correct. what temp should i be heating the bucket to?
  3. P

    Saltwater Mixing And Storage

    im planning on storing saltwater in some of the big plastic dustbins i have seen but i was wondering if you can store saltwater? i was going to heat up the whole bin load of water, add salt and then store it. could the water then be added straight to the tank when its needed or would it need...
  4. P


    I am getting a 180L 3 ft bowfront tank. can i put 2 black and white clowns and 2 orange and white clowns in together? some people are saying they fight and others saying they wont. Also do they need an anemone? once again im getting conflicting info, people claiming that the fish will die...
  5. P

    Why Is It So Difficult?

    thanks i have been told there is a fantastic marine shop about 1 hour away. my dad is taking me up next weekend.
  6. P

    Why Is It So Difficult?

    i think your right about him being a plonker. i spent over an hour couple weeks back discussing salt water setup nd he didnt even recognise me! :huh: I would go to another shop but its the only shop near me that sells marines. im currently a 45min train journey away from my nearest.
  7. P

    Why Is It So Difficult?

    ok just got back from my lfs and bought a book called "The Simple Guide to Marine Aquariums" by Jeffrey Kurtz. interesting book with loads of info on starting up. whats annoying is when i went to my lfs 3 weeks ago, i was gived a quote for the tank i am getting and told i would have it in time...
  8. P

    Why Is It So Difficult?

    thanks for the advice. im going to my lfs today to have a look at the books and pick the staffs brains :rolleyes:
  9. P

    Why Is It So Difficult?

    first i decided to go tropical and decided on a juwel rekord 120. now after visiting my lfs i want to go marine as i always have wanted to but always thought it would be too difficult. after loads of research i still want marine but its costly and my parents arent that keen on me having it. so...
  10. P

    What To Do?

    I am getting a aquaone euroview tank for christmas and want some advice on equipment for it. it is a 204L tank, 3ft long, 20 inches high and 20 inches wide. What size heater should i have and will one be fine or should i have one each end? What size filter? internal, external? any advice...